Islamic Group Teaching Arabic To Brazilians

Islamic Group Teaching Arabic To Brazilians

Posted on YouTube: May 18, 2017

Interesting. A lot of Muslim groups are trying to teach Arabic to Latin Americans as a way to convert them to Islam. This is not the only one.

However, I do not think they will succeed for the most part. There is a massive Evangelical Christian Revival going on in Latin America, which brings in millions per year. The Evangelical Christians are winning.

For the most part, I believe the Arab intrusion into Latin America will result not so much in conversion to Islam, but in generating an anti-Israel political position. The Latin Americans will remain Christian, but become virulently anti-Israel … EXCEPT …

Where the Evangelicals are strong.

Brazil is about one-quarter Evangelical right now, and those figures are growing. The Brazilian-Evangelicals are strongly pro-Israel. And it is effecting Brazil’s politics.

Posted on YouTube: May 20, 2014

Or this astounding event:

Posted on YouTube: July 21, 2015

Source: Is Christian Zionism Flowering in Brazil?
The American Interest – July 26, 2014

Could a wave of Christian Zionism soon hit Latin America’s most important country? The NYT reports that a Brazilian Pentecostal Christian denomination called the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God has built a huge replica of Solomon’s Temple in Sao Paulo, closely modeled after Biblical descriptions of the structure. The money for the church came from the Church’s founder, media mogul Edir Macedo. An Israeli flag flies nearby, Macedo walks around wearing a skull cap, and menorahs are found throughout the building. The Church’s spokeswoman told the Times, “There is just one biblical faith; it is impossible to disassociate Christianity from its Jewish roots.”

Brazil has about 44 Million Evangelicals. Islam does not stand a chance in Brazil, nor much of South America; but as noted, where Evangelicalism is weaker, an anti-Israel political view can influenced by Islamic political propaganda, even if not religion.

Propaganda and Cooking

Propaganda and Cooking

Posted on YouTube: December 10, 2015

Argentina has only about 1% Muslims; and most are non-practicing. Yes, 9-10%% of the population has Arabic ancestry, but the vast majority of those are Christians.

So what is this with the hijab?!

Annur TV is an Islamic propaganda site, which even had a page dedicated to the workings of an Islamic state. It has courses in Islam. It is viciously anti-American and anti-Israel.

Who is funding this? What is it doing in Argentina?


South America is the least Islamic continent on the planet – other than Antarctica – so why is this now being pressed?

There is a massive propaganda effort being subsidized, most likely by Iran, as the site criticizes the Saudis, in this article: (Click Here).

The USA and Israel are foolishly ignoring this.

Alphabet Lesson from Islam Recife

From YouTube: Jan 11, 2014

The is from a group called Islam Recife.

Recife is a town in Northern Brazil.

The Islamic aspect may not thrill you, but in reality, Brazil is in the midst of a major Evangelical Revival.

Their facebook page: (Click Here)

Apparently, it is affiliated with the Islamic Center of Recife: (Click Here)

Brazil is now over 26% Evangelical


The largest concentration of Evangelicals can be found in the United States, with 28.9% of population or 91.76 million, less than a quarter of the world figure. The next most populous is Brazil with 26.3% or 51.33 million.

According to the 2000 Census, 15.4% of the Brazilian population was Protestant. A recent research conducted by the Datafolha institute shows that 25% of Brazilians are Protestants, of which 19% are followers of Pentecostal denominations. The 2010 Census found out that 22.2% were Protestant at that date.

Look at those figures. Brazil is exploding with an growing Evangelical Revival. Roughly 2 million converts a year.

Meanwhile, the official Brazilian Census of 2010 lists only 35,167 Muslims (Click Here)

What this means is that, while Muslims are there in Brazil and have a media presence, their numbers are miniscule. In reality, given the trends, it is impossible to doubt that many are converting to Evangelicalism.

What this means in fact is that if 1 million Palestinians were paid to move to Brazil, over time – and probably very quickly – they would convert to an Evangelical sect.

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