Arabs Know About Chile

Arabs Know About Chile

[Originaly posted on May 12, 2017 – re-dated]

If you are like most Americans (or Europeans), you probably know very little about Chile. The Arabs, however, know a lot about Chile. If Sicilians, Greeks and Dubliners want to move to New York, the Arabs want to move to South America. Chile is particularly interesting to Palestinian Arabs as the largest number of Palestinians, outside the Mideast, lives in Chile.

Very interesting Arabic language videos about Chile. I do not speak Arabic, so I use a translation app, which you can get (Here). It’s free.

Posted on YouTube: September 27, 2016

Look at comments in Arabic under the video (Click Here). The app can translate them for you. You will notice that Chile beckons large in the Arab mind.

The reason Chile is not overrun with Arabs is that it sets high barriers for immigrants, but still Chile is five percent (5%) Arabic in ancestry, and they are a very powerful constituency.

This next video below is a set of reasons why Arabs should consider migrating to Chile. Unfortunately, the translation app does not translate writing on video.

Why is Chile so attractive to Arabs?

Central Chile has a sort of subtropical Mediterranean Climate very similar to coastal Israel (Palestine), Lebanon, Syria, or North Africa – well, except for the cold ocean water; the Mediterranean is much warmer than the Humboldt Current off of Chile. Other than that, the climate is identical. Perfect for Arabs. And there is an internationally well known (At least to Latinos and Arabs) Palestinian community in Chile. Very powerful and rich.

South America has a history of absorbing Arabs well.

Posted on YouTube: June 29, 2018

And, this is not just Chile. Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil all have large Arab constituencies.

This can no longer be ignored. The Arabs and Latins are well aware of each other and are starting to form trading blocs.

Source: Arabs must know Latin America
Al Arabiya News
by Abdullah Hamidaddin
Sunday, 15 November 2015

The idea of a Latin American-Arab summit started 10 years ago thanks to Lula da Silva, Brazil’s former president. However, until now only four summits have taken place, the last in Riyadh. There is a lot in common in the histories of Arab and Latin American countries. Both were subjected to harsh colonialism, and much of the colonial legacy and its memory continue to this day.

(Read More)

Note: The writer underestimates the number of Arabs in South America. It is around 25 milllion, not 15. One has to remember that many Lebanese Christians will often not self-identify as Arabs. This can lead to very odd results where demographics may list the Lebanese as outnumbering the Arabs in a given country.

This site is set up so my fellow Americans (and Westerners) can apprise themselves of what is really going on …

May 12, 2017 – Edited: Moved here, from a front page post.
November 24, 2017 – Edited: Had to replace a dead video link..
July 3, 2020 – Edited: Had to replace a dead video link, again.
November 19, 2024 – Re-dated – converted from page to post.

Incredible History of Palestinians in Chile

Incredible History of Palestinians in Chile

This is a short but very good video, if one ignores the bias. However, it takes a few seconds to load.

@themujerista The history of Palestinian migration to Latin America 🇵🇸 🌍🌎🌏 Palestinian migration to Latin American occurred in four significant waves with Chile now being home to the largest Palestinian diaspora outside of the Middle East. #palestine #chile ♬ original sound – The Mujerista

Of course, this lady seems to have a bias against Israel, but the history is good.

What is again worth repeating is that almost all of the Palestinians who moved to Chile were Christians, either Roman Catholic or Eastern Christian (Orthodox). They assimilated well, and have risen to become elites in the country.

Such is the political power of the Palestinian-Chileans – called Chilestinos – that they have distorted Chile’s foreign policy against Israel. Otherwise, Chile would be a quite typical Western democracy.

This pro-Palestinian slant has caused concern among Jewish groups around the world, as can be seen in the video, from the World Jewish Congress, below.

Posted on YouTube: July 9, 2020

The Palestinian Community in Chile does not mince words.

What the picture says is: Imagine bombing 4 countries at the same time and continuing to believe yourself to be the victim.

However, the Jews are a very small population in Chile, and can do little to resist the pro-Palestinian slant.

This is not to say the government is antisemitic. It is NOT! Chile is quite democratic, but the government is swayed by a Chilestino population that outnumbers the Jews about 30 to 1.

It is with good reason that the Jews of the world keep an eye on Chile.

This is one of their documentaries on the “Naqba.”

You can get English an translation by playing with the settings gear.

Posted on YouTube: May 14, 2024

Chile Is The Tipping Point

Chile Is The Tipping Point

Chile has a population of roughly 20 Million people at the time of writing this post. It is considered a developed country and is borderline first world.

Except for the period of Allende and Pinochet, Chile has a history of being a stable republic. Today, it has a high freedom index. Chile also has a growing Evangelical population, which are often Zionist in outlook.

It’s influence in Latin America cannot be underestimated.

