Protest against Insults against Mohammed

Islamic March in Repudiation of the insults against the Prophet Mohammed

This is a video of a protest march against insults against Mohammed in São Paulo, followed by a discussion with a Syrian Orthodox Priest and a Protestant minister.

What has to be remembered is that

A) São Paulo has a very large Arab community; and may be the Arab Center of Brazil

B) The parade is relatively small

C) Metro São Paulo has about 30 million people and this is the the best they could do?!

D) If you look carefully, you can see that many of those people in the parade are not even Arab or Muslim, and may be in the parade just to protest a political incorrectness. Many of the women are not wearing hijabs, and I saw at least one Christian monk in the group. I have to wonder how much of this was Islam, and how much was simple Arab solidarity, which reigned in a lot of Chrisitans.

But pay attention:

A (4:01) we see Pastor Khalio Samara of the Arab Evangelical Church.

That should tell you something right there.

I am not denying that Islam is making inroads; but it does not take much effort to triple a community if the original size was very small.

But at some point Islam is going to run up against an Evangelical Church which is growing by millions upon millions every year.

This makes good TV fodder to scare you.

But while YouTube or TV notices a loud protest march, it ignores the millions who are converting in the other direction.

Carlos Latuff – Anti-Semitic Artist?!

Carlos Latuff – Anti-Semitic Artist?!

Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian freelance political artist. He is usually leftist; but he also is notorious for his very pro-Palestinian cartoon.

We in America may ignore the Arabs in Latin America, the rest of the world does not.   Carlos Latuff is an international Media Star from Brazil, of  Lebanese descent.  (Click here)

Some of his cartoons are here.


Some of his stuff is vicious!

Latuff is of part-Lebanese ancestry. He claims to be not anti-Semitic, but the Simon Wiesenthal Center has labelled him the #3 on the 2012 Top 10 anti-Semitic slanderers. (Click Here)

Only The Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian Regime have been scored higher.

Latuff mocked their condemnation.

The Arabs, as you can imagine, have become great fans of Latuff.

Most Americans are not aware of Latuff. Our newspapers will not print his drawings. But the rest of the world, even Canada, does print his stuff. It has a major effect on the world. He is a sort of a media star.
Draws Israel as a Nazi – Some of his stuff looks like Goebbel’s propaganda

We should stop ignoring the Arabs in Latin America. They can be a force for good or evil. If the West does nothing, the other side will.

April 15, 2020 – Edited: Had to remove a dead video.

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