1941 Social Guide to the Arab Colony in Chile


Social Guide to the Arab Colony in Chile
Syrian – Palestinian – Lebanese

Notice: It was published in 1941, under the Auspices of The Palestinian Club. This community was already rich and influential by the 1940s.

Notice also that they did not call themselves South Syrians.  I have nothing against Israel, but the Palestinians had a Palestinian identity by that time. It was not invented in 1964 as some claim it was. Look at the booklet cover. It says Palestina, not Sursiria (South Syrian).  Palestinian is clearly called out as their identity.

Again, it is not anti-Israel to admit the truth. They had a collective identity even by that early date.

From the National Library of Chile


Chile’s UGEP is Radicalized

Chile’s UGEP is Radicalized


This is a notice for a debate on Wednesday August 26 between supporters of Israel and Palestine.

It was posted on the UGEP-Chile Twitter Post earlier today.

The Union General de Estudiantes Palestinos (General Union of Palestinian Students) UGEP is a transnational group. This is their Chilean branch.

This debate looks proper, but one has to go to the UGEP Site to see how hostile to Israel they are.

Almost all of Chile’s Palestinians (500,000) are Christians. Chile has only 4,000 Muslims out of 17 Million people, making Chile one of the most Muslim free countries on earth. Even if all the Muslims in Chile were Palestinian – which is preposterous – it would still mean that less than 1% of the Palestinians in Chile are Muslim.

So it is amazing to see Palestinian-Christian-Chileans supporting an Islamist group like Hamas.

Even the Chilean Media is deceptive.

This history of Arabs in Chile starts off with Muslims bowing down in prayer. Yet 99% plus of Chile’s Arabs are Christians. NOT Muslims. Why the deception?!

Chilean Media portray a Muslim heritage in Chile that barely ever existed.

Half the world’s Christian (Not Muslim) Palestinians live in Chile. They are elite and have clout well above their numbers (3% of the population in Chile). These Christian Palestinians are swinging Chile and a continent by deception.

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