Arab Rebirth in Chile

Palestine Club – Arab Language Classes
Basic and Intermediate Level
Just as Jews in America are discovering their Hebrew roots, even so the Palestinians of Chile are discovering their Arab roots.

They are doing this even though most Palestinians in Chile are intermarried, with Spanish, German, and Italian Chileans. Only 30% of Chilean Palestinians are descended from Palestinians on both the paternal and maternal sides. They are a well integrated, and well-to-do community in Chile. Yet, inspite of this, they are returning to their Arab roots.

To the right, we see an offering for Arab Language Classes at the Palestine Club in Chile. The Palestine Club is one of the more Prestigious Clubs in Chile.

Urban Intervention for Palestine
Public protests in Chile

The Palestinian-Chileans are now a major political force to be reckoned with in Chile.

They are advancing some ugly causes in Chile – as you can see on the video to the left, a boycott of Israel is one of them.

Now, if this were merely supporting one side in a conflict, this might be understandable, but the Israel-Palestinian conflict is larger than just two peoples. There is an Islamic aspect to this which concerns a conflict of West vs. Islam; Freedom vs. a Caliphate Tyranny.

If the Palestinians of Chile want to get involved with the Palestine issue, they should show more discretion. I do not see such discretion coming out of the Palestinians in Chile.

General Union of Palestinians Students

Banquet / Congress of Palestinian Students 2007

Don’t the $1500 fool you. That is Chilean Pesos.
Worth About $3 Dollars US.

Saint George Orthodox Cathedral

The General Union of  Palestinian Students (UGEP in Spanish) has some clout in Chile

According to the flyer (above) the General Union of Palestinian Students were having a banquest at the Orthodox Christian Cathedral of San George, in Santiago.

What is fascinating is how the Palestinians Students and the Orthodox Church have embraced a cause which is now saturated with Islamic overtones.

The Orthodox Church is rather upscale in Chile, now. Non-Arabs are converting into it. A glamourous cachet has been added to the Palestinian cause in Chile.

What is even more odd is that Chile has a record of being friendly to Jews. Chile took in Jewish refugees in 1940 when few other nations wanted them.

The Palestinian community has clout in Chile. Real clout. The Jewish community, though respected is small. The Palestinians outnumber them 30 to 1. And the Palestinians in Chile are well off.

Only the Evangelical Community is standing up to their anti-Israel stance.

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