Oktoberfest in Argentina – 2020

Oktoberfest in Argentina – 2020

Posted on YouTube: August 3, 2017
Argentina will be holding its annual Oktoberfest in Villa General Belgrano
from Fri, 02 Oct 2020 – Mon, 12 Oct 2020.

Officially, about 8% of Argentina’s population is German. Actually, that number includes people of German ancestry, though not necessarily of direct descent from Germany. For example: Volga Germans might be listed as Germans.

That number might not include Argentines of Swiss German or Austrian ancestry. So, the actual number of Germans in Argentine might be from 8-10% of the population. Of course, many are intermarried.

Villa General Belgrano, where the festival is held, has a very large German population.

Contrary to what people believe, most German-Argentines can trace their roots in Argentina back before World War II. Most were not Nazis, and had nothing to do with Nazis.

Check out this website (Click Here).

I include this to show you that I do not only write about Arabs in Latin America.

Arab Dancing In Berisso, Argentina


Otro año que se pasa volando, pero no queríamos dejar de agradecer a quien hoy debe entregar los atributos. Vicky, estamos orgullosos por el camino que supiste recorrer, por la responsabilidad con la que asumiste tu rol de representarnos desde este lugar especial, el respeto con el que lo hiciste sin perder tu chispa. Se termina una etapa pero queda lo aprendido, lo vivido, los momentos disfrutados y las amistades forjadas.Gracias Victoria Rodríguez Saloum por representarnos con tanto amor! Dejamos este lindo recuerdo junto a su compañera Alma Sponton. ❤

Posted by Hogar Árabe Argentino de Berisso on Sunday, August 30, 2020

The is the Hogar Arabé (Arab Home) in Berisso, a suburb of Buenos Aires.

The kids are cute.

The Arab Lodge Near Buenos Aires

From a newspaper article published on August 8, 2020.

This is a video from the Hogar Árabe (Arab Home/Lodge) in Berisso, Argentina. Berissa is a suburb of Buenos Aires.

Source: BerissoCiudad
(translated by app)

El Hogar Árabe Argentino de Berisso informó que con motivo de celebrar sus 103 años de vida, estarán realizando distintas publicaciones en las redes sociales de la entidad.

En ese marco, a lo largo de todo el mes de agosto, desfilarán videos, encuestas, fotos, anécdotas y muchos más etc.

The Argentine Arab Lodge of Berisso reported that to celebrate its 103 years of life, they will be making different publications on the entity’s social networks.

In this framework, throughout the month of August, videos, surveys, photos, anecdotes and many more etc. will parade.

The Hogar Árabe has been in Berisso for a very long time, over a century in fact.

A lot of those ladies in the video above seem to be only part-Arab. The Arabs in Argentina have assimilated well, particularly since 90% of them tend to be Christian.

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