Chilean Soccer Team Supports Gaza

I am just posting for your information.

The CD Palestino (Palestinian Sports Club) Soccer team is a major league soccer franchise in Santiago, Chile, sort of like a professional sports team here in the USA. It was founded in 1920 by Palestinian-Chileans (Chilestinos).

It has become more than a sports team, but also a political force to be reckoned with in Chile, and not only Chile but also in the whole Mideast. It has a large fan base in the Palestinian territories, the Muslim world, and even has its fans throughout the world.

Posted on YouTube: December 13, 2017

A Scot shows off his CD Palestino jersey.

The teams’s fame has spread world wide.

I do NOT agree with CD Palestino’s politics, which tend to be anti-Israel, but I am just reporting what is posted.

And the team is presently making a statement about the Gaza War (see first tweet).

There is an influential Palestinian constituency in Chile, and part of the way they express their power is through their sports team: CD Palestino.

Palestinians in Chile are rich, influential, and politically powerful. They vastly outnumber the Jews of Chile, and can get away with this in a way that would NOT be acceptable in the USA.

Indeed, the government of Chile often falls in line behind the Palestinian community’s wishes.

This is odd, because Chile is otherwise a progressive Western democracy.

Naturally, the Jewish community in Chile condemns anti-Israel protests in Chile – see below where the Jewish community condemned Chilean student protests which called for the university to break relations with Israeli campuses.

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