House of Culture, Varela, Buenos Aires Province

House of Culture, Varela, Buenos Aires Province

Posted on YouTube: August 9, 2016

The Undersecretary of Culture and Education showed up at this Arab Dance workshop in the House of Culture. It was in Varela, a suburb of Buenos Aires. This was a municipal workshop which offered free courses: in this case, Arabic Dance.

Notice the young girls in the background.

This is considered an art form in Latin America, suitable even for young ladies.

It could not be any more mainstream.

Propaganda and Cooking

Propaganda and Cooking

Posted on YouTube: December 10, 2015

Argentina has only about 1% Muslims; and most are non-practicing. Yes, 9-10%% of the population has Arabic ancestry, but the vast majority of those are Christians.

So what is this with the hijab?!

Annur TV is an Islamic propaganda site, which even had a page dedicated to the workings of an Islamic state. It has courses in Islam. It is viciously anti-American and anti-Israel.

Who is funding this? What is it doing in Argentina?


South America is the least Islamic continent on the planet – other than Antarctica – so why is this now being pressed?

There is a massive propaganda effort being subsidized, most likely by Iran, as the site criticizes the Saudis, in this article: (Click Here).

The USA and Israel are foolishly ignoring this.

Argentina Accepted Syrian Refugee

Source: Télam July 15, 2016

La joven refugiada Siria llegó a la Argentina

Hannen Nasser, de 24 años, la primera siria refugiada que es fotógrafa y traductora, llegó el viernes por la noche al Aeropuerto de Ezeiza donde fue recibida por familiares con quienes había contactado a través de Internet.

La joven es fotógrafa y traductora y fue recibida esta noche en el Aeropuerto de Ezeiza por sus familiares e integrantes de la Asociación Arabe de La Pampa, donde se instalará en la localidad de Parera.

Young Syrian Refugee [woman] arrived in Argentina

Hannen Nasser, 24, the first Syrian refugee who is a photographer and translator, arrived on Friday night to Ezeiza Airport where he was received by relatives with whom they had contacted over the Internet.

She is a photographer and translator and was received tonight at Ezeiza Airport by their families and members of the Arab Association of La Pampa, which will be installed in the town of Parera. … (Read More)

Translation was chiefly by translation app.

Ezeiza Airport is Buenos Aires’ main airport, outside the city itself, officially called Ministro Pistarini International Airport, in the town of Ezezia.

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