The reason the translation is so good is because someone else did it.
Chile has the world’s largest Palestinian-Christian population.
Being elite, they have clout like Jewish groups do in the USA. This was a group of doctors who regularly go to Palestine to help people.
They are affiliated with the Palestine Foundation (Click Here), which is a Christian group which brings medical and educational aid to the Palestinians. The foundation does some noble work; but on the geography page on their website, they refuse to acknowledge Israel at all. They give the area of Palestine as 26,323 km², which pretty much rules out any area left for Israel.
Though Christian, Palestinian-Chileans have become radicalized.
According to official sources, the stated aim of the foundation (translated as “Palestine-Bethlehem 2000”) is to provide “scholarships, medical and economic aid to the Palestinian Authority.” Yet, a Chilean government source described the organization to The Media Line (TML) as a lobby. The Anti-Semitism and Racism Institute claims that this foundation is the chief fund-raising organization in Chile for the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Wealthy Palestinians from the Chilean community support the fund, which publishes the monthly journal, A-Damir. In celebration of its first anniversary on June 25, 2002, the foundation organized an event, attended by more than 1,000 invitees that included ministers, Members of Parliament, clerics, army officers and judges. Minister of the Interior Jose Miguel Insulza and Government-Secretary Heraldo Muoz both posed for a photograph, wearing a kafiyah decorated with a map depicting a Palestinian state that encompassed land that today is the entire state of Israel.
A Chilean source connected to the Chilean Intelligence Agency (CIA) told TML that this particular fund managed to collect $6m in one year, but that the funds do not always find their way to needy Palestinians. Instead, much of the money goes to charities identified with Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization. According to the source, many of the fund’s activists are themselves members of another terror group – The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The CIA said that it has information concerning the trail of money from the foundation to Hamas, but declined to provide specifics.
So a lot of this charity has come under suspicion. However, it must be remembered that a lot of rumors and even lies float about concerning matters in the Mideast. Israel is not above putting out rumors to discredit its opponents. Of course, neither are the Arabs.
Posted on YouTube: September 2, 2011
The opening two minutes, you have to pay if you want to see more
La Calera is a city in the center of Chile, where Palestinians are a major part of the population. They recently accepted a lot of Palestinian immigrants who were stranded without papers between Iraq and Syria. These people had been stuck in a no man’s land for 4 years.
Many nations accepted a portion of them. But Chile, which already has a large in influential Palestinian population made it almost a national celebration.
The video is from a documentary about their recent arrival in Chile and the problems they faced.
One chief problem is this: These new immigrants are Muslim, while Palestinian-Chileans (Chilestinos) are over 99% Christians. Even the charities which help them will be Catholic or Eastern Christian.
But this is a good starting point to see just how powerful, respectable, and influential that the Palestinians in Chile are. Many are now third and fourth generation Chilean. Most are middle class. Many are elite.
When Chile accepted these immigrants it was national news in Chile. National news.
This is a list of the top four countries to take them in:
USA: 1,125 Palestinian refugees from Iraq (almost all from al Waleed camp). Canada: 198 Palestinian refugees from Iraq. Brazil: 117 Palestinian refugees from Iraq (from Ruweished camp). Chile: 116 Palestinian refugees from Iraq.
Note: Actually, the USA took in 1350, according to this CS Monitor Article (Source)
Also, other sources list 117 refugees to Chile, which considering that Chile has ONLY 17 million people is a large amount of refugees. More per capita than the USA; but Chile actually respects Palestinians, now.
The US took in 10x as many as Chile did. But We Americans have have 20x the population of Chile. So Chile – relatively speaking – took in twice as much as we did.
Did you even know about this? I bet you were never informed that America took in Palestinian refugees. Of course not; it was mostly kept quiet.
But the Chileans celebrated this.
Can you imagine this happening in the USA?
Well, we accepted about 10 times as many of these stranded Palestinians, but you never heard about it.
In Chile, Palestinians are accepted. They got clout. The Palestinian community is elite.
Chile’s President greeted them.
Did George Bush greet the Palestinians to America?
May 12, 2017 – Edited: Had to remove a dead video. January 2, 2024 – Edited: Made minor improvements. January 21, 2025 – Edited: Moved to post format.
Yesterday, we examined, albeit incompletely, the radicalizaion of Palestinian-Chileans. We found that two reasons were
1) ethic pride,
2) a myopic historical which forgets that their ancestors were persecuted by Muslims.
The next reason we will examine is the creeping trend of Iranian and Saudi Islamic influence which is shooting throughout all of Latin America.
Posted on YouTube: 2011
Note: TeleSUR is a media project centered in Hugo Chavez’s
Venezuela which owns a 51% share.Translated by someone
better at Spanish than me
TeleSUR (TV South) is a media conglomerate financed by several left wing Latin American countries, with Venezuela financing a majority 51% share. Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is a noted anti-Zionist and supporter of Iran. Naturally, this attitude saturates the Network.
