The Moderating Effect of the Lebanese

The Moderating Effect of the Lebanese

Congreso Mundial Juventud Libanesa – JUCAL 2012  [World Congress Lebanese Youth]
Juventud Unida Cultural Argentino Libanesa. [Lebanese-Argentina Youth Cultural Union]
Vivir el Libano en Argentina. [Living Lebanese in Argentina]
Buenos Aires Octubre 2012

That video was posted in October 2012.   This is the website of the Lebanese-Argentine Youth Cultural Union: (Click Here)

There are 1-1/2 Million Lebanese in Argentina. Most are Maronite (affiliated with Roman Catholicism) Christians. They have an enormously moderating effect in South America wherever Arabs have settled.

From what I have seen Lebanese Maronites are as not concerned as much about Palestinian issues as other Arabs are. Some are downright hostile to Palestinians. The Lebanese tend to be more concerned about becoming assimilated Westerners, evincing a love of Lebanese cuisine, music, and dance, yet maintaining a sort of quasi-Arab identity.

There are chiefly nine (9) reasons for this:

1) For centuries, the Maronites had been oppressed by Druze overlords. Lebanese Maronite Christians were almost exterminated by Muslims in the 19th century. The French Army had to intervene to prevent a genocide. (Click Here).

2) The Palestinian refugees were a major issue in the Lebanese Civil War. The Lebanese Maronite Forces and the Palestinian forces both committed massacres against each other’s communities.

3) Israeli intervention in the Lebanese Civil War, in 1982, may have prevented a major defeat of Lebanese Christians. The Christian leader Bashir Gemayel even considered an alliance with the Israelis. Some Maronites consider the Israelis to be the savior of Lebanese Christians.

4) Many Lebanese Maronites do NOT consider themselves as Arabs per se – though they speak Arabic, now. They consider themselves Phoenicians, who were overrun by the Arabs in the 7th century, but who remained distinct from the Arabs/Muslims (Click Here). The philosophy is called Phoenicianism; and I have seen Maronites get furiously angry if they are called Arabs.


5) Until the 18th century, many Maronites spoke Aramaic – a language of the Bible – not Arabic, which indicates how distinct they were from surrounding Arabs. Once they did learn Arabic, many spoke it better than the Arabs, by virtue of a Christian education.

6) Historically, the Maronite Church affiliated with Rome, not the Eastern Churches. Their religious orbit was to the West, not the East.

7) Their religious affiliation with the Roman Catholic Church, and political connections with the French, gave them a Western mindset that was lacking in other Arabs.  Though Arabic speaking by the 19th century, a few also spoke French.   French contacts, such as priests, tended to prefer the Maronites over the other locals; and for all intents and purposes treated the Lebanese Maronites as if they were Europeans with a funny language.  This gave the Maronites a leg up, not only over the Muslims, but also the Syrian Orthodox Christians, who tended to have a stronger Arabic center.

8)  The Maronites love wine/arak (alcohol), and will eat pork and shellfish.  They are not bound by Muslim, or Jewish food laws.  This further distinguishes them.

9) While there are other Lebanese Christians, most tend to be of a Christian Orthodox persuasion, with a historical Eastern/Arabic outlook. Contrast this with the Maronites, who boast of being the ancient Phoenicians who settled Italy, Sicily, Spain, and who made it out to the British Isles. They seem themselves as all but proto-Westerners. So they have little or no problems assimilating into a Western culture. It is their destiny. It is where there ancestors went … to the West.

So the Lebanese tend to assimilate very well into the Western world. Almost seamlessly.

The Lebanese Christians tend to be moderate to Western in their views regarding the Mideast; and can, at times, be pro-Israel.  This does not mean they are necessarily thrilled with Israel; but they have enough bad experiences in their history fighting Muslim forces that they tend to shy away from getting as involved in the Palestinian cause.

Some Maronites are downright hateful of the Palestinians. Some consider the Palestinian refugees to have started the Lebanese Civil War, and to have destroyed Lebanon. The Palestinians often share an equal, but counter-aversion, to the Maronites; and consider the Maronites to have started the Lebanese Civil War. But sides committed atrocities.

I have noticed that Argentina’s and Brasil’s Arabs tend to be less hostile to Israel than Chile’s Arabs.


Because Argentina’s and Brazil’s Arabs are top heavy with Lebanese Maronites, while Chile’s Arab’s are top heavy with Palestinians.

This is noticeable when studying the Arabs of South America.

To see this in effect, look at these former logos on two similar websites.

FEARAB – Argentina
(Note : the Website is now down)

FEderación de Entitades Arabes (Federation of Arab Groups) – Argentina

Notice the Argentine flag. Notice that one of the changing images is of a Gaucho

The Arab-Argentine society laid emphasis on the Gaucho. They are emphasizing and embracing an assimilated Argentine/Western identity.

