You wouldn’t see this here in the USA

NOTICE: They have their babies in the dance – Posted on YouTube in Oct 2012

This is Peru. Peruvian women dancing with their babies to an Arab tune. This is how mainstream Arab music is in South America. Half of these women are part-Peruvian Indian.

The YouTube comments (Click Here) says:

Mamis bailando con sus bebes al ritmo de la danza árabe…por la Semana Internacional de la Crianza en Brazos..organizado por Nueve Lunas y Portabebes Mi Alma. Artista invitada Aleyah Bellydance bailarina y profesora de danzas arabes Dj Jonathan Diaz Manrique encargado de la mezcla de ritmos tradicionales y modernos

Mothers dancing with their babies to the rhythms of Arab dance … for the Interntional Weeek of Infant Rearing … organized by Nine Moons y My Soul Porta Babies.

Invited artists: Aleyah Bellydance artist and teacher of Arab dance.

DH Jonathan Diaz Manrique in charge of the mix of traditional and modern rhythms.

Now, you may consider this small change; but can you imagine any American corporation introducing a line of products with Arab dance?

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