Chile’s Palestinian Radicalism-02

Yesterday, we examined, albeit incompletely, the radicalizaion of Palestinian-Chileans. We found that two reasons were

1) ethic pride,

2) a myopic historical which forgets that their ancestors were persecuted by Muslims.

The next reason we will examine is the creeping trend of Iranian and Saudi Islamic influence which is shooting throughout all of Latin America.

Posted on YouTube: 2011
Note: TeleSUR is a media project centered in Hugo Chavez’s
Venezuela which owns a 51% share.Translated by someone
better at Spanish than me

TeleSUR (TV South) is a media conglomerate financed by several left wing Latin American countries, with Venezuela financing a majority 51% share. Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is a noted anti-Zionist and supporter of Iran. Naturally, this attitude saturates the Network.

In Buenos Aires, the Saudi funded King Fahd Mosque is now broadcasting Islamic propaganda on a program on Argentine Public TV.

El cálamo y su mensaje/The Quill and its Message1
Saudi Financed!

There has been a strong penetration of Oil Money in South America. Inspite of the still lingering Argentine anger of the Iranian bombing of the AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires in 1994, Argentina, along with almost every other country in South America, recognized the Palestinian State.

If Chilean Arabs are Christian,
why the picture of a Mosque?

This cannot be chalked up to mere Arab nationalism. About half of the Arabs in South America are descended from Lebanese Maronite Christians whose ancestors fled Muslim slaughters in both the 19th and 20th centuries. Maronites tend to have a more Western viewpoint; and tend to moderate against strong anti-Israel sentiment. Christians of Syrian Orthodox descent would also harbor no illusions about the creeping militancy of Islamic advocacy.2 These may have no love for Israel, but they are not going to be given to anti-Israel extremism either.

Only Chile, and Honduras, have noticeably powerful Palestian communities which stand out from other Arabs.

Most of Latin America’s Arabs are Christians who were dhimmis before they emigrated.

What is going on is not merely ethnic pride, nor a myopic historical memory at work, nor even the echo of a Catholic culture’s latent anti-semitism, but a large infusion of cash and a massive effort by Islamic regimes to purchase Latin American influence.

Arab language classes are often held in mosques rather than in non-sectarian settings. Clearly the agenda is more than linguistics. Now, this would not be bad in an of itself, coming under the general heading of Freedom of Religion; but along with it comes a fierce anti-Israel world view.

Adding to the mix is a new Iranian Spanish language network called HispanTV which was meant to counter the Western Media. The program is similar to the English language PressTV3, which is a media shill for Iran.

Complaining about Israeli settlers in Silwan – Iran’s HispanTV

This is clearing Iran pushing an agenda. In America, PressTV is largely unknown. In South America, HispanTV may take off.

Already known is Iran’s use of South American drug running to generate money for Hezbollah.4

Both Arab and Iranian money are filtering into South America to push an Agenda.

In the next part of this discussion we will discuss Israeli mistakes: past, and present; and we’ll what Israel can do to correct this issue.

Palestinian Radicalism-01
Palestinian Radicalism-02
Palestinian Radicalism-03

1More worrying was that a popular Arab-Argentine Show, Desde El Aljibe/From the Well, which was secular and primarly run by Christian Arabs, was cancelled to make way for an Islamic show that almost no one wanted. 90% of Argentine Arabs are Christian. Suspicions run that money and Saudi influence were involved. Likely so, it indicates that Arab Oil Money is wreaking havoc in South America.

2Many Christian Syrians, both internally and externally, support the secular Bashir Assad against the Islamic insurgency.

3PressTV is a viciously anti-Israel network with a large satellite presence – though the UK has recently revoked its broadcast license – and an even larger internet presence . It regularly hosts holocaust deniers, “Jewish conspiracy” theorists, and a host of crackpots who are fobbed off as experts.

It is notable for only having female announcers that wear hijabs; most famously Lauren Booth, a half-sister of Tony Blair’s wife, and convert to Islam.

