The Institute of Arab Culture – ICArabe , with the coordination of Sesc São Paulo – Social Service of Commerce and CineSesc and sponsorship by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, will promote, from August 28 to September 27, the World Arab Home Cinema Exhibition .
Held exclusively online on the platform (from August 28 to September 13), and on the Sesc Digital platform (from August 31 to September 27), the event will feature five new films in Brazil and a collection of the highlights of the Mostra.
The festival will run online from August 28 to September 27.
O ICAB agradece a todos os visitantes, expositores e equipe de apoio por toda animação e alegria dessa segunda edição da Feira da Diversidade Culinária Árabe em Brasília/DF.Vocês poderão conferir nosso álbum de fotos do facebook durante a semana!
HOWEVER, Brazil may have the largest amount of ethnic Lebanese on the planet … at least 10 Million. So, to give condolences to the victims of the August 4 explosion in Beirut, Brazil lit up the Christ the Redeemer statue.