Christians of Nazareth break Ranks with the Arabs

From Terra News in Chile:

Cristianos de Nazaret rompen filas con la minoría árabe de Israel

Un grupo de cristianos de la ciudad de Nazaret, en la Galilea, ha roto filas con el resto de la minoría árabe y se ha agrupado políticamente para exhortar a la integración en la sociedad israelí y ser leales al Estado de Israel.

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Christians of Nazareth break ranks with the Arab minority in Israel

A group of Christians from the city of Nazareth in Galilee, has broken ranks with the rest of the Arab minority and has joined itself politically to encourage integratin in Israeli society and to be loyal to the state of Israel.

This is a major story.

The Palestinians of Chile (who are 99% Christian) are anti-Israel, as a rule, but now they are faced with the fact that the Christians of Israel are becoming anti-Islam.

The Palestinians of Chile will have to decide if whether their Christian or Arab identity if more important to them.

Israel should act now to use this opportunity to make friends in the South America. There are 25 Million Arab-Christian in South America. Israel should not ignore this.

An English version of the story can be found here: (Click Here).

Party at the Arab College – Viña Del Mar, Chile

The word: “College” in Spanish can be roughly equivalent to an American High School which prepares kids for the University. A Prep School. For post-high school, the Spanish use: “Universidad” (University).

These kids are well-to-do; and Christian. 99% of Chile’a Arabs are Christian.

Over half would be of Palestinian extraction – descendants of Palestinians who started immigrating to Chile around 1890, over 120 years ago. Most are second-, third-, and fourth-generation Chileans and are NOT native speakers of Arabic, but rather Spanish. Most are only part-Arabic. However, the Arabs in Chile are a very well off ethnic group and wield political power above their numbers in the population.

It is certain that they learned some Arabic in their Prep School.

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