5 – False Hopes

The Muslim world refuses to take the Palestinians Arabs in. They do this so that the Palestinian problem would fester and overwhelm Israel.

The Big Arab Lie
By David Meir-Levi
May 2005

…the fifth factor was the call by the Arab governments to the inhabitants of Palestine to evacuate it (Palestine) and leave for the bordering Arab countries. Since 1948, it is we who have demanded the return of the refugees, while it is we who made them leave. We brought disaster upon a million Arab refugees by inviting them and bringing pressure on them to leave. We have accustomed them to begging…we have participated in lowering their morale and social level…Then we exploited them in executing crimes of murder, arson and throwing stones upon men, women and children…all this in the service of political purposes…

— Khaled el-Azm, Syrian prime minister after the 1948 War, in his 1972 memoirs, published in 1973..

The Muslim world is using the Palestinian Arabs as a ploy. So far it is working. In 1948, much of the world supported Israel. Now much of the world blames Israel.

To expect the Arabs to take in the Palestinians is a False Hope

They have set up protocols which demand that no Arab state naturalize any Palestinian at all.  The official reason is to maintain their claim on Palestine.  They are condemned to be a stateless people.

The Big Arab Lie
By David Meir-Levi
May 2005

In 1950, the UN set up the United Nations Relief and Works Agency as a “temporary” relief effort for Palestinian refugees. Former UNRWA director Ralph Galloway stated eight years later that, “the Arab states do not want to solve the refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open sore, as a weapon against Israel. Arab leaders do not give a damn whether Arab refugees live or die.” The only thing that has changed since then is the number of Palestinians cooped up in these prison camps.

In Fact, We can expect the Muslim World to resist any Solution

The Muslim states will thwart any effort that does not include the return of so many Palestinian Arabs as to destroy Israel.

It is more than just the Muslim states.  Many Palestinians Arab refugees insist on the right of return, and will not give it up – though far less are this strident than will admit it publicly.

I say Muslim states, because I doubt if any non-Arab Muslim states will help either.

The Palestinian problem, if it is to be solved, must look outside the Arab world to find a solution.

So who would accept them, then?

Read the following posts in this series.

1) The Land and the Settlers
2) Cost to Uproot Settlers
3) Real Arab Populations
4) Cost Effectiveness
5) False Hopes
6) South America Assimilates Arabs
7) Paying Palestinians to Leave

May 12, 2017 – Edited: Added series list at bottom.

4 – Cost Effectiveness

From the Jerusalem Post:

‘Evacuating small settlements could cost NIS 250b.’

By TOVAH LAZAROFF 04/30/2013 06:28

The evacuation of isolated West Bank Jewish communities outside of the settlement blocs could cost the government more than NIS 250 billion, the Council of Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip said on Monday.

NIS 250 Billion (New Israeli Shekels) is about US $70 Billion.

This is what it would cost to remove some of the smaller settlements in Judea and Samaria (what the world calls the West Bank). That would be just a fraction of the cost of a creating a Palestinian state. The real cost of creating a Palesitnian state would approach a trillon dollars.

The Two State Solution is dead 

Blame the Arabs or blame Israel with its settlement expansion. Does it matter?  It is dead.   There is no way, Judea and Samaria can be evacuated, even if one were to ignore the threat of settler violence which would follow implementation of evacuation.

A Better Solution 

Israel would do better to offer each young, unemployed, and landless Palestinians US $100,000 per person to leave for South America, along with travelling papers.

$70 Billion would allow 700,000 Palestinians to leave Judea and Samaria.

That is almost half of the up and coming young Arab generation in Judea and Samaria.

A young family of five, who are living in a small apartment, could be given $500,000 (5 x $100,000) to leave for South America.

In South America, $500,000 could buy them a nice house in a major town, as well as a business, and a car, with money left over to put in the bank.

Why South America?

Read the following posts in this series.

1) The Land and the Settlers
2) Cost to Uproot Settlers
3) Real Arab Populations
4) Cost Effectiveness
5) False Hopes
6) South America Assimilates Arabs
7) Paying Palestinians to Leave

May 12, 2017 – Edited: Added series list at bottom.

3 – Real Arab Populations

The Number of Arabs in the Palestinian Territories may be exaggerated

Yoram Ettinger, an Israeli Demographer, has estimated that there are far less Arabs in Judea and Samaria (what the world calls the West Bank) than what Arab and UN official statistics claim.

