An Interesting Passport from Chile

This is an embedded tweet from Twitter which shows an old passport of a Palestinian-Chilean. It lists that the bearer was born in Beit Jala in 1890, in the province of Jerusalem, and arrived in Chile in 1906 – when he was 16. He probably came over with his parents and siblings.

Arabs started immigrating to Chile around 1890, and this is proof of that early migration.

What is interesting is that the passport lists the place where he was born as Palestine, and lists Palestinian as a nationality.

The twitter account claims that the passport was the possession of his grandfather Clarito. I have to suspect that the passport is of his great-grandfather if it goes that far back.

The Tweet says (CI. From my grandfather, Clarito leaves where he was born in 1890, and they say that PALESTINE did not exist.)[ translated by a Google app].

The tweeter uses the passport to defend that Palestine was an identity, even at that early date.

I support Israel’s right to exist, but I do not deny that Palestinians have an identity, though some Zionists deny this. I know what the tweeter means. And, as noted, I have no problem using the term Palestinian.

However, the Palestinians who went to Chile were often Christian. They would have had no problem calling themselves Palestinians. Muslims operate under a different worldview, and see a problem with nation-states. They prefer the idea of an Ummah (Muslim homeland).

Nor is the date – that the passport was issued – noted. The passport may have been issued much, much later in the bearer’s lifetime.

There Is Nothing Like This In America

There Is Nothing Like This In America

Posted on YouTube: July 9, 2020

No politician in the United States could get away with the anti-Israel rhetoric which is common in Chile. This video from the World Jewish Congress shows you how strongly anti-Israel the politics are in Chile.

This is what happens when one of Chile’s wealthiest elite groups is Palestinian Chilean. In Chile, the Jews are outnumbers 30 to 1 by Palestinian Christians.

From Chile: Palestinians In Chile Are Upset Over Proposed Annexation

From Chile: Palestinians In Chile Are Upset Over Proposed Annexation

Posted on YouTube: July 10, 2020

As noted elsewhere on this site, the Federación Palestina de Chile (Palestinian Federation of Chile) is very powerful — analagous to AIPAC in the United States. This is one of their newer videos, happily, it is translated into English, as my Spanish is abysmal.

Chile’s Palestinians are mostly Christian (Eastern Christian or Roman Catholic), but they are decidedly anti-Israel.

This should not be ignored. They are a wealthy elite in Chile, one of Latin America’s premier countries, which happens to be borderline first world. They have the clout to swing a lot of public opinion, if left unchecked.

A Series You Would Not See In America

A Series You Would Not See In America

Posted on YouTube: Jun 25, 2020

On June 27th, 2020, on Arab TV – a cable and internet channel in Chile – premiered what will be a six part series on Palestine, called Palestinian Land or The Land of Palestine.

The show lists Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nablus and Nazareth as part of Palestine, when 2 of those cities are presently in Israel. And, as you see, these Chilean Palestinian-Christians claim all of Israel as part of Palestine.

One might ask why? Especially since American Christians are pro-Israel.

The Palestinian-Chileans come from either Catholic or Antiochan-Orthodox Christian backgrounds; and they have older replacement theologies which do not accept a Jewish state as readily as an American Evangelical would.

This difference in theology also explains why Europe can be anti-Israel. Europe is mainly Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran or Episcopalian. These are all litugical expressions of Christianity (they all have masses), and still endorse replacement theology.

American Christians are often dissident Evangelical Christians, and they endorse a Jewish state. A difference in theology has led to major political differences.

One could not get away with such a series in the USA without a public outcry being raised, however – as noted many times – due to a very small Jewish demographic in Latin America, and a large Arab demographic, there is no strong Jewish lobby to counter this anti-Zionist propaganda.

The only exception is Argentina which has a considerable Jewish population, but even in Argentina, the Arab population is much bigger.

Posted on YouTube: Jun 26, 2020

In Chile, the power ethnic group are Palestinian Christians. They are rich, prosperous, and over-represented in politics and in the economy.

There is considerable pro-Israel sentiment in Brazil, but that comes from Evangelical Christians, not Jews.

The only two countries which have strong Evangelical power blocks are the USA and maybe Australia. Quite possibly also Brazil, but Brazil also has a massive, wealthy Arab-Brazilian block.

I doubt that one could get away with such programming in America.

What should also be obvious is that America’s – and to a lesser extent Australia’s and Brazil’s – support of Israel comes from a large Evangelical community, who support Israel. The Jewish community in America is not large enough to impose its will.

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