Tell Me the Arabs would not Assimilate

For those who think Palestinian Muslims will not assimilate in South America, look at what South Americans are like.

They are wild. There is no way that Islam could hold up in South America, unless it was indulged with isolation.

Calle Florida [Florida Street] – Buenos Aires
The Tango is: Por Una Cabeza

The Argentines dance in the street. Gender segregation would not hold up well in Argentina.

Caminito – La Boca – Buenos Aires

Any Palestinians Muslim immgrant would be hit with this every day when walking to the supermarket.

Their Sharia instincts would collapse in a few minutes.

Plaza Dorrego – Buenos Aires
The Tango is: La Cumparsite

Palestinian Muslims will have gender shock in a week. They will assimilate.

They teach tango to the kids in Kindergarten.

The Muslims won’t know what hit them.

The trick is to put them in public, not religious, schools.

Moving them to South America will work, if done wisely.

Don’t indulge their idiocies.

6 – S.A. Assimilates Arabs

South America has a history of assimilating Arabs, and assimilating them quite well.

Argentina is 9% Arab. ( Mix of Lebanese, Syrian, etc.)
Brazil is 7½% Arab. (Heavily Lebanese Christian)
Venezuela is 6% Arab. ( Mix of Lebanese, Syrian, etc.)
Chile is 5% Arab (most of whom are Palestinian Christians).
Uruguay is 2% Arab (almost all Lebanese).

Over all, about 25 million people in South America have some Arab ancestry.

It is true that most came in as Christian Arabs, but not all.

40% of Arab-Argentines have a Muslim ancestor, yet only 10% of Arab-Argentines are Muslim. This indicates a high rate of assimilation.

In our following posts on this series we will discuss costs and plans.

Source: Muslims in Argentina – Pedro Brieger

… 40% are estimated to have been Muslims or children or grandchildren of Muslims

In the end, Argentina is only 1% Muslim (if even that, probably smaller), and that number seems to be falling.

Moreover, South America is in the midst of an Evangelical Revival. The cultural influence to convert and assimilate will be even greater, today.

– May I suggest that paying the 2± million Palestinians to move to South America is doable.

– May I suggest that South America can indeed absorb the Arabs. It already has.

– May I suggest that if these Arabs came in with money, South America might accept them

– May I suggest that 2 Million Arabs in South America, a continent of 400 Million people, almost all of whom are Christian, would be statistically insignificant

– May I suggest that over time, they would convert to either Catholicism, or the emerging Evangelicalism in South America.

So, who would pay for this?

Read the next post in this series.

1) The Land and the Settlers
2) Cost to Uproot Settlers
3) Real Arab Populations
4) Cost Effectiveness
5) False Hopes
6) South America Assimilates Arabs
7) Paying Palestinians to Leave

May 12, 2017 – Edited: Added series list at bottom.

I am Palestinian – Chile

This is a video that I translated in 2013.

The is the UGEP (General Union of Palestinian Students) in Chile.

The Palestinians are elites in Chile, and they are swinging the policies of an up and coming Chile. Chile is now first world, and the rising star of Latin America.

Building a bridge of dialogue
in place of a Separational Wall.

The General Union of Palestinians Students (UGEP in Spanish) is not a small force to be ignored.

Yasser Arafat came out the Mideastern Branch of the Palestinian Student Union.

As you can see by that map on the poster, above, The UGEP does not recognize Israel at all.  As far as the UGEP is concerned, all of Israel is Palestine.

The video above portrays idealistic Chilean Youth. No doubt, many are.  What the video does not show is that the UGEP advocates the destruction of Israel.  The poster’s words advocate dialogue.  The poster’s map advocate destruction.

The UGEP, even in Chile where almost all Palestinians are Christian, advocates a very hard party line.

It may not look as severe because the women are Christians, and not burqa clad women with their roiling tongue curdling screams; but in the end, they advocate no less that their Muslim cousins.

Note: My own view is nuanced: Historically, the  Jew have the best claim to Israel for many reasons. I do not see Jews as invaders to their own patrimony in the Mideast.  The Jews do have a claim to the land.

