Arabs must Save Jerusalem – Idiocy

Abbas: Arabs Must Save Jerusalem From ‘Settlement Monster’ – Arutz Sheva

Abbas alleges that Israel is plotting to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque; says “saving Jerusalem from settlement monster” is duty of all Arabs.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas continues to promote the PA libel that Israel is scheming and acting to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Palestinian Media Watch reported.

(Read More)

This is idiocy of the worst sort.

Jerusalem is Jewish. I many have sympathy with some Palestinians issues; but Jerusalem is absolutely Jewish.

Jerusalem is mentioned hundreds of times in the New and Old Testaments. Not once in the Quran.

Why the West indulges this idiocy is beyond me.

Maybe Israel should tear down the wall, stop withholding permits to the Arabs, and stop mistreating the Palestinians; but under no circumstances should Israel be required to split Jerusalem.

The Israelis may not be perfect; but Jerusalem is Jewish.

Another outrage?!

Mondoweiss,  a pro-Palestinian website, is reporting that the Israelis would not let a teacher cross the border, as she was taking the class on a trip to London (Click Here).  Without the teacher, the class was delayed making it to the airport;  and the class of children did not make their trip to London.

A dozen Palestinian children ‘on big adventure of their lives’ are balked when teacher is stopped from traveling – Mondoweiss
by Tom Suarez on June 25, 2013

A Palestinian head teacher leading 12 children on their way to London for a Camden Abu Dis youth exchange funded by Youth in Action was prevented by Israeli guards from crossing the border between the West Bank and Jordan yesterday, Sunday 23rd June. The group of 16 were travelling to join a UK group of the same size for a drama-based exchange during which they would be five days in Devon followed by  six days in London.

(Read More)

If this was done out of spite or bureaucratic arrogance1 – and that is a big if – it was sheer cruelty on Israel’s part.

Now, Mondoweiss is a pro-Palestinian board with a strong anti-Israel bias; and one has to factor that into the interpretation of the story. However, the story is probably true.


Others, even Israelis, have reported that Israel will go out of its way to make life miserable for the Palestinians, in the hopes that they will give up and leave. This may be one case in point.

Mind you, I am not anti-Israel. I am just noting that both sides play dirty.

A Handsomely made video, until you realize they are denying the right of Israel to exist.
This is ugly!

What the Arabists will never tell you is how badly the Palestinians behave as well. This may or may not justify Israeli actions, on a case by case basis; but it does put Israeli actions in context.

What must never be forgotten is how barbaric Arab civilization is.   Honor killing, Female mutilation, etc.

The Arabs are even worse to each other than the Israelis are.

There is no solution here.  Neither side will give up the claim to the land.

The only option may be to pay those young people willing to leave to move to South America.  It will be expensive; but it is better than the nuclear war that will come if the nothing  is done to alter the path of both sides.

1There have been reports that Israel will deny permits to Arabs who do not work for them as snitches. Ha’aretz reported that Medical Students studying in the Eastern Part of Jerusalem were told they would have spy if they wanted permission to continue studying.

Shin Bet recruiters enticing Palestinian medical students with Jerusalem entry permits – Ha’aretz

The Shin Bet security service is trying to recruit Palestinian medical students as a condition for granting them entry permits to Jerusalem, according to two medical students at Al-Quds University pursuing internships in Palestinian university hospitals in the city.

The Shin Bet said in response that the two students’ entry permits had not been renewed for security reasons. The agency did not refer to the students’ allegations that agents tried to blackmail them in exchange for renewing their permits.

(Read More)

What was interesting is that the medical school students were not approached with this horrible choice until they were in their fifth year – doing their internship – forcing them to be a snitch, or abandon the four years of their lives they had already invested in medical school.

Of course, Israel will never admit this; and the catch all official reason was that their permits were denied for security reasons. But even Israel National News has conceded that Israel has refused medical treatment to those who do not snitch for them.

As odd as it sounds, Israel keeps a database on everyone. They will ask you your father’s name, your mother’s name, etc. The idea is to have total information on everyone so they can control them.

You may say it is necessary; but it is totalitarian. If any Arab does not cooperate, even if they are otherwise innocent, no permits will be given to them.

It is an effective, but ruthless way of coercing information.

What is amazing is to see how many Israelis approve of it, yet if it were done to Jews, there would be a worldwide howl.

I am not condemning Israel. Just observing that the situation is very ugly.

Am I really that Crazy?

The Arab side of the story

I am amazed at how both camps (both Palestinian and Zionist) hate Oslo; but for completely different reasons.

And not just Oslo.

Allison Deger, of Mondoweiss ( a pro-Palestinian website) was upset the other day that that the Jahalin Bedouins were being moved to Nu’aimah (Nueimah). –

MONDOWEISS: Israel approves construction to transfer West Bank Bedouin

Meanwhile, Israel National News (a right wing Jewish media outlet) was upset that Israel was even giving the Arabs the city of Nu’aimah, at all. (Read comments) –

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS: Yaalon Gives Green Light to PA City in Jordan Valley.

Both sides were upset that the Arabs should be moving to Nu’aimah, but for completely different reasons.

Allison Deger wanted the Arabs to stay in E-1 (the contested area outside Eastern half of Jerusalem); and not be forcibly transferred to Nu’aimah.

Right wing Israelis want the Arabs to have neither E-1 nor Nu’aimah.

 Disgraceful government building Arab tows while destroying J

Disgraceful Israeli government building Arab tows while destroying Jewish towns and settlements. The Israeli government has already decided to withdraw from Judea and Samaria and build another Arab state there. How many more Jews need to die because of this useless, incompetent, and corrupt government?

Shlomo, Jerusalem (1/6/13)

Shlomo does not mention  that part of the reason to give the Arabs  the city of Nu’aimah is to forcibly forcibly clear Jahalin Bedouins out of E-1.   An Arab settlement of Jahalin Bedouins is being destroyed, not a Jewish settlement.  He may not even  be aware of that side of the story.

The Gods toy with men

If this were not so damnably tragic, it would be funny.

This is no possibility for peace – at all – when the same action produces the same violent rejection on both sides – but for completely opposite reasons.

I am Christian, but this looks the Greek view of the Gods of Olympus who confound men with impossible predicaments for their amusement.

If so, this is Zeus’ best production yet.

You think I am crazy when I suggest a generously re-imbursed payment to move the Arabs of Judea and Samaria to South America. Maybe so! Maybe I am nuts.

But, frankly, both sides of the Mideast debate are so thoroughly opposed to each other that my suggestion is the only possible alternative to nuclear war.

It has gotten that severe.

This is all so tragic.

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