Chilestinian History of Palestine

Chilestinian History of Palestine

Palestinian Christians started arriving in Chile in the 19th Century. In 1938, they founded Club Palestino, with a charter from the British mandate. Today, Club Palestino is one of the more prestigious clubs in Chile.

They are called Chilestinos (almost all are Christian), and have risen to become elites in Chile. The equivalent term in English would be Chilestinians – which is a portmanteau of Chile and Palestine.

The Chilestinos take a pro-Palestinian, anti-Zionist view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This is a Chilestinian version of Palestinian history. Yes, it is in Spanish, but there is an option to auto-translate it to English.

Posted on YouTube: December 2, 2020.

The Palestinians in Chile are not a mere curiousity. Chile is a first world country, and the Palestinians are elites. They shape the foreign policy and course of Chile.

The version of history they present will not be agreeable to those who are friendly to Israel. Indeed, many pro-Israel and Jewish groups have expressed concern about the Palestinians in Chile.

Cumbia Palestina

Cumbia Palestina

Posted on YouTube: December 15. 2020

Cumbia is a popular form of music throughout Latin America.

This video is clearly political, by the Orkestra Popular San Bomba (Holy Music Popular Orchestra).

Orkestra Popular literally means Popular Orchesta, but in actuality would mean something like Pop Music or Street Music.

Bomba literally means bomb, but has so many meanings that it is impossible to translate apart from context. In this context, it probably means music. Bomba is a type of MUSIC.

San means holy.

The group’s name is clearly farcical and idiomatic.

This is the group’s Facebook Page (here).

Again, one must remember that in Latin America there is no equivalent of AIPAC, so the Palestinian viewpoint is more mainstream. The chief exception is Brazil, which has a very large pro-Israel Evangelical community. But this video comes from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Arabs Are Still Seeking Refuge in Argentina

Arabs Are Still Seeking Refuge in Argentina

Posted on YouTube: December 16, 2020

The video is in Arabic, but what is clear is that Arabs still seek to go to South America (this video concerns Argentina).

The difference with the past is that former Arab immigrants to South America tended to be Christian. Now, they tend to be Muslim.

In the past, when the Catholic Church was stronger, the occasional Muslim immigrant would not have been much of a problem, as there was social pressure to convert. Those Muslims who went to South America in the past ended up either converting or intermarrying – with the result that their children were baptized Catholic.

Today, in some countries – such as Chile and Brazil – the Evangelical Christian community is so powerful and growing that the function of conversion would be handled by Evangelicals. The effect would be the same: The children of Muslims would become Christian.

So Muslim immigrants would not pose much of a danger to South American culture … provided that there is NOT too many of them.

My own opinion is that South America could easily handle a pulse immigration of Arabs if the numbers are kept within reason – that is to say, kept under 1% of the population, and not allowed to concentrate in Islamic barrios. One would want to avoid creating heavily Arabized banlieues [neighborhoods] as is seen in France. Such concentrations prevent assimilation.

While the situation in France is worrisome, one must remember that France is about 8% Muslim, while I am suggesting that Muslims be kept only around 1% in any Latin American country, and not be allowed to concentrate in neighborhoods. If the immigrants are spread out, the children of Muslim immigrants would quickly assimilate. This has been the case in Latin America. Arabs are Latinized quickly.

Now, Argentina is “officially” roughly 1% Muslim already, but the numbers are exaggerated. In reality, very few are practicing Muslims. So a decent number of Arabs could be allowed in, as long as the stress is placed on assimilation.

(The video is set to the right time.) This imam admits that the official figure
of half a million Muslims in Argentina is ridiculous.
Argentina assimilates/converts Muslims very well.
Posted on YouTube: September 22, 2015

Source: (Video above)

From the late 19th century and early 20th century, there should be about half a million Muslims in Argentina. But now there is not even five to seven thousand Muslims who call themselves Muslim.


So, despite the official figures, in reality, Islam in Argentina all but died out. That is how successful Argentine assimilation was. Yes, there are looney converts to Islam, but they are insignificant. While Argentina claims a half-million Muslims, 99% of them either converted to Christianity or are totally non-practicing Muslims.

If you want to see who really is making converts in Argentina, look to Evangelical Christians. Evangelicals are now 15% of the population and growing rapidly.

