A World You Never Knew Existed

A World You Never Knew Existed

If you are like me, and most Americans – and dare I say, most Westerners as well – you never knew about the major Arab subculture in South America.

And that’s just Chile. Argentina and Brazil have more!

Europe has about 6+ million Arabs [many Euro-Muslims are not Arab] in a continent of 746 Million people, and yet we hear nothing but panic.

Egads! Eurabia! The Arabs are coming! The Arabs are coming!

What if I were to tell you that South America alone has 25+ Million Arabs, most of whom are assimilated, Christians, and getting along quite well in their respective countries.


Yes! It is true. What did South America do that was so right; and what can we learn from them.

Each country in South America has a different profile. All they share is a common Latin language; and even that shows heavy dialectal differences.

Likewise, the Arabs among the Latins show some considerable differences.

May 8, 2017 – Edited: Had to update some figures.
May 22, 2017 – Edited: Adjustments.

November 23, 2017 – Edited: Rewrites.
August 28, 2019 – Updated number of Muslims in Ecuador, and adjusted overall numbers for Ecuador.
September 2, 2020 – Updated a number.
May 3, 2021 – Edited: Updated Brazilian numbers.
May 4, 2021 – Edited: Updated Bolivian numbers.
October 4, 2023 – Edited: Added Peruvian numbers.
November 22, 2024 – Edited: Added categories.
January 17, 2025 – Edited: Added more info.

More Palestinian Propaganda from Venezuela

Posted on YouTube: Aug 8, 2016

From Venezuela. La Radio del Sur (Radio of the South) with a propaganda broadcast about the launching of the Palestina Liberation (Palestine Liberation) newspaper.

La Radio del Sur is affiliated with the broadcasting wing of Venezuela’s TeleSur; a propaganda organ started by Hugo Chavez.

The USA should not be ignoring this.

PLO’s Ashrawi Meets Official Leftist Chilean Delegation

Source: Palestine News Network July 26, 2016

Ashrawi meets with an official Chilean delegation — of Leftists

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi met with an official Chilean delegation of Members of Parliament, journalists and Palestinian leaders from the Chilean community yesterday in Ramallah. The delegation was accompanied by the Chilean Representative to the State of Palestine Francisco Javier Bernales Errázuriz.

(Read More)

The Palestinian-Chilean Community, though heavily Christian, supports the Palestine cause, and this has twisted Chile’s foreign policy. Palestinian-Chileans are rich and activist, and punch well above their numbers in the population of Chile. With the delegation was a famous Chilean Lefist, Camila Vallejo.

Original Video: (Click Here)

Again, you would not see antics like these from American Congressmen.

Palestinian Daily Paper For Latins

Latin America is being flooded with pro-Palestinian propaganda.

This was an old-anti-Israel site, apparently taken over.

I leave the link up for a record, but though the site was taken over, there is still a lot of anti-Israel propaganda in South America.

Palestinian News Breaking [thru] the Blockade and the Occupation

A recent Spanish/Arabic Daily Palestina Liberation was launched on July 20th.


Their twitter account listed their origin in Palestine; but the paper record above listed a European connection; their phone number seems to be registered in Malaysia.

October 4, 2023: Edited. Removed dead video. Removed dead twitter link. Updated info.

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