Chilean Jews Are Warning of Radical Islam in Chile

Source: Jewish Links – Enlace Judío – January 30,2020
(translated by app)
The Awakening of Radical Islamism in Chile

Chile can easily become the source from which radical Islam spreads throughout Latin America in full view and patience. Attempts have already been made in other places such as Peru, or Bolivarian Venezuela itself, but the results have not been helpful for the vile objectives of radicalism. The steady decline of the Catholic Church, in a deeply believing country like Chile, leaves a vacuum that radical Islamist groups could potentially use.

At this rate, with these investment amounts, it would not be surprising that in less than 5 years, Chile becomes the central Shiite stronghold in Latin America.

The [linked] opinion piece was from a few months ago; but apparently the Jewish authors are worried about the strong influence of radical Islam in Chile.

There is a concern that Chile may become a Shia stronghold in Latin America.

The problem here is that the continuing decline of the Catholic Church in Chile, along with the social unrest, may provide an inroad for Islam. [Read the article!]

The authors fear that because Chile has let in some radical Muslims over the last decade, they feel the infrastructure is already in place for Islamicization.

The problem with this exaggerated fear is that Chile is still less than 0.04% Islamic. There are only 5,000 Muslims out of 18 Million people, less than 1 in 3,000. There are only three or four mosques in the whole country.

Chile is, happily, one of the LEAST Islamic countries on the planet.

My own view is that Chile merits watching, but not so much on the issue of religion. Chilean society is far too secular for Islam to gain a major foothold. Too many forces work against Islam in Chile.

As noted elsewhere on this website, Islam does not stand much of a chance in a culture which ennobles alcohol, rowdy sports, and dancing with women. Islam is no match for the tango or the samba.

Those individuals who are given to moral conservatism – and fed up with Roman Catholicism – are more likely to swing to Pro-Zionist Evangelical Christianity, which already has made major inroads in Brazil and Chile.

What the influence of Iran may achieve is an increase in anti-Zionism or anti-Semitism among some sectors of society; but right now, the Evangelicals are keeping that in check.

The strong influence of Chilestinians [Palestinian-Chileans] has been noticed, but Chilestinians are 99% Christian. They are often quite anti-Israel, but they are NOT Islamic. They are a concern, and a growing one, but not a danger to Christianity.

Iran may get some support from Chilestinians and the Arab-Chilean community, but that may be limited to drug smuggling, money laundering, or anti-Israel activity. I seriously doubt large scale conversions to Islam will occur.

Islam likes to boast of its successes in South America, but in reality, those successes are hopelessly exaggerated, and often end in failure. There will be individuals who may convert, but I do not see societal changes.

If anything, as the Catholic Church declines, it is more likely that Evangelical Protestantism will increase. Brazil is a classic example. Chile is next in line to swing to Evangelicalism.

The authors of the linked opinion piece – who are Jewish – may not appreciate the power of Evangelical Christianity.

Israel should be worried about pro-Iranian activity in Chile insofar as it concerns Israel and Chile’s Jews, but Chile is probably not in any danger.

Way of Salvation – Arab Evangelicals

Way of Salvation – Arab Evangelicals

Posted on YouTube: September 14, 2017, (In Spanish) – Note: Same person as below.

An update on an Arab Evangelical Church in Venezuela – or at least with a Arab-Latin clergy.

Click Here to to see their messages in Arabic: (Click Here)

To see their church site, click: Iglesia Camino Salvacion (The Way of Salvation)

We mentioned them before on an earlier post: (Click Here)

Now, again, most likely a good portion of these people come from a Christian background, Maronite Catholic or Syrian Orthodox, before becoming Evangelical. However, many of the Maronites or Syrian Orthodox have been in Latin America for generations, and so have forgotten Arabic.

Yet, this church has given messages in Arabic as well as Spanish, which may indicate that they reach out to recent Muslim arrivals as well.

