Posted on YouTube: August 9, 2013
This was posted AFTER Chile had recalled its ambassador.
Latin America has taken a very strong Palestinian position. Arab and Iranian money have purchased a lot of sympathy.
Chile is the country on the Southwest Pacific coast of South America, which runs from a polar south to tropical north. 5% of Chile’s population is Arab, and the majority of that is Palestinian-Christian: Chilestino/Chilestinian.
Chile is a first world country now, very democratic. The Chilestinos are prosperous and wield incredible political power.
Posted on YouTube: August 9, 2013
This was posted AFTER Chile had recalled its ambassador.
Latin America has taken a very strong Palestinian position. Arab and Iranian money have purchased a lot of sympathy.
Note: Colegio in Spanish can mean school A famous Arab-Chilean School in Santiago, Chile (one of the pictures in our header) was attacked.
Posted on YouTube: August 6, 2014
La Red El lunes en la mañana, los alumnos, apoderados y trabajadores del colegio situado en Las Condes, se percataron de la agresión. La comunidad judía en el país condenó el ataque.
On Monday morning, students, parents and school workers located in Las Condes, [discovered] an attack. The Jewish community in the country [Chile] condemned the attack.
Who knows who did this? While the Chilean government is hamstrung by a vocal, and powerful, Palestinian community, there is in Latin Culture a residue of prejudice against Arabs. Chile also has a large Evangelical community. It could have been anyone who did this. Tempers are flared because of the Gaza War. Interestingly, the Jewish Community in Chile immediately condemned the attack. Note: In the video, there is a Free Palestine drawing at (2:50). The Palestinians are a rich community in Chile. You would not see rich Americans supporting Palestine. South America has a different class hierarchy. The Chilean government recalled its ambassador of the Gaza operation.
Posted on YouTube: Jun 29, 2014
Mercosur (the Latin American common market) has condemned Israel over the war in Gaza – 2014.
Part of this is due to an elite Arab-Latino community with a lot of clout.
Note: Original Video was pulled by YT. So I had to show a video of Brazil’s Dilma Rouseff speaking to Mercosur. – July 2016 Cleanup
Palestine present more than ever in Latin American politics
Governmental and popular solidarity with Palestine is unprecedented following the latest Israeli invasion of Gaza.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2014 12:09
Mauricio Abu Ghosh, president of the Palestinian Federation of Chile, the most active pro-Palestine civil society entity in the country, says that popular solidarity with Palestine in Chile at the moment is unprecedented. He explains: “The last four years we witnessed a leap in communication thanks to social media. Today 95 percent of Chileans commenting on Palestine online are in favour of Palestine despite efforts by the Zionist lobby to always portray Jews as the permanent victim.”
Nevertheless, what may be called the Palestinian lobby in Chile has managed to penetrate the media, to expose a different point of view through several prominent faces of the Palestinian community. One of them is Daniel Jadue, the mayor of a Recoleta municipality in Santiago, who often goes on TV to argue passionately for the Palestinian cause.
When asked about the secret of the community’s success in putting enough pressure on the government to recall Chile’s ambassador from Tel Aviv, Abu Ghosh laughs and says he won’t reveal the recipe and simply mentions members of parliament and influential businessmen of Palestinian descent as fundamental contributors to the successful lobbying. He adds: “We now aim at putting pressure on the government to cut all diplomatic ties with Israel.”
Interesting article from Al Jazeera. Arab ethnics have joined with the left to flip South American opinions.