(Click Here) to see our previous LatinArabia post about an Arab Dancer who made it to Talent Chile. She was a big hit.
Note: There is a view of topless in the screenshoot, but the video itself is pixelated. Sorry, I usually do not post adult images, but this was for information purposes.
2nd Note: The protest was so furious, that the video has been pulled from the web. If you click the video start button, it now says private. I leave the link up only as a record.
Of course! She was a big hit. She went topless!
The problem is: Arabs, even Christian Arabs, are a morally conservative lot; and they are furious about this. Chilean society is very conservative, even the non-Arab Christian majority. This was not the country to go topless on a major TV program; and especially with a conservative Arabs, even though they are Christian.
This is not just Arab-Chileans. A lot of non-Arabs take up Arab dancing as an art form. They do not like it being degraded. The art form has been embraced by Latin American women. They are all furious.
This was put up on the web, two days ago. They are furious about the incident.
Look at this:

I usually do not post adult images, but this is what the protestors posted on the net.
Calling all teachers and students of Arab Dance in the country to a
PROTEST at the offices of ChileVision to make it known to the executives
of this channel and the country that …
Enough of presenting the profession and passion of a decent people
as a nudist spectacular, vulgar, and of bad taste.
Date: Thursday, October 31st.
Place: Metro Manuel Montt
Time: 10:30 AM
They really were upset. Videos of Miss Gonzalez’s dance have been pulled from YouTube.
99% of Chile’s Arabs are Christian. So this is not Muslim outrage. Many teachers and students of Arab Dancing are not even ethnic Arabs. This is cultural outrage.