But, sadly, neither can I deny that the Israelis ethnically cleansed the Palestinians in 1948 and 1967, nor that Palestinians were and are mistreated.  No nation is perfect.   We Americans were not perfect.   Chile – the nation these youth live in how – was guilty of ethnically cleansing its Mapuche and Quechua Indians.   No nation is perfect.

Innocent people were hurt in 1948; and yes, that includes innocent Arabs.

Unlike these youth, I do NOT  think the destruction of Israel as a homeland for the Jews is the answer. That would be insane.  Destroying or re-defining the Jewishness out of Israel is not the answer to the problem.

Israel has a right to be the homeland for the Jewish people.

There is too much hurt, too much history, and too much blood, for the Jews to surrender their state.

Sadly, there is too much hurt, too much history, and too much blood, for the Palestinians to forget.

Islam is too radicalized for the Israeli Jews to trust their fate to a one-state solution, which allows for the Palestinians to return; and which restores an angry Islamic majority to the land. Israeli Jews will never do it. Nor should they be asked to dissolve their state.


I think the best solution is to pay the Palestinians to leave for the West, preferably South America, which has  history of assimilating the Arabs well.

Pay them well … about $100,000 per Palestinian.

This may not be a totally just solution, but it is the least destructive.   I know it is awful to ask the Palestinians to surrender their claims to the land; but the only alternative is nuclear war – a nuclear war where they would be targeted.

I know some will say: It is not right to write the Palestinians out of history.  You are right!

Indeed it is wrong to write the Palestinians out of history.

It would be FAR MORE WRONG to write Israel out of history.

Ultimately – as cruel as it may sound – this cold logic applies:  If there are 22 Arab states, it would be wrong to dismantle the only Jewish state to correct the injustice and to restore another Arab state.

It is wrong to deny the Palestinians a right to return, but it is MORE WRONG to dismantle Israel as the homeland for the Jews.

There is no  completely just solution here … only a less destructive one.

Denying Israel is NOT the answer.

The Jewish right to Israel and Jerusalem is solid.

I am not saying Palestinians were not hurt; but the destruction of Israel is NOT the answer.

Finally, there is a spiritual side to this.

On the spiritual side, Israel is totally right.   There may be some political wrongs, but in the end, Israel has the better claim.

November 15, 2023: Edited: Made more mobile friendly.
June 12, 2024: Edited: Removed a dead video. Changed text.

4 – Cost Effectiveness

From the Jerusalem Post:

‘Evacuating small settlements could cost NIS 250b.’

By TOVAH LAZAROFF 04/30/2013 06:28

The evacuation of isolated West Bank Jewish communities outside of the settlement blocs could cost the government more than NIS 250 billion, the Council of Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip said on Monday.

NIS 250 Billion (New Israeli Shekels) is about US $70 Billion.

This is what it would cost to remove some of the smaller settlements in Judea and Samaria (what the world calls the West Bank). That would be just a fraction of the cost of a creating a Palestinian state. The real cost of creating a Palesitnian state would approach a trillon dollars.

The Two State Solution is dead 

Blame the Arabs or blame Israel with its settlement expansion. Does it matter?  It is dead.   There is no way, Judea and Samaria can be evacuated, even if one were to ignore the threat of settler violence which would follow implementation of evacuation.

A Better Solution 

Israel would do better to offer each young, unemployed, and landless Palestinians US $100,000 per person to leave for South America, along with travelling papers.

$70 Billion would allow 700,000 Palestinians to leave Judea and Samaria.

That is almost half of the up and coming young Arab generation in Judea and Samaria.

A young family of five, who are living in a small apartment, could be given $500,000 (5 x $100,000) to leave for South America.

In South America, $500,000 could buy them a nice house in a major town, as well as a business, and a car, with money left over to put in the bank.

Why South America?

Read the following posts in this series.

1) The Land and the Settlers
2) Cost to Uproot Settlers
3) Real Arab Populations
4) Cost Effectiveness
5) False Hopes
6) South America Assimilates Arabs
7) Paying Palestinians to Leave

May 12, 2017 – Edited: Added series list at bottom.

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