Venezuela and Hezbollah?

Venezuela and Hezbollah?

Posted on YouTube July 26, 2017

Under Hugo Chavez, Venezuela became allied with Iran. Chavez set up a television network, centered in Venezuela, called TeleSur, which was pro-Iranian, and anti-Zionist. But, as you see, the alliance may go deeper.

Arab-Venezuelans are roughly 6% of Venezuela – however almost all of Arab-Venezuelans are Christian. Though Muslims like to exaggerate, there are only 100,000 Muslims in Venezuela, out of a total population of 32 Million in Venezuela.

The figures for Muslims correspond to 6% of local Arabs, or 0.3% of the total population of the whole country. A very small number.

And remember, that Muslims tend to exaggerate their numbers!

Why Chavez, and his successor, Maduro, have taken Venezuela down this path is beyond belief.

One should not assume that South America is in danger. The real religious tidal wave in Latin Americas are the tens of millions converting to Evangelical Protestantism.

A few converts to Islam make the headlines, but are statistically insignificant. However, small though they are, they can make trouble.

28 November, 2017 – Edited – Had to edit some figures, which may have to be examined again, in light of conflicting sources.

Even More on the Radicalization of Chile’s Soccer

Even More on the Radicalization of Chile’s Soccer

Posted on YouTube on Mar 2, 2015

The name of the documentary (this is a teaser) is Cuatro Colores (Four Colors) based on the four colors of the Palestinian flag [red, green, black, white], and the four colors of the soccer team, Palestino, in Chile.

NOTE: The translation in the film says: Club Deportivo Palestino. “Deportivo” just means Sports. It should have been translated: Sports Club Palestino, or more accurately, Palestinian Sports Club.

The Palestinian community in Chile is:

1) Very Prosperous
2) Very Powerful
3) Politically connected
4) Radicalized against Israel

In the 1920s, Palestinian-Chileans founded their own soccer team. By the 1950s, it was a professional team in Chile. The Palestinian-Chilean community has used their successful professional soccer team for political ends.

In 2014, the Palestino Soccer team caused a major controversy when they issued a sports jersey – the Euros say kit – which had a map on the back of their jerseys that erased the state of Israel. Needless to say, worldwide, the Jewish people were furious. (Click Here)

The team was forced to withdraw the jersey.

But this is the nature of the Palestinian community in Chile; and the nature of the soccer/football team they support.

The fans call themselves “Baisanos,” based on the Spanish word for fellow countrymen: “Paisano.” The Palestinian immigrants to Chile would recognize other Palestinian immigrants, and call them, “Paisano,” a fellow countryman – from Palestine, as it were.

Except that Arabs cannot pronounce the letter P, and so “Paisano,” became “Baisano.”

Their descendants and fans of the Palestino soccer team picked up the mispronunciation as a term of endearment, and call themselves, “Baisanos.”

This would be curious enough, but they also recently picked up another term: Intifada, as this fan picture demonstrates.

Los Baisanos – Chilean Soccer’s Intifada
I have no idea if the upside down star (between Los and Baisanos) has any hidden meaning
It can mean evil – but I am not sure if that was their intent

So, the soccer team has become a symbol of radicalized anti-Zionism, not only in Chile, but around the world.

Though chiefly unknown here in the USA – we Americans do not follow soccer – the Palestino soccer/football team has become somewhat of a worldwide phenomenon. It is followed by the Palestinians in the contested areas in the Mideast as if it were a local team. Members of the Chilean team often visit the contested areas regularly.

Over time, the CD [Club Deportivo/Sports Club] Palestino jersey has become somewhat of a fashion statement for those of an anti-Israel mindset.

The funny thing is: In Chile, the Palestinians are relatively rich, compared to other Chileans. This radicalization has occurred among the elite of Chilean society, and that is what makes it an interesting phenomenom. Another odd thing is that 99% of Palestinian-Chileans are Christian, not Muslim, making this even more fascinating to observe, especially since the Palestinians in the Mideast have often embraced Islamic tendencies.

This team is starting to make waves. Its politicization is starting to make the news. The team, and the Palestinian community in Chile, are having disproportional effects on the opinions of many South Americans.

This is not a good development.

Club Palestino – Recent Video

Club Palestino – Recent Video

Want to Join Club Palestino?!
Posted on YouTube: February 23, 2017

Club Palestino is in the heart of the Santiago, Chile, Metro area, only 13 km from the Moneda Palace.

Take a look at that video. Smack in the middle of Chile’s capital Metro Area. [Actually, an adjacent suburb, Las Condes]

Las Condes is home to Chile’s wealthy and elite. The locals call the shopping district in Las Condes: “Sanhattan,” to compare it to Manhattan. Yet, the Palestinians have their own Central Park in the middle of Las Condes.

The Palestinians in Chile have wealth and power.

Source: Police in Chile guard Jews after anti-Semitic attacks – JPOST

The Palestinian community is to Chile what the Jewish community is to the U.S.

– Gabriel Zalisnek, then president of Chile’s Jewish Federation

The Palestinians once invited PA President Abbas to the their club. Look at this display of wealth.

The video was from 2009, but this community is rich. They have massive political power in Chile.

I have often suggested that Israel should pay Palestinians to move to Chile. People think I am cruel in this; but frankly it would be a step up.

Re-Arabizing Chilean Palestinians

Published on YouTube: October 27, 2017

Note: Bottom Video is Translated to English

Latin American Palestinians met in Chile this weekend to inaugurate a new cultural event Taqalid (Traditions). A sort of Latin-Palestinian Congress to re-Arabize the Palestinians in Latin America, not just Chile.

Israel will have a real contest with this group. The Palestinians of Latin America (especially Chile) are very rich, prosperous, well-connected, and well-organized, as you can see: [Notice: The event was held at the elite social club: CLUB PALESTINO  (0:33) in the top video].

Though Latin-Palestinians are almost totally Christian, and though some of their ancestors fled the Mideast in the 19th century to get away from Muslim persecutions, they are incredibly hostile to Israel, today. Unlike Muslims, though, they can put on a good respectable face to this anti-Zionism.

Source: Santiago Times
October 26, 2017

SANTIAGO – Chile’s Palestinian community will celebrate its heritage with a cultural and sports festival organized in the South American country beginning Friday.

Under the name Taqalid, or traditions, the Central Bureau of Chilean Palestinian organizations will host a weekend event filled with food, exhibitions and musical performances from Palestinian artists, as well as, sports competitions including soccer, tennis and tawle, a traditional Middle Eastern board game.

“This is a chance to celebrate the Palestinian traditions in family and to get a little closer to our land in spite of difficulties and distance,” said Nadia Garib, president of the Palestinian Federation of Chile and Taqalid’s spokesperson.

Published on YouTube: August 8, 2017

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