Now look at a former logo on the Chilean Site!

FEARAB – Chile
(Note : the Website has changed its logo)


FEderación de Entitades Arabes (Federation of Arab Groups) – Chile

Israel is erased from the map!

The Arab-Chilean society laid emphasis on the struggle against Israel.

Why the difference?

Chiefly because 60% or more of the Arabs in Chile are Palestinian.

In Argentina, the opposite is true where roughly half the Arabs in Argentina are Lebanese, and the number of Palestinians is far smaller.  The Lebanese also predominate among Arabs in Brazil.

So in Argentina, the Western leaning Lebanese set the agenda, while in Chile the Palestinians set a different agenda.

The Latin-Maronites seek assimilation, while the Latin-Palestinians retain an ethnic identity of struggle (even though the Palestinians in Chile are Christian).

This is all the more amazing when one realizes that Christian Palestinians have been in Chile in large numbers since 1890.   What distinguishes them is that Christian Palestinians tend to be Syrian Orthodox Christian, which is an Eastern Church, while Maronite Catholicism is affiliated with Rome in the West. So, the Christian-Palestinians retain their Arab identity, while the Maronites are all but wannabe Westerners.

From their insistence on Christianity, to affiliation with Rome (rather than the local Eastern Churches), to their alliances with the French, to their friendly dealings with Israel, the Maronites are so Western that their Muslim neighbors have fought them on more than one occasion as traitors to the “Arab nation,” which ironically has a germ of truth, as many Maronites do not consider themselves Arabic, but Phoenician.

So Westernized Maronite Lebanese are NOT a Myth.

In Latin America, they blend in without a hitch.  Where Maronites predominate in the Arab community, they smooth the Westernization of the  Arab community.  In Chile, their moderating influence is weak, by virtue of a smaller demographic.

May 11, 2017 – Edited – Massive changes, and updated links.

Pro-Israel Rally in Argentina

From: November 2012 during the military actions against Gaza

YouTube Comment by AssyrianPride1000

A group of Argentinians (150), followed by some Centrist and Central Right wing activists as well as some members of the Evangelical Churches came out to show their support for Israel against Hamas war crimes.

Clearly, there are more than 150 in that crowd.

The poster’s name is AssyrianPride1000, which is a reference to the persecuted Assyrian Christians.

However, he is posting in English, not Spanish which is odd; and he lists his country of origin as Iraq, which is odder.

Whether this is primarily Jewish community show of support or not is immaterial. There are roughly 200,000 Jews in Argentina, and they are the largest Jewish community in the Spanish speaking world. They used to be even higher in number, till Argentina’s economic crises drove them to Israel. Argentina’s Jews still have clout.

The comment says there are Evangelicals in the crowd. Of this, I have no doubt.

Evangelicals are not as strong in Argentina as they are in Brazil or Chile; but they are starting to grow, and change things. Already they are 10% of the population in Argentina.

I have seen very strong pro-Israel support come for the richer more elite Catholic sections of Argentina.

The Arabs have effected the culture of South America; but their Arabs are Christian primarily, and they have not changed the Christian aspect of the society. In fact, their Christianity has become Westernized in South America.

Colegio Argentina – Árabe – 2nd Grade

2nd Grade Arab-Argentine School (Omar Bin Al Jattab) Buenos Aires
A Vacation Party – just before they break for their summer which starts in December in the Southern Hemisphere.

These Arabs(?!) at the Omar Bin Al Jattab (Khattab in English) school in Buenos Aires are Westernized; and not all of them are Arab. Check out the blonde-haired girl on the upper right stage; and the sandy-haired mother to the lower left. Almost surely, most of these children are Christian.

The school was founded in 1991 by the Islamic Center of the Republic of Argentina (CIRA).

Posted on YouTube: April 4, 2011

The Saudis financed this unpopular mosque (above). It houses a culture center, and broadcasts a TV show, one hour per week, on Public TV in Buenos Aires. Most of its attendees are new immigrants to Argentina.

The Islamic Center (CIRA) built a major mosque in downtown Buenos Aires.

During the administration of President Carlos Menem – an Argentine of Syrian Muslim extraction who converted to Catholicism – the Argentine government donated eight acres of primo real estate in downtown Buenos Aires to the Saudis for them to build a mosque. The Saudis built the largest mosque in South America, which is now connected to the Islamic Center. This Islamic Center is affiliated with the school in the videos above; and also broadcasts an Islamic propaganda show broadcast weekly on Argentine Public TV.

This is being financed by the Saudis. Meanwhile, Iran is broadcasting HispanTV to Latin America.

Look at the school website header, and you will see that there are few Nordic types among the parents and children.

