Jewish Chilean Boasts In Turn Of Events

Source: Aurora (Israel)
[Translated by app]
August 17, 2020

The Chilean anti-Semitic balloon burst

We Israeli Chileans are left with the satisfaction of seeing the anti-Semitic balloon burst in the face of those parliamentarians who invested time paid for by resources of all Chileans in seeking to harm a democratic state 13,000 kilometers away, based on media rumors, rumors that they became conditions for a peace agreement.

We hope that the new Chile, post-social outbreak and post-pandemic, knows how to monitor its political representatives, those who seek political warfare as a payment currency before some local extremist factions, instead of cooperation and the advancement of the peoples. The United Arab Emirates chose a path, let’s hope that Chilean parliamentarians know how to choose a similar one.

Gabriel Colodro
President of the Chilean Community of Israel

If Palestinian-Chileans are happy that the Chilean government is considering a boycott of West Bank (Judea and Samaria) products (Click Here), then Jewish-Chileans are countering with the success of the recent Israel-UAE diplomatic embrace, which they see as the more important development.

What is clear is that while Palestinians have influence in Chile, there is still a small “remnant” of Jews in Chile who have some say, even if they are outnumbered by Palestinians (about 30 to 1).

The writer of the opinion piece, Gabriel Colodro, is taking a stab at those Chilean parliamentarians who have supported BDS.

NOTE: Though the webpage is in Spanish, Aurora has an Israeli nation code in its URL, indicating that the website itself may originate from Israel. The site seems to be Israeli.

Palestinians Flexed Muscles in Chile

Source: MEMO
July 10, 2020

The Chilean Senate last week approved a resolution calling on President Sebastian Pinera Echenique to adopt a law boycotting settlement goods and banning commercial activity with companies that operate in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The motion passed on 30 June with 29 votes in favour and six abstentions, no votes were cast against the move.

This story is about two months late before I caught it on a written news story, here, but it was not headlines in America. — Though I did catch it earlier (Click Here) as a video report.

The World Jewish Congress considers the Chilean Senate’s move to be anti-semitic.

There is no way that this could have occurred in the United States. In Chile,even conservative presidents, like Pinera, have to yield to the Palestinian bloc.

Two Year Old Video Shows Power of Palestinians in Chile

Two Year Old Video Shows Power of Palestinians in Chile

Posted on YouTube: Mar 29, 2018

It is hard to understand the power that Palestinians have in Chilean politics. There is no equivalent here in the USA.

But this Chilean senator (Alejandro Navarro) went to the Fourth Global Convention of Solidarity with Palestine.

I do not think he, himself, is Palestinian in origin, but he embraces their cause.

He is still a senator in Chile, as of this writing.

Can you imagine an American senator doing what Senator Navarro did?

This video came from MEMRI – a pro-Israel advocacy group. They claim to be non-partisan.

Arab Dancing In Berisso, Argentina


Otro año que se pasa volando, pero no queríamos dejar de agradecer a quien hoy debe entregar los atributos. Vicky, estamos orgullosos por el camino que supiste recorrer, por la responsabilidad con la que asumiste tu rol de representarnos desde este lugar especial, el respeto con el que lo hiciste sin perder tu chispa. Se termina una etapa pero queda lo aprendido, lo vivido, los momentos disfrutados y las amistades forjadas.Gracias Victoria Rodríguez Saloum por representarnos con tanto amor! Dejamos este lindo recuerdo junto a su compañera Alma Sponton. ❤

Posted by Hogar Árabe Argentino de Berisso on Sunday, August 30, 2020

The is the Hogar Arabé (Arab Home) in Berisso, a suburb of Buenos Aires.

The kids are cute.

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