He estimates that there are rougly 1.3 to 1.5 million Arabs in the contested areas, rather than the 2.5 million claimed. He blames this error on the Arab practice of double counting.

If Ettinger is right, there are, at most, 1.2 million young Arabs in the area – Arab demographics run towards the young.  Maybe even less young people.

Interview with Yoram Ettinger

In recent years, Yoram has made waves through his investigation of Palestinians demographic projections, made prominent through the publication of “The Million Person Gap: The Arab Population in the West Bank and Gaza,” by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar Ilan University. The basic contention of the report is that through a thorough investigation of Palestinian demographic data from Israeli, Palestinian, and International data sources, that Palestinian population growth rates have been dramatically overstated. This to the point that the Palestinian Authority claims a population of more than 1.25 Million people more than actually reside in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem combined: 2.49 million in mid-2004 rather than the projected 3.83 million reported by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

The Arabs know they have a Demographic Problem

Fatwa forbids PA Muslims to emigrate
By KHALED ABU TOAMEH 06/10/2007 00:42

Alarmed by the growing number of Palestinians who are emigrating from the Palestinian territories, the Palestinian Authority’s mufti has issued a fatwa [religious decree] forbidding Muslims to leave.

The Numbers may be inflated by a Million

The Politics of Palestinian Demography

In 2005, an American and Israeli demography team headed by Bennett Zimmerman and Yoram Ettinger confirmed the 2003 findings and, again, criticized both the illegitimate inclusion of Arab emigrants from the Palestinian Authority and the double counting of the East Jerusalem Arab population. The Zimmerman and Ettinger study also revealed that, at the end of 2000, the Arab population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip numbered 2,246,000 people—1,280,000 in the West Bank and about 966,000 in the Gaza Strip.

Now maybe Yoram Ettinger’s numbers are a bit too low; but what is clear is that the Arabs are inflating their numbers, probably by a million or more.

The world estimates 2.5 Million Arabs in Judea and Samaria alone.  As shown, that figure may be way off.

Mr. Ettinger does not count Palestinians outside the territories.  That may be a bit dicey.  These may be outside the territories only temporarily for work.  Does he plan to strand these stateless people outside the territories at some point?  In any event, his overall thesis has some merit.

A Smaller Arab Population has consequences

If the Arab population is that much smaller, it begs the question:  Is it cheaper to move the settlers out of the Palestinian territories, or pay the Palestinians to leave?

Read the following posts in this series.

1) The Land and the Settlers
2) Cost to Uproot Settlers
3) Real Arab Populations
4) Cost Effectiveness
5) False Hopes
6) South America Assimilates Arabs
7) Paying Palestinians to Leave

May 12, 2017 – Edited: Added series list at bottom.
June 16, 2022 – Edited: Had to reload/re-insert page

2 – Cost to Uproot Settlers

Evacuating small settlements could cost NIS 250b – JPOST – By TOVAH LAZAROFF 04/30/2013

The evacuation of isolated West Bank Jewish communities outside of the settlement blocs could cost the government more than NIS 250 billion, the Council of Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip said on Monday.

NIS 250 Billion is roughly $70 Billion dollars.

It would cost $70 Billion just to evacuate the small settlements in Judea and Samaria (the contested areas).

Even that would not be enough to bring peace. It would still leave Judea and Samaria filled with large settlements that no Palestinian could accept.   When other other costs are added in, the numbers rise to the hundreds of billions of dollars (in US dollars), up to a trillion dollars.

That is even ignoring the violent settler backlash which would occur.

The cost of evacuating enough settlers in order to make the Palestinians happy would be prohibitive.

I am not going to get into a debate here about who is right or who is wrong. At this point, it is meaningless. It is too late to correct, now.

Okay the Cost is Prohibitive, but what about the large Number of Arabs in  Judea and Samaria?

Read the following posts in this series.

1) The Land and the Settlers
2) Cost to Uproot Settlers
3) Real Arab Populations
4) Cost Effectiveness
5) False Hopes
6) South America Assimilates Arabs
7) Paying Palestinians to Leave

May 12, 2017 – Edited: Added series list at bottom.
June 16, 2022 – Editted: Had to reload/re-insert page, fix bottom menu

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