Buenos Aires
FEARAB upset with News Reporter
Fearab (Federation of Arab Societies) is upset that an Argentine news reporter, Jorge Lanata, pondered that the cause of a recent train crash in Argentina might not have been bad brakes, but a suicidal Arab conductor.
Link: (Story in Spanish)
DT – 010 A short documentary
This is a day old, but it shows tango dancers on Buenos Aires’ streets.
Ad for Arab Dancer Shows
The dancing may be Arabic, but that music sounds half-Celtic, like a Gaelic dirge.
The dancers seem to be performing at a trendy club in downtown Buenos Aires not to far from the Casa Rosada (Argentina’s White House)
They will be performing at Club Montserrat on Saturday, June 29th. It is an upscale neighborhood. Check it out. Tell them Latin Arabia send you. Latin Arabia me envia.
Photo by: clupario on panaramio