German TV Notices Chilestinos’ Suffering

German TV Notices Chilestinos’ Suffering

Okay, this video from Deutsche Welle (German Wave/public TV) is roughly six months old, but it is noteworthy.

Posted on YouTube: July 3, 2024
Video can be auto-translated

While here in America, the issue of the Palestinian-Chileans is rarely metioned, it is noted by broadcasters outside the USA.

Again, this is not a minor issue. The Palestinian-Chileans (Chilestinos) are an elite and politically powerful group in Chile. They have hijacked Chile’s Mideast foreign policy so that it is against Israel.

Chile is otherwise a democratic, First-World, Western nation, but when it comes to Israel and the Palestinians, it is an outlier from other Western countries, thanks to the Chilestinos.

This should NOT be happening, particularly since Hamas drove out most of the Christians in Gaza.

Europe is aware of this. Israel is aware of this. Why aren’t most Americans?

Conflict Can Only Come Of Such A Hardened Position


Video above was posted on Twitter: June 19, 2022

Notice that most of the images of so-called Palestine, in the short video above, are in what is today considered Israel.

The poster, Muhammed Smiry (@muhammedsmiry), wants to erase Israel. He does not even recognize that Israel exists.

He claims to be from Gaza, which may explain his hardened attitude, however …

Sad!!! Conflict will be the only result.

January 15, 2025 – Had to correct some errors. Muhammed Smiry is still on Twitter (X) at this time.

Hamas Thanked the Chilean Government

gaza woman

From a story from July 2020.
On an Evangelical Christian website chilecristiano (Christian Chile).


The “number two” of the Palestinian Islamic terrorist organization Hamas, Musa Abu Marzuq thanked Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru and El Salvador for calling their respective ambassadors in Israel to consult as a result of the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

“I want to take this opportunity to address our gratitude to the peoples and governments of Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Peru and El Salvador,” said Abu Marzuk, in Cairo. These countries called their ambassadors for consultations in the last two weeks in protest against what they described as “indiscriminate bombings” and “non-respect for international humanitarian law,” according to the different governments. The deputy head of the Hamas Political Office expressed his “great appreciation to these countries for the solidarity shown with the Palestinian people.”

Regarding the position of the international community, the Hamas leader stressed that it has generally been favorable to the Palestinians, because the Israeli operations have been condemned. His criticism was directed against the United States, which he accused of having “always a partial position in favor of Israel. “” Our children and women are killed with American weapons, “he denounced.

The Christian Website gives the source as Yahoo, but their link is dead. This tracks back to a story in the second week of July, 2020. (Click Here) to see MEMO version.

The real story here is what is at the top of the cited article on ChileCristiano.


Thanking only the government, the evangelical people support Israel

The Evangelical website has strongly distanced itself from the government position.

As Latin Arabia has noted before, the growing Evangelical Church in Latin America is very pro-Zionist. The Evangelicals have events like a NIGHT TO HONOR ISRAEL. The Evangelicals are often the only group standing against an anti-Israel view.

In Brazil, the present president, Bolsonaro, is married to an Evangelical, and he is very pro-Israel.

In Chile, right now, the Palestinian-Chilean community holds sway. In time, as Evangelicalism grows in Chile – and it is growing – the pro-Palestinian attitude of the government will change.

Israel Tried to Move 60,000 Gazans to Paraguay

Israel Tried to Move 60,000 Gazans to Paraguay

Source: The Jerusalem Post
August 12, 2020

The government of Israel secretly planned to encourage Palestinians to move from Gaza to Paraguay, which agreed to accept up to 60,000 of them, according to the minutes from a 1969 cabinet meeting uncovered by KAN journalist Eran Cicurel this week.

The protocol from 1969 states that Israel would bear the travel costs of the Palestinians moving to Paraguay and give each person $100, plus $33 per person would go to the government of Paraguay. At the time of signing the agreement with Paraguay, Israel would pay $350,000 to cover the costs for 10,000 émigrés. The full amount Israel was meant to pay was $33 million.

$33,000,000 (overall)
———————————————–       ==       $550 per Palestinian (overall)
60,000 Gazans (as planned)

Of course, the Palestinians would not get all of that money. Most of it would have gone to travel costs, administration, and payments to the central Paraguayan government.

$100 would be given to each Palestinian personally to relocate?! That was an absurdly low figure.

Why would Paraguay have even considered taking in 60,000 Muslims in?

Because Paraguay was run by a right-wing dictator, Presidente Stroessner, and Israel promised that the Muslims would not be leftist.

Only 30 Palestinians moved to Paraguay.

Had the plan worked, it would have cleared Gaza out of 10% of its population, while making Paraguay roughly 2.5% Muslim at that time. Can you imagine how that demographic percentage would have blossomed over the intervening five decades?

Israel did not, nor does not, seem to mind exporting its Muslim problem. What is amazing is how it did not care about the problems it would have created for Paraguay which would have accepted them.

The creation of a 2.5% Muslim demographic would not have been a minor issue to a poor country like Paraguay. It would have produced a disaster in a few decades.

I have recommended paying Arabs from the contested area to move to South America, but always at immigration rates which would produce less than a 1% Muslim demographic in any country — and even then, only to countries like Brazil, Argentina, or Chile which have the ability to absorb Arabs … not to small countries like Paraguay which could not handle them.

As it is, Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina meet at what is called the Triple Frontier area of South America. It is notorious for smuggling and Hezbollah penetration. Can you imagine how much worse it would have been if 60,000 more Gazans had immigrated to Paraguay in 1969?

Source: Hezbollah Operations in the Tri-Border Area of South America
Spring 2011

The Tri-Border Area, bounded by Puerto Iguazu, Argentina; Ciudad del Este, Paraguay; and Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, developed into a breeding ground for a wide array of illegal interests. As a result, the research community considers it to be lush ground for terrorist organizations to operate unrestricted, including Hezbollah.

And I have always recommended giving the immigrants enough money to set themselves up, and not become a social problem. Today that amount would be roughly $100,000 per Arab, not chump change.

In 1969, that would have been equivalent to $14,000 per Arab, not the $100 given to each Arab personally.

Israel wanted to effect this movement far too cheaply, even by 1969 standards.

December 8, 2023 — Added a discovered old tweet, for interest.

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