Video About Arab Immigration to Latin America

Video About Arab Immigration to Latin America

Posted on YouTube: July 9, 2021

The video above is not mine. I wish it were.

It is an absolutely amazing video. Lots of great facts and figures.

Subscribe to the lady’s video channel. She did a great job.

For those who prefer a spreadsheet breakdown (WHICH I DID CREATE MYSELF) then (Click Here).

Argentina Accepted Syrian Refugee

Source: Télam July 15, 2016

La joven refugiada Siria llegó a la Argentina

Hannen Nasser, de 24 años, la primera siria refugiada que es fotógrafa y traductora, llegó el viernes por la noche al Aeropuerto de Ezeiza donde fue recibida por familiares con quienes había contactado a través de Internet.

La joven es fotógrafa y traductora y fue recibida esta noche en el Aeropuerto de Ezeiza por sus familiares e integrantes de la Asociación Arabe de La Pampa, donde se instalará en la localidad de Parera.

Young Syrian Refugee [woman] arrived in Argentina

Hannen Nasser, 24, the first Syrian refugee who is a photographer and translator, arrived on Friday night to Ezeiza Airport where he was received by relatives with whom they had contacted over the Internet.

She is a photographer and translator and was received tonight at Ezeiza Airport by their families and members of the Arab Association of La Pampa, which will be installed in the town of Parera. … (Read More)

Translation was chiefly by translation app.

Ezeiza Airport is Buenos Aires’ main airport, outside the city itself, officially called Ministro Pistarini International Airport, in the town of Ezezia.

South America Taking in Syrians

South America Welcomes Syrian Refugees
US News & World Report
Sept 30, 2015

… countries such as Argentina are receiving praise for their open-door policies.

… Compared to Europe, South America receives just a fraction of the people fleeing conflict from the Middle East … But the continent is increasingly becoming a destination for refugees. Venezuela announced in September that it would accept 20,000 Syrians, while Chile said it would accept 50 Syrian families. Argentina and Uruguay also have installed programs to accept Syrians.

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South America has a history of absorbing large numbers of Arabs and assimilating them. It only makes sense that some refugees from Syria would be making their way to the continent.

In the past, most Arab immigrants to South America have been Christian. This new batch of refugees will be mostly Muslim. Hopefully, things will go well. We can only hope they assimilate.

Tamara, the woman behind Syrian refugees

Tamara, the woman behind Syrian refugees in Argentina

Tamara Lalli brings an anecdote by the Santiago del Estero-born percussionist Domingo Cura. The story goes that on Sundays the ground in the Argentine Northern province moves down because Syrian women are cooking the traditional Middle East Kibbe dish as they rhythmically pound the meat and wheat using their pestles and mortars.


But the homeland Tamara was born in and left when she was 11 years old is changing forcing thousands to flee across its borders and seek refuge in the Southern part of the world as rebel groups continue to defy the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

New immigration: The exodus

Only in the past two years Argentina has received more than 300 Syrian families most of them staying in Buenos Aires. Although visa procedures might turn “bureaucratic”, the South American country is among the few granting assistance to those swelling in the list of this 21st century exodus. “In Europe this is impossible”, Tamara affirms and adds that Arab neighboring countries have long decided to reject entry to her countrymen.

The Syrian-Lebanese community in Argentina accounts actually for around10 percent of the country’s 40-million population.

Tamara Lalli is the daughter of Toufic, a Syrian-Lebanese who married Neife, an Argentinean descendant from Syrians. She was born in Yabrud located 80 km north of the capital Damascus. She has two sisters. A non-practicing Muslim, she married an Argentine Christian and allowed her two daughters to choose their own religion. “One is a Christian, the other one is still thinking about it”, Tamara says.

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Clearly, this women assimilated; and so did her daughters, one of whom has already chosen Christianity.

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