Mercosur Condemns Israel

Posted on YouTube: Jun 29, 2014

Mercosur (the Latin American common market) has condemned Israel over the war in Gaza – 2014.

Part of this is due to an elite Arab-Latino community with a lot of clout.

Note: Original Video was pulled by YT. So I had to show a video of Brazil’s Dilma Rouseff speaking to Mercosur. – July 2016 Cleanup

Why is Latin America Coddling Hamas?


Why is Latin America Coddling Hamas?

Five countries — Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador and Peru — have recalled their ambassadors from Israel, a harsh step rarely taken in the diplomatic world. When was the last time they pulled their envoys from any other nation, including serial abusers of human rights such as Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria?

An article from Algemeiner – a pro-Israel/Jewish site.

Originally from: Miami Herald

The author asked: Why is Latin America Coddling Hamas?

The answer is simple: Over 20 Million Arab-Latinos in Latin America. Israel has ignorned them. The Arab countries have not. Though most (90% plus) Arab-Latinos are Christian, they have been propagandized against Israel by Saudi and Iranian propaganda.

Chile has 500,000 Palestinian-Chileans (Almost all Christian) who are elites in their country. 3x the number of Christian Palestinians in the Mideast. They are a power bloc in Chile.

Alphabet Lesson from Islam Recife

From YouTube: Jan 11, 2014

The is from a group called Islam Recife.

Recife is a town in Northern Brazil.

The Islamic aspect may not thrill you, but in reality, Brazil is in the midst of a major Evangelical Revival.

Their facebook page: (Click Here)

Apparently, it is affiliated with the Islamic Center of Recife: (Click Here)

Brazil is now over 26% Evangelical


The largest concentration of Evangelicals can be found in the United States, with 28.9% of population or 91.76 million, less than a quarter of the world figure. The next most populous is Brazil with 26.3% or 51.33 million.

According to the 2000 Census, 15.4% of the Brazilian population was Protestant. A recent research conducted by the Datafolha institute shows that 25% of Brazilians are Protestants, of which 19% are followers of Pentecostal denominations. The 2010 Census found out that 22.2% were Protestant at that date.

Look at those figures. Brazil is exploding with an growing Evangelical Revival. Roughly 2 million converts a year.

Meanwhile, the official Brazilian Census of 2010 lists only 35,167 Muslims (Click Here)

What this means is that, while Muslims are there in Brazil and have a media presence, their numbers are miniscule. In reality, given the trends, it is impossible to doubt that many are converting to Evangelicalism.

What this means in fact is that if 1 million Palestinians were paid to move to Brazil, over time – and probably very quickly – they would convert to an Evangelical sect.

São Paulo Trains Soccer Players from Morocco

São Paulo to train Moroccan players
Brazil-Arab News Agency
Aurea Santos*
31/10/2013 – 09:50hs

A five-year agreement signed between São Paulo Football Club and OCP S.A. from Morocco will organized the travel of youths aged 14 to 17 to practice with the Brazilian team’s youth players.

If you are going to train soccer players, Brazil would be the place to learn.

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