However, roughly 500,000 of its population is Palestinian in origin (~2.5%), and they are very prosperous and embedded in politics. They have so much sway that they have altered Chile’s politics regarding Israel. Even otherwise conservative politicians have to pay homage to the Palestinian cause.

The video below shows the cultural power and influence of just one aspect of the Palestinian-Chileans: Their football team. The video also mentions Sebastian Piñera – a former conservative president and politician – who had to pay them proper homage (see 1:04 in video) by recognizing the state of Palestine during his administration.

Posted on YouTube: June 21, 2024

Many, even Jews, have noticed that the power of Chilean Palestinians (Chilestinos) corresponds to that of the Jews in America.

Posted on YouTube: December 9, 2023

Source: Police in Chile guard Jews after anti-Semitic attacks
By Gil Stern, Stern Shefler
August 18, 2010
Jerusalem Post

“The Palestinian community is to Chile what the Jewish community is to the US,” [The president of Chile’s Jewish community, Gabriel] Zaliasnik explained.

So a key to weakening Iranian influence in Latin America is to defang the power of the Chilestino community.

Would it even be possible? The Chilestino community is 99% Christian (usually Eastern Orthodox Christian or Roman Catholic). Even though they tend to identify with the Palestinian cause, their Christian identity might be a tool to bring them to a reconsideration of their support towards what is now a Muslim cause in the Mideast.

Daunting though it may be, the Evangelicals of Chile should put denominational differences aside and reach out to the Chilestinos. Maybe they can get them to ease up a bit.

Palestine’s Deep Roots vs Evangelicals in Latin America

Palestine’s Deep Roots vs Evangelicals in Latin America

We are going to start off with an excerpt of ethnic Palestinian power in Latin America.

Posted on YouTube: May 17, 2024
Note: by TRT, a Turkish media outlet that is hostile to Israel

Source: The Deep Roots of Palestinian Solidarity in Latin America
Julian Sayarer
May 9, 2024

The large Palestinian community in Peru is thought to exceed 30,000, part of a vast Palestinian diaspora across Latin America that some estimates place around 700,000 people. As with any diaspora, though, it is hard to put a precise number on all Latin Americans of Palestinian origin, because for more than a century—accelerated catastrophically by the Nakba in 1948, when some 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes by Zionist forces—this diaspora has been growing but also integrating. People have changed names and even religions, just as Argentina’s president in the 1990s, Carlos Menem—born to a Syrian family and raised as a Muslim—converted to Christianity. Mahmouds have become Manuels; Arabic has in some cases been forgotten. Some simply still identify as Palestinian but primarily as part of the country—Peru, Chile, Argentina—they have been citizens in for generations.

Chile’s diaspora community is by far the largest in Latin America. With half a million Palestinians in Chile, it is the largest community of Palestinians outside of Palestine and the cities and refugee camps of neighboring Arab countries. In Argentina, I was told the issue of putting a number on the population is complicated because many Palestinians—along with Lebanese, Syrian and other Arab immigrants—are, confusingly, often simply called “Turcos,” because everyone arrived originally under the same Ottoman passports. Arab migration to Latin America goes back some 150 years, with the first major wave from what was then the Ottoman Empire between roughly the 1860s until the start of World War I. New waves of migration followed in 1948 from Palestine, and again from Lebanon throughout its civil war in the late 1970s and 1980s.

(Read More)

Most Americans are unaware of the powerful Palestinian ethnic interest groups which are found in some Latin American countries (Chile, Honduras, El Savador); however, they are probably also unaware of the massive inroads made by Evangelical Christianity in the area — and Evangelical Christianity is usually Christian Zionist.

This can lead to usually odd circumstances, such as in Brazil, where the Leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has to be somewhat constrained in his anti-Israel viewpoints, because a third of Brazil is Evangelical Christian with a pro-Israel viewpoint.

Posted on YouTube: November 6, 2023
It can be auto-translated

The Jews have had a mixed relationship with Christians in the past. Ironically, they now depend on some of them, the Evangelicals, for support.

It basically boils down to this: Evangelical Christians take seriously God’s promise to restore the Jews to the land, which they see as a portend of the soon return of Christ.

So Evangelicals support Israel, but for different reasons that the Jews would.

Jews want to “redeem the land,” build a third temple, and set the stage for the messiah.

Christians believe that Jews will build the third temple, but rather than bring the real messiah, it will usher in a false messiah (the antichrist). Jews will then, in their desperation, have to call on Christ, which will bring about Christ’s second coming.

Christians believe that Christ left after His first coming, and will not return until the Jews admit their guilt in rejecting Him the first time.

Hoshea 5:15 I will go away and return to My place until they admit their guilt and seek My face; in their straits they will seek Me. (Chabad)

Either view requires that Jews be in the land of Israel.

Latin America is de-Catholicizing. Evangelical Christianity is picking up the slack with cultural and political … and Zionist consequences.

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