I have an unusual request to ask all of you who come to this site. This will cost you nothing.


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I have edited and run this website,, where I have discussed the history of Arab communities in Latin America for over twelve years. I get approximately 1000 plus visitors, 2000 plus views a week.

This website has become an authoritative source, even quoted in major newspapers (see below).

Source: Arabs In The Andes? Chile, The Unlikely Long-Term Home Of A Large Palestinian Community
The International Business Times
By Palash Ghosh
October 10, 2013

… the webmaster of, a website that chronicles the history of Arabs in Latin America, told International Business Times that at one point, 60 percent of all textiles manufactured in Chile were controlled by Palestinian-Chileans. …

When I started this website, the amount of information concerning Arabs in Latin America was pitifully small and limited in scope.

To correct this, I set about compiling a lot of data and information. At that time, this website was a trailblazer.

In due time, however, a lot of outside articles about Arabs in Latin America started to crop up on the internet – I suspect some of these outside stores were inspired by this website.

This website has covered Arabs in Latin America – and mentioned their histories, stories, and their views on the Mideast. However I studiously tried to avoid any bigotry. My chief goal was merely to provide reliable information of academic quality.

I also mentioned the concerns of Jewish communities in Latin America.

Many Jews in Latin America were/are concerned about antisemitism arising out of the Mideast conflict. Chile has come under the microscope, because of it large and influential Palestinian community, which supports Palestine and which distorts Chilean foreign policy.

Oddly, Argentina’s present government is very pro-Israel, and I have pointed that out as well.

This website was NEVER anti-Zionist. I merely discussed the Arabs in Latin America, and their attitudes towards the Mideast, occasionally mentioning Jewish concerns.

But I am getting older. This theme is not the friendliest, and could use a makeover. A lot of the internal links are done by hand. Moreover, I had to modify the css on the theme. In plain terms, this site could use a makeover.

I might consider turning this website over to a college (for free). There are over twelve years of work on it, and I have been told that some of this website’s work is of academic quality – by a lady who was going for her PhD. I have lots of demographics and history on the site.

However, given today’s hostile college atmosphere, I am afraid that it might go to some woke anti-Zionist history department.

Do you know of any Jewish or Christian university (or institution) in the USA – must be American – whom I could trust with this site?

I am considering turning it over to them for free. The domain is worth something alone.

All I ask is that the college (or institution) be American, and that this website not go to hostile use. In other words, I do not want it going to an anti-Israel history department to be used for antisemitism.

This site was merely about history and academic concerns.

The college or group could be Jewish or Christian, but can not be hostile to Israel.

Do you know of any colleges which be interested.’


Contact me. (Click Here)
You must be affiliated with a university or institution, and you must be willing to prove it.


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