7 – Paying Palestinians to Leave

7 – Paying Palestinians to Leave

It seems that the only solution to the Mideast Crisis may be paying the Palestinians to leave.

I catch criticism for suggesting this. But others have suggested similar.

This is Dr. Martin Sherman of Tel Aviv University giving the details of such a buy out.

By the way, we came to very similar numbers, independent of each other.

I can provide other examples of those who have arrived at the same conclusions and figures.

What has South America got to do with this?

If the Arab governments will not absorb the Palestinians, maybe South American governments will, if the Palestinians come with cash, the South Americans may welcome the infusion of capital.

Israel will have to pay for this, though; and after 70 years of struggle, it will not come cheaply.

The whole series.

1) The Land and the Settlers
2) Cost to Uproot Settlers
3) Real Arab Populations
4) Cost Effectiveness
5) False Hopes
6) South America Assimilates Arabs
7) Paying Palestinians to Leave

May 10, 2017 – Edited: Corrected spelling, and added some text.
May 12, 2017 – Edited: Added series list at bottom.

The PA Calls the Israelis Terrorist – FROM CHILE?!

There is something to this story that most people will not notice.

Palestinian Foreign Ministry: Israeli ministers are the terrorists, not the prisoners
By Ha’aretz Barak Ravid – Aug. 11, 2013

In a letter distributed by Palestinian ambassadors around the world, a copy of which was obtained by Haaretz, prisoners are described as ‘freedom fighters’; in late-night meeting, Israel may be seeking to minimize media scrutiny of decision to release prisoners.

One of the letters relayed by Palestinian ambassadors around the world was obtained by Haaretz. The letter, which was distributed by the Palestinian Embassy in Santiago, Chile, a day after the cabinet’s decision on the prisoner release, claimed that Israel is the one terrorizing the Palestinians, and not vice-versa. “A terrorist is someone who forcefully occupies the other’s land, expels him and comes to live in his place,” the letter read, “…not the Palestinian political prisoner, the freedom fighter.”

(Click Here to read more)

Notice, where they got the letter from …. CHILE?!

PA declaration from Chile

Chile’s Palestinians are very radicalized!
From November 2012, during the Israeli attack on Gaza.

Chile has most of the world’s Palestinian Christians; and has the most Palestinians outside the Mideast.

So it is no accident that pro-Palestinian activism is so prominent in Chile.

Yes, the letter was sent all over the world, but it figured prominently in Chile.

Israel is going to have to keep a sharp eye on Chile’s internal politics which are greatly influenced by its Palestinians.

September 1, 2020 – Made some corrections and edits.

Brazilian Christian Leader rallies to defend Israel

From Word Net Daily

A Christian leader in Brazil says he"s alarmed by what he regards as a campaign by evangelicals to spread pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli propaganda.

Julio Severo, a pro-family activist and blogger, told WND he’s concerned about a speaking tour in Brazil that features Bethlehem Bible College President Emeritus Bishara Awad in support of Open Doors, International.

Read More (Word Net Daily)

Apparently, a Christian leaders in Brazil is very upset that a pro-Palestinian point of view is given.

As noted elsewhere on this blog, the chief friend that Israel has in the Americas are the Evangelicals.

Palestinians Call – AGAIN – for Right of Return

Palestinians call for right of return at UNHRC
06/11/2013 00:59

The PLO called for the right of return for Palestinian refugees to Israel during a debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday.

Israel must “recognize the right of return of refugees to their homeland, without selectivity or conditionality, including to the cities they were ejected from,” Imad Zuhairi, the PLO’s deputy charge d’affairs of its UN Observer Mission in Geneva, told the UNHRC.


This would be funny, if it weren’t so damnably tragic. Nothing has changed in 65 years.

I am not going to get into the question of who is right or wrong on this issue. Should Israel let them back or not?

The only thing that matters is that Israel will NOT let them back since they would flood Israel demographically and turn the Jewish state into an Islamic Republic.

So whether Israel is right or wrong is immaterial. It ain’t gonna happen.

I am not going to waste too much time thinking about. It is like arguing whether Hercules or Thor is more powerful.

Such discussions are best left relegated to comic books.

Since the Arab world refuses to assimilate the Palestinians – they want the problem to fester – I think paying the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria to leave for South America is a solution.

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