Posted on YouTube: October 31, 2015, (In Arabic) – Note: Same person, Sara Zakhour, as above.

Again, as noted, any Muslims coming to South America would face this. In the Muslim world, the Ummah, Christianity is suppressed, and the Muslims do not have well-developed social skills to resist evangelism. They just threaten or kill the preachers. In South America, this would not be an option, so there would be a continual bleed off of Muslims from any Muslim community to the Christian church – most likely to the Evangelicals, since they take evangelism more seriously than Catholics.

This is why I suggest, from time to time, that the Palestinians in the West Bank be paid to move to South America. They would convert in a generation or two.

Further note: This church obviously has female pastors, which indicates that they are in the Pentecostal framework. Strict Baptists do not have female clergy. But this only shows how radically Arab-Latins have assimilated, moving from an Arab patriarchal background to a very egalitarian Westernized view over the generations.

Arabs in Brazil – Ministry Outreach

Arabs in Brazil – Ministry Outreach

Posted on YouTube: November 22, 2017

This elder gentlemen is Elia Morise, an Egyptian, now a Christian, who evangelizes Muslims. He is lecturing in Brazil. The younger man is named Mehdi, a Moroccan, who converted to Christ, and had to flee to Brazil.

South American Christians do what many modern Christians have forgotten how to do: Evangelize!

If Palestinians are sent to Brazil, or Chile, or Argentina, they will hear the gospel. This is something which is hidden from them inside the Ummah (the Arab world).

In the Arab world, street preaching, any attempt to convert a Muslim, will lead to riots, destruction, and death. It is not even a case of cowering the Christians. An individual Christian might be willing to chance death in order to win souls for Christ; but if the penalty for doing so is the destruction of his home, neighbors, and church, then he would be less inclined to do – not for his own safety, but for the safety of others.

However, once the Muslim is in South America, the tables have turned. In South America, street preaching is common, especially by Evangelicals. There the Muslim has no option to riot, to destroy an offending village, particularly when 90%+ of the population is Christian (whether Catholic or Evangelical).

So now the Muslim will be presented with something that he never saw in his home country: Street preachers inviting him to accept Christ.

The Muslim has no social defense against this. In Egypt or Saudi Arabia, the Muslims could riot. Not in South America.

So when I tell you that Palestinians brought to South America would eventually assimilate, trust me.

This ministry (above) sends out missionaries to the Muslim world.

Elia Morise also baptizes people in the Jordan River in Israel.

Posted on YouTube: January 19, 2014

If this amazes you, then check out the above video directly on YouTube: (Click Here). The writing is in Arabic, and it is affiliated with the Christian Arabic Church.

The Christian Arabic Church YouTube channel: (Click Here). Their headquarters are in Richmond, Virginia; but obviously they do work in Brazil as well. This is their website: (Click Here).

If you think this is merely an American outreach, remember that there are 15 million Arabs in Brazil. True, half are Maronite Christian, and the rest are usually Syrian Christian; but there are Muslims in Brazil. Nowhere near as many as the imams claim, but enough. They are a mission field. Brazilian Christians not only seek to evangelize the Muslims in Brazil, but the Muslims in the Arab world.

So do not worry. Any Palestinians sent to South America would probably convert in a generation or two.

Arab World – Culinary & Art

Arab World – Culinary & Art

Posted on YouTube: October 24, 2017

Clearly this is coming from Brazil.

Arabs make up 7½% of Brazil’s population. The vast majority are Christian.

But Brazil has a dichotomy. About one-quarter (25%) of Brazil is heavily Zionist Evangelical Christian, and very pro-Israel. Combine that with the fact that roughly half of those Arab-Brazilians are of Lebanese-Maronite ancestry – who have a history of calling themselves Phoenicians, not Arabs – and some of whom have a history of being anti-Palestinian.

The Arab-Brazilians tend to be a prosperous group, and have some clout, but Brazil is becoming heavily Zionist-Christian as the percentage of Evangelicals increases.

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