But its most famous star is the Stentorian British Parliamentarian George Galloway who has two programs on the network; and not just on Press TV: Galloway is on WBAI radio in New York, and has a show in Lebanon. He brags of his mixed Irish and Scottish background and his love for Palestine. Abstemious from alcohol – always a suspicious trait in a Celt – Galloway appeals to Britain’s radical left and Muslim vote. He is very hostile to Israel. After divorcing his first wife, a Christian; Galloway has gone through a succession of Muslim wives. Though Galloway refuses to admit it, the general opinion is that he converted to Islam; though no one is sure whether Sunni or Shi’a.

He would be relegated to the realm of lunatics, except that Galloway is arguably the best orator in the English language since Kennedy or Churchill. He commands a booming voice, and a rhetorical style that is positively breathtaking. He has bested newspaper critics, the Canadian government which sought to ban him, the British Labour party, and even the US Congress, whom he personally castigated before a Senate Committee. He has hosted a popular radio show in Britain and is now back in their Parliament, after winning an election by appealing to the Muslim vote, which is a scary thought in itself.

He is Press TV’s star, and his politics are scary.

4See Hezbollah builds a Western base (in Spanish)(Click Here). While some of the claims are exaggerated, there have been Hezbollah agents captured in the area. (Click Here). The Triple Frontier, where Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil meet, has been a poorly policed smugglers paradise for decades, even before the rise of Islam. It should not surpise anyone that Hezbollah acts in the area. It is believed the crew which did the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires set out from the Triple Frontier.

December 31, 2023 – Change text under a video. Made more mobile friendly.

Chile’s Palestinian Radicalism-01

Chile’s Palestinian Radicalism-01

We will start off this category with a rather interesting video made by Palestinian-Chilean students in 2007. They seem to take an almost militant Palestinian line.

NOTE: I do NOT agree with its anti-Zionist views, but I wanted to translate the video accurately.

A Palestinian-Chilean version of the Jewish Birthright tours
Original Chilean Source: (Click Here)
Keep in mind, Chilean Palestinians are Christian

NOTE:I have been told the background music is by a
Sunni Lebanese which calls on Arabs to fight Israel.
To see the Arabic music with English subtitles: (Click Here)

I want you to look at that video above.

That first video above was made by some Chilean Students from Santiago, Chile in 2007. These were the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Christian-Palestinian immigrants to Chile. They are Christians. They are totally assimilated Chileans. Most Palestinian-Chileans have ancestors that arrived before 1930; before the present imbroglios. Some of these kids might be 4th or 5th generation Chilean. Yet, they put Sunni war music as the background for the pilgrimage to the Holy Land.


Chile has about half of the Palestinian-Christians on the planet, even more than in the contested areas of the Mideast. It was as if Muslims were strained out, and only Christians made it to Chile. They are 99% or more Christian. They now form a middle to elite class in Chile. A good portion of them are intermarried now, and part-Spanish, part-Italian, part-Basque, part-German, etc. In other words, well-integrated and upscale Chileans; fortunate to be in a Latin American democracy that is now considered first world. They are thoroughly Westernized one would think.

Yet, like Jews in America, who are discovering their Jewish roots, these children are re-discovering their Palestinian roots.


A part of this is ethnic pride, though in most Western Countries ethnic pride tapers off after 2 generations. This is running against the usual trend of assimilation, and seems to mirror Jewish identity politics. Both groups hang on to their roots. Competing Semitic identities.

Clearly, there is some outside meddling to reinforce this. Saudi and Iranian money are all over South America; but other factors are at work. Factors which cannot be explained by outside meddling.

The history of Palestinian identity politics go back long in Chilean history, back to the first major wave of immigrants in 18901, when the Chilean government, which was subsidizing European immigration, was met with waves of Arabs who were definitely not expected nor appreciated.

At first, they were savagely looked down on2; but within one generation, and with continuing immigration, they had started the social climb, and were on their way to real power.

