Jewish Chilean Boasts In Turn Of Events

Source: Aurora (Israel)
[Translated by app]
August 17, 2020

The Chilean anti-Semitic balloon burst

We Israeli Chileans are left with the satisfaction of seeing the anti-Semitic balloon burst in the face of those parliamentarians who invested time paid for by resources of all Chileans in seeking to harm a democratic state 13,000 kilometers away, based on media rumors, rumors that they became conditions for a peace agreement.

We hope that the new Chile, post-social outbreak and post-pandemic, knows how to monitor its political representatives, those who seek political warfare as a payment currency before some local extremist factions, instead of cooperation and the advancement of the peoples. The United Arab Emirates chose a path, let’s hope that Chilean parliamentarians know how to choose a similar one.

Gabriel Colodro
President of the Chilean Community of Israel

If Palestinian-Chileans are happy that the Chilean government is considering a boycott of West Bank (Judea and Samaria) products (Click Here), then Jewish-Chileans are countering with the success of the recent Israel-UAE diplomatic embrace, which they see as the more important development.

What is clear is that while Palestinians have influence in Chile, there is still a small “remnant” of Jews in Chile who have some say, even if they are outnumbered by Palestinians (about 30 to 1).

The writer of the opinion piece, Gabriel Colodro, is taking a stab at those Chilean parliamentarians who have supported BDS.

NOTE: Though the webpage is in Spanish, Aurora has an Israeli nation code in its URL, indicating that the website itself may originate from Israel. The site seems to be Israeli.

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