In fact, in Argentina, as is shown in a 2015 survey (see page 16), at that time, there were 2,200 converts to Protestant Christianity from Islam. That imam is in for a shock. He won’t make too many converts, but a lot of Muslims may become Evangelical.

Islam has no answer to street preaching.

Rather and instead, any newer Muslim immigrants to Argentina would be assisted by a lot of Christian-Arab-Latinos who have been in South America for generations, and who have assimilated successfully.

The story of Graciela [also known as Grace] Spinelli is typical.

DFI Film Review: Beirut Buenos Aires Beirut

When she was 15 watching TV and asking about the Muslim call for prayer, Argentinian Graciela discovered her Arab, Lebanese and Muslim roots.

Years later, she decides to return to Lebanon in search of her great grandfather’s family tree, reconnecting with her lost ancestors and a land she ignores but still belongs to.

[My note: After the trip to Lebanon, Graciela returned to Argentina, and became an actress and producer in Latin movies, sometimes under the name of Grace.]

Of course, Graciela’s family tree also included some Italian, Spanish, and Irish, to the point where she had no idea that her great-grandfather had been a Lebanese Muslim. Below is a documentary (a shortened version) of her discovery.

A shortened version of a documentary about a Catholic Argentine woman
was shocked to find out that one of her ancestors was a Muslim.

Graciela Spinelli’s family was all too typical. Her great-grandfather, a Lebanese Muslim, married a Catholic Argentine woman. So Graciela Spinelli’s great-grandmother had the children baptized Catholic, behind her husband’s back (set to right time in video). Graciela had to find this out from her great aunt.

The children of Muslims integrated and Christianized successfully in South America. In Graciela’s case, all too successfully, because she had no idea of who was in her family tree.

While, I am not advocating that anyone forget their ancestors, the documentary does show that the children of Arab Muslims can be well integrated in Latin America.

New Arab Muslim immigrants would interface with these earlier Christian-Arab-Latinos, and would discover the wisdom of embracing the dominant Christian culture.

The Hogar Árabe Argentino de Berisso [Argentine-Arab Home of Berisso] is an Arab Cultural Society in Berisso (a suburb of Buenos Aires), and is a shining example. It is 100 year old, and helps Arabs in Argentina assimilate, while maintaining pride in their heritage.

The chief difference with the past is that a century ago the Muslim children became Catholic. Today, they might become Bautista (Baptist) or Pentecostalista (Pentecostal).

However, preference should be given to Palestinian immigrants, so as to quiet down the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Perhaps Argentina could be persuaded to take in some of those Palestinians … and who knows … maybe they could be directed to an iglesia bautista (Baptist Church).

Israel Accuses Pro-Palestinian Chilean Senator


(Note: The picture is of the Chliean Congress, which is in Valparaiso, not the capital, Santiago.)

If you think that American politics can be weird, then look at Chile, where Palestinian-Christians have outsized influence.

Source: The Times Chile
September 25, 2020
Translated by app.

After an exhaustive investigation, the Embassy of Israel in Chile announces that the statements of Senator Alejando Navarro about the alleged destruction by Israel of 100,000 tests for Covid-19 destined for the Palestinian Authority, are absolutely false and lack any basis in reality

It is very regrettable that while the Middle East breathes airs of peace and cooperation, parliamentary authorities defend the most extreme positions, spreading fake news , inciting hatred and trying to delegitimize Israel.After an exhaustive investigation, the Embassy of Israel in Chile announces that the statements of Senator Alejando Navarro about the alleged destruction by Israel of 100,000 tests for Covid-19 destined for the Palestinian Authority, are absolutely false and lack any basis in reality

Senator Navarro is a left-wing politican.

This would be almost unheard of in the United States, but it is quite acceptable for Chilean politicians to attack Israel. Chile has no equivalent of AIPAC to insert the Israeli viewpoint into the political mainstream, rather it has a very well-educated, elite, and prosperous anti-Israel Palestinian-Chilean population who can exert influence above their numbers.

Chile does have a small Jewish community, but it does NOT have the population, nor the power, of Chile’s Palestinian community.

Some of the anti-Israel/Jewish comments coming from Chilean politicians can border on the bizarre. One of the most famous/nutty claims was that Israel wanted to take over Patagonia.

As noted, in other posts, Chile’s foreign policy in the Mideast is seriously influenced by its anti-Zionist Palestinian-Chileans, who, ironically, are almost totally Christian.

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