UGEP-Chile Campaigned for Academic Boycott


Chile’s UGEP (General Union of Palestinian Students) was campaigning to cut of academic ties between Israel and the University of Chile.

The tweet was dated to July 20. I am not sure what has happened since.

I am not sure if Israel does much to contain this. Maybe they see Chile as a lost cause. Argentina is iffy, as it has a strong Jewish community, and the tone of debate tends to be controlled by Lebanese Maronites, who tend to be Westernized.

Brazil is pro-Israel right now, due to the fact that it has an extraordinarily large Evangelical constituency, and its Arab community – which is very large – is dominated by Maronites.

Chilestinians Post Dabke Video

Chilestinians Post Dabke Video

Posted on YouTube: August 31, 2020

This was posted by UGEP (General Union of Palestinian Students) in response to the recent Israeli-Gaza clashes.

The UGEP is a pro-Palestinian group, particularly activist in Chile.

Palestinians in Chile are usually quite Westernized and Christian. I doubt that many of them fully realize how oppressive the Muslim world can be. This is more of an ethnic US vs THEM reaction.

A Nice Little Video From Brazil

O ICAB agradece a todos os visitantes, expositores e equipe de apoio por toda animação e alegria dessa segunda edição da Feira da Diversidade Culinária Árabe em Brasília/DF.Vocês poderão conferir nosso álbum de fotos do facebook durante a semana!

Posted by ICAB Instituto de Cultura Árabe Brasileira on Sunday, August 11, 2019

This was from August 11, 2019

Brazil has the world’s largest community of ethnic Lebanese, ~ 10 million, along with Syrians, etc.

This comes from ICAB Instituto de Cultura Árabe Brasileira (Institute of Arab-Brazilian Culture).

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