Aljazeera on Palestinians of Chile

SOURCE: ALJAZEERA January 15, 2017

Chile: Palestinians gather to forge unified diaspora
‘Developing international leaders is going to help us to achieve things, but it won’t happen overnight.’

Santiago, Chile – In Santiago’s Patronato neighbourhood, the green, red, white and black of the Palestinian flag can be found on almost every corner. The words “Free Palestine” are etched on restaurants selling falafel and shawarma. The heady aroma of cardamom coffee drifts from corner bakeries serving baklava and the best pitta and rugag bread in town.

Chile is home to the largest – and one of the oldest – Palestinian immigrant communities outside of the Arab world. An estimated 350,000 immigrants and their descendants live here.

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Now, the happy thing is that almost all of Chile’s Palestinians are Christians, are prosperous, and are well assimilated in Chile. This is so common of much of South America’s Arabs. South America should be encouraged – with compensation, of course – to take in some of the Arabs from the contested areas.

1941 Social Guide to the Arab Colony in Chile


Social Guide to the Arab Colony in Chile
Syrian – Palestinian – Lebanese

Notice: It was published in 1941, under the Auspices of The Palestinian Club. This community was already rich and influential by the 1940s.

Notice also that they did not call themselves South Syrians.  I have nothing against Israel, but the Palestinians had a Palestinian identity by that time. It was not invented in 1964 as some claim it was. Look at the booklet cover. It says Palestina, not Sursiria (South Syrian).  Palestinian is clearly called out as their identity.

Again, it is not anti-Israel to admit the truth. They had a collective identity even by that early date.

From the National Library of Chile


PLO’s Ashrawi Meets Official Leftist Chilean Delegation

Source: Palestine News Network July 26, 2016

Ashrawi meets with an official Chilean delegation — of Leftists

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi met with an official Chilean delegation of Members of Parliament, journalists and Palestinian leaders from the Chilean community yesterday in Ramallah. The delegation was accompanied by the Chilean Representative to the State of Palestine Francisco Javier Bernales Errázuriz.

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The Palestinian-Chilean Community, though heavily Christian, supports the Palestine cause, and this has twisted Chile’s foreign policy. Palestinian-Chileans are rich and activist, and punch well above their numbers in the population of Chile. With the delegation was a famous Chilean Lefist, Camila Vallejo.

Original Video: (Click Here)

Again, you would not see antics like these from American Congressmen.

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