In Buenos Aires, the Saudi funded King Fahd Mosque is now broadcasting Islamic propaganda on a program on Argentine Public TV.
El cálamo y su mensaje/The Quill and its Message1 Saudi Financed!
There has been a strong penetration of Oil Money in South America. Inspite of the still lingering Argentine anger of the Iranian bombing of the AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires in 1994, Argentina, along with almost every other country in South America, recognized the Palestinian State.
If Chilean Arabs are Christian,
why the picture of a Mosque?
This cannot be chalked up to mere Arab nationalism. About half of the Arabs in South America are descended from Lebanese Maronite Christians whose ancestors fled Muslim slaughters in both the 19th and 20th centuries. Maronites tend to have a more Western viewpoint; and tend to moderate against strong anti-Israel sentiment. Christians of Syrian Orthodox descent would also harbor no illusions about the creeping militancy of Islamic advocacy.2 These may have no love for Israel, but they are not going to be given to anti-Israel extremism either.
Only Chile, and Honduras, have noticeably powerful Palestian communities which stand out from other Arabs.
Most of Latin America’s Arabs are Christians who were dhimmis before they emigrated.
What is going on is not merely ethnic pride, nor a myopic historical memory at work, nor even the echo of a Catholic culture’s latent anti-semitism, but a large infusion of cash and a massive effort by Islamic regimes to purchase Latin American influence.
Arab language classes are often held in mosques rather than in non-sectarian settings. Clearly the agenda is more than linguistics. Now, this would not be bad in an of itself, coming under the general heading of Freedom of Religion; but along with it comes a fierce anti-Israel world view.
Adding to the mix is a new Iranian Spanish language network called HispanTV which was meant to counter the Western Media. The program is similar to the English language PressTV3, which is a media shill for Iran.
Complaining about Israeli settlers in Silwan – Iran’s HispanTV
This is clearing Iran pushing an agenda. In America, PressTV is largely unknown. In South America, HispanTV may take off.
Already known is Iran’s use of South American drug running to generate money for Hezbollah.4
Both Arab and Iranian money are filtering into South America to push an Agenda.
In the next part of this discussion we will discuss Israeli mistakes: past, and present; and we’ll what Israel can do to correct this issue.
1More worrying was that a popular Arab-Argentine Show, Desde El Aljibe/From the Well, which was secular and primarly run by Christian Arabs, was cancelled to make way for an Islamic show that almost no one wanted. 90% of Argentine Arabs are Christian. Suspicions run that money and Saudi influence were involved. Likely so, it indicates that Arab Oil Money is wreaking havoc in South America.
2Many Christian Syrians, both internally and externally, support the secular Bashir Assad against the Islamic insurgency.
3PressTV is a viciously anti-Israel network with a large satellite presence – though the UK has recently revoked its broadcast license – and an even larger internet presence . It regularly hosts holocaust deniers, “Jewish conspiracy” theorists, and a host of crackpots who are fobbed off as experts.
It is notable for only having female announcers that wear hijabs; most famously Lauren Booth, a half-sister of Tony Blair’s wife, and convert to Islam.
But its most famous star is the Stentorian British Parliamentarian George Galloway who has two programs on the network; and not just on Press TV: Galloway is on WBAI radio in New York, and has a show in Lebanon. He brags of his mixed Irish and Scottish background and his love for Palestine. Abstemious from alcohol – always a suspicious trait in a Celt – Galloway appeals to Britain’s radical left and Muslim vote. He is very hostile to Israel. After divorcing his first wife, a Christian; Galloway has gone through a succession of Muslim wives. Though Galloway refuses to admit it, the general opinion is that he converted to Islam; though no one is sure whether Sunni or Shi’a.
He would be relegated to the realm of lunatics, except that Galloway is arguably the best orator in the English language since Kennedy or Churchill. He commands a booming voice, and a rhetorical style that is positively breathtaking. He has bested newspaper critics, the Canadian government which sought to ban him, the British Labour party, and even the US Congress, whom he personally castigated before a Senate Committee. He has hosted a popular radio show in Britain and is now back in their Parliament, after winning an election by appealing to the Muslim vote, which is a scary thought in itself.
He is Press TV’s star, and his politics are scary.
4See Hezbollah builds a Western base (in Spanish)(Click Here). While some of the claims are exaggerated, there have been Hezbollah agents captured in the area. (Click Here). The Triple Frontier, where Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil meet, has been a poorly policed smugglers paradise for decades, even before the rise of Islam. It should not surpise anyone that Hezbollah acts in the area. It is believed the crew which did the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires set out from the Triple Frontier.
December 31, 2023 – Change text under a video. Made more mobile friendly.