By 1920, they had established a Chilean soccer team called the Palestinos.3, which would later become a major league soccer franchise in Chile. This sort of puts to death the claim that Palestinian identity was invented in 1964, by the PLO. The Palestinians in Chile were obviously calling themselves Palestinians by 1920 and probably before then.

By 1938, they set up Club Palestino, a prestigious social club in Santiago which is now a seat of power in Chile4.

In 1947 – long before the era of Muslim Oil Wealth, Chile’s Palestinians – by that time – had enough clout to have Chile’s pro-Zionist president change his ambassador’s vote to Abstain in the UN Partition Vote for Palestine. That is real power.

The Arabs were a joke elsewhere on the planet. By the 1940s, they were becoming an elite in Chile.

By the 1960s, some of the richest men in Chile were Palestinians and no one was laughing at them any more. They commanded respect, awe, and power.5

In many ways, they had mirrored the Jewish rise to power in America, and in much the same way and time frame.

By the 1970s, these formerly scorned were now looked up to as magnates of wealth and power.

The Pinochet dictatorship put a halt to much of this, but the Palestinian-Chilean power base re-emerged after the democracy was re-established; just in time for the First Intifada which was making world headlines. Chilean Palestinians were now jolted back to their beginnings.

However, their historical memory was being filtered rather selectively. The original Christian immigrants from Palestine had fled Turkish Muslim rule. They were terrified of their sons being drafted into a Turkish Army where it was not safe to be a dhimmi. One would have thought that alone would have diminished their enthusiasm for a cause which was getting more and more Islamic in nature. However, 100 years of safety in Chile seems to have fogged over that memory.

Immigrants who trickled in after 1948 and 1967 added to this (mis)focus6. These might only remember as far back as the Mandate era when the Muslims were held in check by the British. The refugees of ’67 could remember Zionist, and maybe British outrages, but usually had no experience of the greater Muslim outrages before the Mandate.

As the ancient memories of old Islamic terrors wafted away, the more pressing recent outrages of Zionists became the focus of attention.

Adding to the mess, TV brought images of Israeli-Palestinian clashes in the West Bank and suddenly Palestinian-Chilean interest was piqued.

Like an earlier generation of Jews, they did not remember that the tolerance of Muslim neighbors that grandfathr had spoken of was the consequence of either European rule which protected Christians, or European threats to intervene if Christians were attacked. They obviously forget the reason why the first wave of their ancestors had fled in 1890. It was to escape Islamic Turkish tyranny.

Humans being myopic, today’s Jewish misdemeanors angered the Palestinian-Chileans more than earlier Islamic felonies.

So Chile’s Palestinians have joined and seem to lead, the South American branch of the political Intifada.


The first two parts of the matter can be traced to two facts.

1) The Palestinian-Chileans have a strong ethnic pride

2) Palestinian-Chileans have a short-range historic memory

Neither is unusual. Palestinian-Chileans are not to be condemned for doing what everyone else does. Japanese-Americans will often send their children to Japanese school, so that the language will live on. Catholic children in New York City, of an earlier generation, went to Wednesday afternoon Catholic Catechisms. Jews, of course, still go to Hebrew School. So we can’t condemn the Palestinian-Chileans for wanting to maintain their heritage; but the only way we can explain their political involvement is if a Palestinian analog of Zionist organizations has arisen among them. This in itself would not be troubling; but it has started to exhibit Islamic overtones, which indicates that outside agendas, foreign to a Christian people, are being pressed into play.


There are two other factors at play.

3) Increasing Saudi and Iranian influence in South America

4) A myopic Israeli establishment which refuses to work out a deal of equality and enfranchisement with Arab Christians – in a divide and conquer strategy – and doesn’t try to use Chile’s Palestinians as a bridge betweem the Ummah and the West.

These I hope to discuss in a later discussion.

