The Arab Lodge Near Buenos Aires

From a newspaper article published on August 8, 2020.

This is a video from the Hogar Árabe (Arab Home/Lodge) in Berisso, Argentina. Berissa is a suburb of Buenos Aires.

Source: BerissoCiudad
(translated by app)

El Hogar Árabe Argentino de Berisso informó que con motivo de celebrar sus 103 años de vida, estarán realizando distintas publicaciones en las redes sociales de la entidad.

En ese marco, a lo largo de todo el mes de agosto, desfilarán videos, encuestas, fotos, anécdotas y muchos más etc.

The Argentine Arab Lodge of Berisso reported that to celebrate its 103 years of life, they will be making different publications on the entity’s social networks.

In this framework, throughout the month of August, videos, surveys, photos, anecdotes and many more etc. will parade.

The Hogar Árabe has been in Berisso for a very long time, over a century in fact.

A lot of those ladies in the video above seem to be only part-Arab. The Arabs in Argentina have assimilated well, particularly since 90% of them tend to be Christian.