Brazil Goes After Hezbollah

Brazil Goes After Hezbollah

Posted on YouTube: November 8, 2023
This video has a translation option.

The Mossad and Brazilian authorities arrested some Hezbollah operatives who were planning to go after Jewish targets.

Source: Times of Israel

SAO PAULO, Brazil — The Brazilian Federal Police, working in cooperation with Israeli intelligence agencies, says it has disrupted a suspected domestic terror plot against Israeli and Jewish targets believed to be in its initial stages.

Federal investigators said Tuesday that they had uncovered a scheme allegedly involving the recruitment of Brazilian citizens by the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy, to orchestrate attacks against members of the 120,000-strong Brazilian Jewish community.

The intended targets reportedly included synagogues.

(Read More)

Brazil is a special case in Latin America. About 31% of the population is Evangelical, with a strong sense of support for Israel. Brazil also has roughly 15 million Arabs, but they tend to be of Christian descent, often Lebanese, who bear little or no animus towards Israel.

Simultaneously, Brazil has a low percentage of Jews in the population. So, Brazil would be inclined to help Israel.

More Lebanese in Brazil than Lebanon

More Lebanese in Brazil than Lebanon

Posted on YouTube: 2022

There are more Lebanese in Brazil than Lebanon.

The video (above) lists the reasons for the massive immigration to Lebanon as economic and political instability.

What the video does not explain is that the instability was caused by the ongoing Islamic attempts at genocides of the Christians — which have been periodically happening for centuries in Lebanon and Syria.

Hence the vast majority of these Arab immigrants were Christians fleeing Muslim persecution which, at times, rose to genocidal levels.

However, the video (above) does get correct how massive and influential the Lebanese are in Brazil.

The video estimates 12 million Lebanese in Brazil, which is roughly in accord with my own estimates. However, I estimated 12-15 million for all Arabs, while this video estimates 12 million for the Lebanese alone in Brazil.

Add in the Syrian-Lebanese and you can see how massive the Arabs are in Brazil … and they are prosperous.

My estimates of Arabs in Brazil might even be low.

Again, almost all the Lebanese in Brazil are Christians.

Posted on YouTube: 2023
This is from an Israeli channel, but the facts are there.

The upshot of this is that Lebanese Christians in Latin America usually do not subscribe to the raw hatred of Israel which is more common among Palestinian-Christian-Chileans (or Hondurans).

The Lebanese-Christian-Brazilians remember the brutality of the Muslims. Their views on Israel vary from friendly to not thrilled, but they have no illusions about Islam.

Hence, wherever the Lebanese Arabs predominate among Arab-Latins — and they predominate in many Latin countries – they then to moderate the discussion.

Brazilian Evangelical Support Israel During Crisis

Brazilian Evangelical Support Israel During Crisis

Source: Fohla de S.Paulo – English Edition – October 9, 2023

Why Do So Many Evangelicals in Brazil Support Israel in the New Conflict?

This new stage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has revived the popularity of Zionism within this religious segment

The eruption of a new conflict in Israel has flooded evangelical social media with the white and blue flag bearing the Star of David in its center. This new stage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has revived the popularity of Zionism within this religious segment, even prompting expressions of support from this religious bloc in Congress.

Brazil is one of those countries where a very large Evangelical constituency can override Arab sympathies in the political realm. The former president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, was very pro-Israel. The current president is not so.

Rio De Janiero protest in support of Israel
Posted on YouTube: October 15, 2023

Pro-Israel supporters from another view.
Posted on YouTube: October 16, 2023

Almost one-third of Brazil is now Evangelical Christian (31%) – who tend to support Zionism – and the government, even though it is leftist, has to respect their political power.

Posted on YouTube: October 16, 2023

One can see the enormous numbers of people who support Israel. Yet, there are not a lot of Jews in Brazil, relatively speaking. Roughly 110,000 which is one-twentieth of one percent (0.05%) of the population.

So where is this support coming from: The Evangelicals.

Yes, there is pro-Palestinian support (see video below) but it will be drowned out.

Remember that the Arabs in Brazil are, in the vast majority, Christian, and some of those would be Evangelical or, at the least, moderate Maronites. So even though Brazil has roughly 15 million Arabs, the Evangelicals will win.

News report on pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel supporters.
Posted on YouTube: October 11, 2023

The Evangelical Christians are making demographic gains daily. While there will be pro-Palestinian support in Brazil, in the end, the politics will sway to Israel. The Evangelicals are powerful — powerful enough that the leftist president Lula da Silva has had to moderate his position.

Added October 24 (below):

Not just the Evangelicals in Brazil. Apparently, there was a massive street protest in favor of Israel in Buenos Aires. Argentina has a massive amount of influential Jews — circa 180,000.

Expect Brazil, with its large Evangelical base, and Argentina – with a large Jewish community – to be more muted or balanced in taking sides in this war, unlike Chile or Honduras where Palestinians are large, elite, and powerful.

The video below was posted on October 16 which leads me to believe that this protest and the Brazilian demonstrations were coordinated to occur around the same time, across Brazil and Argentina, as a large scale show of political power.

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