Palestinian Radicalism-01
Palestinian Radicalism-02
Palestinian Radicalism-03

1There is evidence of individual immgrants going back to the 1850s, but 1890 was the start of large scale Palestinian immigration.

2The paper El Mercurio would write in 1911, “Whether they are Mahometans or Buddhists, what one can see and smell from far, is that they are more dirty than the dogs of Constantinople…” Source Wikipedia: Palestinian Community in Chile.

3See: and

4Apparently, from their own website (Click Here) (in Spanish), they entered in an arrangement with the British Mandate, via the British Embassy in Chile. The list of founders indicates that even at this early date, they had become Chileanized, and were sporting Latin first names. The club has become quite prestigious over the years as this Wikipedia article claims (Click Here).

5At one point, the Yarur family controlled 60% of Chile’s textile industry. Now, they are heavily involved in banking.

6A similar thing happened to Jewish ethnic memory, which after the horrors of the European Holocast, tended to glamorize the tolerance of Islam over Europe. They brought up memories of Arab tolerance of Jews, forgetting that this Arab tolerance was the consequence of European colonial rule. Before colonial rule over the Arabs, which extended European rights and liberty to Sepharic Jews in Araby, the life of a Jew was horrific. But in 1945, very few living Jews could remember back that far, and the myth of Islamic tolerance was born. Recent scholarship has rooted out that error and re-discovered the brutality of Muslim and Berber regimes. It has been settled that it was not Islamic tolerance, but the standard colonial practice of extending protection to Sephardic Jews in the colonies which was the source of the tolerance, enforced by colonial rifles. Oddly enough, Muslim tolerance was really European tolerance; but after 1945, for obvious reasons, Jews were not thrilled with European tolerance.

This was particularly true in French-held Algeria where Sephardic Jews were awarded French citizenship in 1870; but the Arab had to renounce Islamic mores and adopt Western practices. This was considered apostasy and few Arabs went through the process.

To get a sense of what Jews had to endure in pre-colonial North Africa, the execution of Sol Huachel is instructive (Click Here). But after World War 2, such tyranny was overshadowed by the recent Holocaust, and the myth arose of tolerance.

Jewish Academics are starting to re-examine the whole era in a more unbiased light, and the myth of Islamic tolerance is crumbling. The Europeans did not so much as export anti-semitism to Araby; rather they exported a racialized variety of anti-Semitism to reinforce an already existing Islamic prejudice. No doubt the continued struggle with Islam has forced this re-assessment of Muslim tolerance among Jewish academics. It would be nice if more Christian academics followed suit.

Disturbing Trends

Source: Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism – Chile 2001-2 Report

The high level of violent anti-Jewish incidents recorded in 2001 may be partly attributed to intensified efforts on the part of the Palestinian community to increase Chilean awareness of the Palestinian problem. Numerous threats to the Jewish community seem to have been inspired by the Middle East crisis and the September 11 events. Islamist elements in Chile are suspected of links with international terrorist groups. On the other hand, the extreme right was fairly quiet throughout the last year.

The 300,000-strong Palestinian community in Chile is the fourth largest in the world after those in Israel, Lebanon and Jordan. The Palestinians, who began arriving in the country at the beginning of the 20th century, are well integrated into Chilean economic, political and cultural life. Until the outbreak of the first intifada there was no evidence of Palestinian antisemitic or anti-Zionist activity.

NOTE: The number given for Palestinians was probably low for 2001, but at least the Steven Roth Center acknowledged how well integrated into Chilean society the Palestinians were. What is most amazing is that the Steven Roth Center is upset that the Palestinian-Chileans are anti-Zionist: Did they really expect Palestinians to be pro-Israel?

The Stephen Roth Institute at Tel Aviv lays a large portion of the blame for this on Chile’s Palestinian population. No doubt a large part of Chile’s anti-Semitism stems from the Palestinian community. The Palestinian-Chileans have influence analagous to America’s Jewish community; and even as Jews can influence the USA to Zionism, even so the Palestinian-Chileans can influence Chile contrariwise. Palestinian-Chileans can and do set a cultural tone in Chile.

