Palestinian Daily Paper For Latins

Latin America is being flooded with pro-Palestinian propaganda.

This was an old-anti-Israel site, apparently taken over.

I leave the link up for a record, but though the site was taken over, there is still a lot of anti-Israel propaganda in South America.

Palestinian News Breaking [thru] the Blockade and the Occupation

A recent Spanish/Arabic Daily Palestina Liberation was launched on July 20th.


Their twitter account listed their origin in Palestine; but the paper record above listed a European connection; their phone number seems to be registered in Malaysia.

October 4, 2023: Edited. Removed dead video. Removed dead twitter link. Updated info.

Why is Latin America Coddling Hamas?


Why is Latin America Coddling Hamas?

Five countries — Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador and Peru — have recalled their ambassadors from Israel, a harsh step rarely taken in the diplomatic world. When was the last time they pulled their envoys from any other nation, including serial abusers of human rights such as Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria?

An article from Algemeiner – a pro-Israel/Jewish site.

Originally from: Miami Herald

The author asked: Why is Latin America Coddling Hamas?

The answer is simple: Over 20 Million Arab-Latinos in Latin America. Israel has ignorned them. The Arab countries have not. Though most (90% plus) Arab-Latinos are Christian, they have been propagandized against Israel by Saudi and Iranian propaganda.

Chile has 500,000 Palestinian-Chileans (Almost all Christian) who are elites in their country. 3x the number of Christian Palestinians in the Mideast. They are a power bloc in Chile.

7 – Paying Palestinians to Leave

7 – Paying Palestinians to Leave

It seems that the only solution to the Mideast Crisis may be paying the Palestinians to leave.

I catch criticism for suggesting this. But others have suggested similar.

This is Dr. Martin Sherman of Tel Aviv University giving the details of such a buy out.

By the way, we came to very similar numbers, independent of each other.

I can provide other examples of those who have arrived at the same conclusions and figures.

What has South America got to do with this?

If the Arab governments will not absorb the Palestinians, maybe South American governments will, if the Palestinians come with cash, the South Americans may welcome the infusion of capital.

Israel will have to pay for this, though; and after 70 years of struggle, it will not come cheaply.

The whole series.

1) The Land and the Settlers
2) Cost to Uproot Settlers
3) Real Arab Populations
4) Cost Effectiveness
5) False Hopes
6) South America Assimilates Arabs
7) Paying Palestinians to Leave

May 10, 2017 – Edited: Corrected spelling, and added some text.
May 12, 2017 – Edited: Added series list at bottom.

Christians of Nazareth break Ranks with the Arabs

From Terra News in Chile:

Cristianos de Nazaret rompen filas con la minoría árabe de Israel

Un grupo de cristianos de la ciudad de Nazaret, en la Galilea, ha roto filas con el resto de la minoría árabe y se ha agrupado políticamente para exhortar a la integración en la sociedad israelí y ser leales al Estado de Israel.

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Christians of Nazareth break ranks with the Arab minority in Israel

A group of Christians from the city of Nazareth in Galilee, has broken ranks with the rest of the Arab minority and has joined itself politically to encourage integratin in Israeli society and to be loyal to the state of Israel.

This is a major story.

The Palestinians of Chile (who are 99% Christian) are anti-Israel, as a rule, but now they are faced with the fact that the Christians of Israel are becoming anti-Islam.

The Palestinians of Chile will have to decide if whether their Christian or Arab identity if more important to them.

Israel should act now to use this opportunity to make friends in the South America. There are 25 Million Arab-Christian in South America. Israel should not ignore this.

An English version of the story can be found here: (Click Here).

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