To understand why Christians would send their children to a Muslim school: An American analogy would be Catholic schools in inner cities which attract non-Catholics for their academic performance and discipline. Likewise, the Muslim school is aiming to build an elite; if not in religion, then in sympathies.

Why isn’t the West doing more about this?

Only the Evangelicals seem to be fighting back.

The Christian kids among them will probably not be converted, but there will be an Islamic influence drilled into them.

History – CIRA site

Su principal objetivo es brindar a la comunidad un colegio abierto, teniendo en cuenta los principios pedagógicos de la educación personalizada, como así también las tradiciones y los valores morales de la Cultura Islámica.

Its principle objective to offer the community an open school, taking into account the teaching principles of a personalized education, as well as the traditions and values of the Islamic Culture.

These children may grow up to be anti-Israel, at least; even though they do not become Muslim.

Arab culture is mostly beneficial to Latin America, but this aspect of it requires watching.

June 12, 2024 – Edited: Removed some copyright issue videos. Made mobile friendly.

Arab-Argentine Home of Berisso

From 2011 – Arab-Argentine Home of Berisso – Islamic Mutual Aid Society of Berisso
At (0:25), the girl in the red dress looks Ukrainian. At (6:40), the girl in the blue dress looks positively Celtic.
How many of these so called Muslim Arabs even look Arabic?
How many are just culturally affiliated, with no religious connection?
How many are Christian non-Arabs, who just wanted to take up Arab dancing?

Argentina is almost unique in Spanish speaking Latin America in that the Arab immigration was so large and stable that it did produce a somewhat noticeable Muslim community. (Brazil to a lesser extent, but it was Portuguese speaking) Yet, even in Argentina and Brazil, the Muslims never rose above a small minority within their Arab ethnic communities.

Even in Argentina, the trend was for the Muslims to assimilate to non-observance, and often intermarry into Christianity.

Most of the other countries Christianized the Muslims who did come in, making for extremely small Muslim communites prone to coversion over time.

The difference is that in Argentina and Brazil, the Muslim communities are small, while elsewhere in South America they are incredibly small.

For ex: Nominally, in Argentina: (Muslims are about 10-20% of the Arab ethnic population. In practice considerably smaller).

In Chile: (Muslims are less than 0.5% of the Arab ethnic population).

Overall, taking the whole nation into account …

About 1½% of Argentina is Muslim (Nominally! In practice, much less).
About 0.025% of Chile is Muslim, and most of those are new arrivals, or converts who may re-convert back out.

Muslims in Argentina are noticeably small.  In Chile, they are microscopically small.

However, the Islamic Mutual Aid Society of Berisso is one Islamic group that did put down roots in Argentina. (The link is to their website in Spanish).  They were founded in 1917.

This was pre-Iranian Revolution, pre-Saudi funding; and may be one of the few genuine expressions of original cultural preservation not tainted by the Islamic extremism.

The Islamic groups now forming in Latin America are often expressions of Saudi or Iranian manipulation.  [For ex: the recently built obscenity of the King Fahd Mosque in Buenos Aires, was financed by the Saudis, and draws very few Argentine Muslims. Almost all attendees are recent immigrants. The Saudi-financed Mosque’s behavior has been very unpopular with Argentine Arabs.]

Berisso is a suburb about 13 miles/20 km southeast of Buenos Aires.  Oddly, Berisso has a double s, which is not found in Spanish; and is a name of Italian origin.  The town was founded by Italian immigrants.

Berisso is notable for its immigrants with many of it citizens tracing their roots to  Italian, German, Portuguese, Arab, East European, Irish, Lithuanian, and Jewish immigrants. [And you though Argentines were primarily Spanish Gauchos! – Actually, Italians may now outnumber the Spanish in Argentina where the Spanish is now spoken with an Italian accent in Buenos Aires.]

How many of these dancers are still practicing Arab Muslims, I do not know.

Please look at the above video in this post. Notice how many of the girls look like pale skinned Slavs or Nordics. At (6:40), the girl in the blue dress looks positively Celtic. How many of the swarthier girls are actually Latin?

As we have seen, in Latin America, Arab culture has broken out of the ethnic envelope, and is now embraced by non-Arabs. Also, the rate of intermarriage is very high.

If you doubt this, the video was posted in 2011, by someone with the Surname of Gonzalez, which is a Spanish name of Visigothic (Ancient Germanic) origin.

I am sure some Islamic aspect survives in the group; but I suspect a lot of it functions as a cultural relic for those who have a Muslim ancestor; but are now either Christian, confused, or unsettled as to what they are.

I included this to show that in Latin America, the Muslim groups, while culturally powerful, are religiously neutered. This is not a Salifist, or Wahabbist group.

Latin America usually converts Muslims; and even where it fails to convert, willl often culturally soften the Muslims. Do you see burqas in that group?

Latin America is – and has been – doing something right that the West needs to emulate.


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