The New Look of Iquique

The New Look of Iquique

Iquique, video promocional de ¡Viva Iquique! from ¡Viva Iquique! on Vimeo.
(Audio Translation:) Long Live Iquique! The New Look of Iquique!

What has Iquique got to do with Latin Arabia?

Much. Iquique is in the (sub)Tropical1 North of Chile. It has a tax-free zone and is relatively prosperous, as you can see. It is a bit of a vacation paradise.

The province has a large amount of Arabs (as well as Croatian, and Australian immigrants).

So much so that the Palestinian Ambassador to Chile has visited Isquique on occasion.

To see this, click this link for a series of videos.

Hundreds of Arab Videos from a city of less than a quarter million.

Almost all these Arabs in Iquique are Christian. There is no reason that Christians from Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) could not assimilate well into Iquique.

1Iquique is well within the tropics, and it should be tropical if latitude was all there was to consider; however the cold Humboldt current which comes up along Chile’s coast from Antarctica has a moderating influence on the climate making the offshore waters slightly cooler than they would otherwise be. This in turn cools the coastal area, preventing Iquique from becoming a tropical jungle, which it would otherwise be. Hence Iquique is more subtropical than tropical, though well within the tropics.

The effect is noticeable throughout Chile. Two-thirds of Chile is subtropical to tropical in land climate, but the off-shore waters can be genuinely chilly until you approach the tropic of capricorn, and even then the waters are not particularly warm, except along the beachfront shallows, where shallow depth increases solar efficiency.

The Humboldt Current carries cool water from Antarctica to the equator, where you have penguins on the Galapagos Islands because, even though on the equator, the Galapagos islands rarely rise above 25 °C (77 °F).

The effect is similar to the cool ocean current coming down from Alaska to subtropical Los Angeles and San Diego.

Hence, Northern Chile, which should be tropical, is often merely subtropical.

The effect is amazing and is responsible for Chile’s wonderfully moderate climate. It is a beautiful county – again 2/3rds of it being subtropical to tropical – but the beaches are notorious for chilly water, even when lined with palm trees.

While this might be a disaster for swimmers, it moderates the climate, preventing extremes of heat along the coast.

Santiago Arabic Dance Mob

This will take a while to catch but at (1:02) it becomes clear
that his Chilean dance mob is dancing to Arab music.
At (3:03) you can hear them try to approximate, the Arab tongue rolling yell.

A Chilean dance mob in the capital of Santiago dances to Arab Music.

Again, Arab culture has thoroughly and completely gone mainstream in South America, and has moved out of its ethnic community to be embraced by all.

Some Notes: Chile is 5% Arab. The USA, by comparison is only about 1% Arab; and many of those are Lebanese Maronite Catholics, who may not even identity as Arab, but rather as only Lebanese.

Check the notes on Chile in this site to learn more.

A Battle for the Soul

The Saudis financed this massive mosque in downtown Buenos Aires that almost no one wanted. Argentina is only about 1% Muslim; and most of those are non-practicing.

Why was this weekly program, El Cálamo y su mensaje, broadcast from the above Saudi-financed mosque, put on Argentine Public TV – a government network – when even the Arab-Argentines (who are overwhelmingly Christian) did not want it? Corruption is suspected.

The overwhelmingly Christian Arab-Argentines were furious that a popular secular Arab show was cancelled to make way for this Saudi-financed Islamic propaganda in the above video.
Note: I translated this.

Latin America, especially the Southern Countries (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay), as well as Brazil, are in many ways mirror images of the United States.

1a) The United States had heavy European immigration.
1b) Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil (especially South Brazil) had massive European immigration.

2a) America’s immigration was primarily North European, until 1965, though it had some noticeable South European immigration, especially Italians.
2b) South America’s immigration was primarily South European, until recently, though it had some noticeable North European immigration, especially Germans.

3a) America is largely Protestant with a considerable Catholic minority.
3b) South America is largely Catholic with a growing Evangelical minority.

4a) In America, Jews came during in the late 19th century fleeing persecution, and worked their way up to elites.
4b) In South America, Arab Christianss came in during the late 19th century fleeing persecution at the hands of Muslims, and worked their way up to elites.

As South America becomes richer, these Arab-Latins are feeling their oats and starting to assert themselves.

This would be great, except that at the same time, Saudi and Iranian money has come into the continent to propagandize them, and turn them against Israel. Almost every country in South America voted to open embassies with Palestine; and almost all of them voted to recognize Palestine in the United Nations.

These Arabs are elites. The Palestinians in Chile are 3% of the population, but 10% of the Senate. Compare that with American Jews which are 2% of the population and about 13% of the Senate. What we see is that both communities mirror each other in success and clout.

The State Department was hostile to the partition of Israel, but Zionist pressure, and Harry Truman’s religious feelings persuaded him to have America vote to allow Israel in 1947.

Chile’s President was pro-Zionist regarding the partition of Israel, but Palestinian-Chilean pressure persuaded him to have Chile abstain from the partition vote in 1947.

Both communities exercise influence out of proportion to their numbers.

What is troubling is that the vast majority of these Latin-Arabs are descended from ancestors who fled Muslim tyranny. The Shia/Druza and Sunni/Turks started genocidally massacring Christians in the middle of the 19th century until French intervention stopped it. The Lebanese and Syrian Arabs in South America are over 95% Christian, and are descended from these refugees.

The Palestinians in Chile are descended from Palestinians who fled Turkish rule. No Christian wanted to be drafted into a Muslim Army. Over half of them came before Israel was even born. Sixty percent can trace themselves back to an ancestor who arrived before 1930.

So why have these people suddenly found common cause with a quasi-Islamic Palestinian cause? Have they forgotten why their ancestors fled the Mideast in the first place?

The Evangelicals are the only ones fighting this. They should not have to fight this alone.

A large part of this is Israel’s fault. Israel is great at telling people why Israel is good for the Jews. Okay! But Israel does not adequately tell people why Israel is good for Gentiles, even Arab Christians. Israel is not doing enough to get its message out to South American Arabs, who are Latin America’s elites.

Holocaust guilt will not work with Latin Americans. They were not party to the Holocaust. Israel has to explain to Latin American Gentiles why their interests are better served by Israel than by the Arabs in the Mideast.

Argentina and Chile are typical of the problem. Someone has to talk to Israel and the United States to do something. Right now, there is only one group fighting back.

There is a growing Evangelical Movement in South America, which is usually very pro-Israel. Brazil and Chile have enormous and growing Evangelical populations. These should be encouraged. Why is our media ignoring this?

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