A Palestinian-Honduran Speaks About His Success

A Palestinian-Honduran Speaks About His Success

Posted on YouTube: December 9, 2019
You can get English auto-translation subtitles on the video.

Honduras, like Chile, has a significant Palestinian population.

This is a video about Karim Qubain, who is a Palestinian who moved to Honduras, and raised family there. I believe he is Christian, though I am not sure. He says that he has relatives in Honduras that go back to the 1860’s (WOW!), so he probably is Christian, as almost all the Palestinians in Honduras are Christian.

Arab Dancing in Honduras

Honduras has about 250,000 Palestinians, which is roughly 3% of the population – though in fact, they are quite successful in business. In fact, Honduras has had a president, Carlos Roberto Flores, who was of Palestinian descent.

There are an estimated 5-6,000 Muslims in Honduras, which is less than about 0.1% of the population. Running the numbers this means that the Arabs in Honduras are 97% or more Christian, if we assume that all these Muslims are found only in the Arab community.

Again we see this amazing phenomena. It as if there were a demographic sieve which made sure that only Christian Arabs got to the New World.

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