The following year (2002-3), the Steven Roth Center was indicating a more ominous development.

Source: Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism – Chile 2002-3 Report

The escalation in anti-Jewish expressions by representatives of the Palestinian, Islamic and ultra-right sections in Chile in 2002 fueled a rise in antisemitic acts, mainly insults, threats and graffiti, which also increased in severity. Palestinian and Islamic groups were very active in 2002, denouncing Israel and championing the Palestinian cause, and antisemitic/anti-Zionist slogans were evident at some of their demonstrations. A state of emergency was declared in the Jewish community in December 2002 due to the large number of anti-Jewish acts that had been perpetrated and to the threat from al- Qa‘ida.

The Steven Roth Center notes the rise of Islamic influence, which is evident on some of the Pro-Palestinian Campaigns. Yes, this is disturbing.

It also notes that Islam in Chile is very small – only about 3,000 out of the whole Chilean population around the year 2000. Even among Palestinian-Chileans, Islam is almost unknown. It should be stressed that the Islamic influences may not hold the general support of the Palestinian Christian community who may see the Palestine-Israeli struggle only in national terms.

Still the trend is disturbing; particularly when one sees Chilean Churches hosting meetings with Islamic graphics and icons.

What seems to be happening is that an Islamic flavor is being parcelled out under the guise of Christian organizations. For this reason, I suspect it is being partly subsidized by outside Arab oil money which is attaching Islamic influence to Christian-Palestinian-Chilean sympathies.

Equally troubling is that some, among the very few Muslims in Chile, seem to be connected to terrorism.

Source: Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism – Chile 2002-3 Report

The Fundación Palestina Belén 2000 (Palestinian Belen [sic] Foundation 2000) is the chief funding-raising organization in Chile for the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Wealthy Palestinians from the community in Chile support the fund, which publishes a monthly journal, al-Damir. On its first anniversary on 25 June, the foundation organized an event, entitled Centro de Eventos Casa Piedra, attended by more than 1,000 invitees, including ministers, MPs, clerics, army officers and judges. Minister of the Interior Jose Miguel Insulza and Government Secretary Heraldo Muñoz both posed for a photograph, wearing a keffiah decorated with map of a Palestinian state covering the entire territory of the State of Israel.

NOTE: This shows some bias on the part of the Steven Roth Center. While a map which denies Israel’s right to exist is troubling; again, do they expect Palestinians to be Zionist? Is the Steven Roth Center as upset at Jewish maps which deny Palestine?

The Palestine Bethlehem 2000 Foundation (Fundación Palestina Belén 2000) is geared to a Christian outlook; so it may be that Medical tours to Gaza are wrongly demonized as pro-Hamas, but other sources apart from the Stephen Roth center seem to agree with the Stephen Roth Center’s assessment. So the charge cannot be dismissed out of hand.


At first glance, Palestino’s Internet site looks like that of any other soccer team. But in its links, one can find the Fundacion Palestina Belen 2000 (Palestinian Belen Foundation 2000).

A Chilean source connected to the Chilean Intelligence Agency (CIA) told TML that this particular fund managed to collect $6m in one year, but that the funds do not always find their way to needy Palestinians. Instead, much of the money goes to charities identified with Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization. According to the source, many of the fund’s activists are themselves members of another terror group – The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The CIA said that it has information concerning the trail of money from the foundation to Hamas, but declined to provide specifics.

It is clear that large sections of the Palestinian-Chilean community deny Israel’s right to exist.

Now maybe the accusations against the Christian Palestine Bethlehem 2000 Foundation are exaggerated, or co-ordinated anti-Palestinian propaganda.

But, whether the accusations are true or not, the rising anti-Israel chorus in Chile has a strong Palestinan-Chilean component and this is troubling.


November 26, 2017 – Edited – Corrected spelling.
January 16, 2025 – Edited – Moved to a post.

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