Argentina Differs From Chile Concerning Israel

Argentina Differs From Chile Concerning Israel

Chile is turning against Israel, thanks to a left-wing government, with a left wing president, Gabriel Boric, with a powerful Palestinian-Chilean community.

However, Argentina has just elected a center-right politician, Javier Milei, who is thoroughly fascinated with both Israel and Judaism.

Presidente Milei supports Israel.

So let’s go over some basics.

– There are 46 million Argentines.

– There are roughly 4 million Argentines with a degree of Arab ancestry. However, many of them are attenuated in their Arabness, being only one-half, one-quarter, one-eighth Arab, and so on.

– Most of the Arab-Argentines are Christian. They were descended from Syrians and Lebanese whose ancestors fled Muslim tyranny. These Lebanese and Syrian Arab Christians did not often have an anti-Israel prejudice, per se, as they often view the Mideast through a Christian vs. Muslim lens. Whereas Chile’s Arab tend to be Palestinians, who, even though mostly Christian, are hostile to Israel.

– Contrary to official statistics. the few Muslims who made it to Argentina, tended to convert, marry out, or lapse in their Islamic observance. Hence the official numbers for the Muslims in Argentina are grossly exaggerated.

The Jewish community in Argentina is about 180,000, the seventh largest Jewish community in the world. It tends to be centered in Buenos Aires. There was also an agricultural community in Moisés Ville.

They have had a massive effect on Argentina’s history, culture, and music. A lot of tangos were written by Jews.

So while Chile, and much of Latin America, is turning against Israel, the Argentine government is not. The dynamic is interesting to follow.

The problem is that Chile is a very successful country, a first world country, and a leader in South America, while Argentina, though bigger – and with a much greater potential – has a history of instability and poor government.

But here is an interesting aside of a video, which describes the Villa Crespo neighborhood in Buenos Aires as an Argentine Shtetls (Jewish towns).

Posted on YouTube: September 1, 2022
The video can be auto-translated, using the settings options.

As important as the Jews are in Argentina, they were once more powerful. During the dictatorship, from 1976-83, in Argentina, many Jews fled to Israel. The population dropped from approximately 300,000 to 180,000.

However, that number may not include the children of intermarriage, who might have a Jewish father, but a Christian mother. And if one includes the Christian relatives of these Jews, the numbers would still be around 300,000, or a little under 1% of the country.

A Jewish Leftist Is Uncomfortable in Chile

A Jewish Leftist Is Uncomfortable in Chile

Apparently, with the power of Palestinians in Chile, particularly Daniel Jadue, who is a leftist mayor of Palestinian descent, in the capital district, Jews are somewhat uncomfortable.

Source: Yes, I’m a Jew! So what? The Dilemmas of Being Jewish and Left-wing in Chile
Jan 7, 2024
Maxine Lowy

In the context of the horrific scenes broadcast from Gaza and Israel, it would not have been surprising to hear Jadue speak of “Zionists,” also a misconstrued word. But what he said was that being a Jew is “incompatible” with being progressive. This affirmation attempts to unite ideology and religion, distorting the biblical concept of a chosen people as an ideology. This tendentious statement, expressed by an important public figure and transmitted infinitely by social networks, is a dangerous precedent that attacks, not only Jews, but “the other.” Jadue’s words are not precisely addressed to “my left-wing Jewish friends,” they dig at the core of a dangerous discourse within Chilean society. As Theodore Adorno warned in 1950, one type of discrimination is associated with others, and anti-Semitism leads to xenophobia.

(Click Here) to read more.

Politicians in the USA tend to favor pro-Israel groups. The opposite is true in Chile, where the Palestinian community rules the day.

As noted elsewhere on this site, the Palestinian-Chileans – Chilestinos – are the power bloc of note in Chile.

Particularly of note is that the leftist president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, has said the Gaza is worse than Berlin in 1945.

So the Jews of leftist persuasion feel sort of betrayed by their fellow progressives in Chile.

Chile has a stable democratic government, but its views on the Mideast have been hijacked by the powerful Chilestino bloc, some members of whom are at the forefront of a Red-Green Alliance.

Argentina Will Host Jewish Version of Olympics

Argentina Will Host Jewish Version of Olympics

While a lot of Latin America is condemning Israel for the war in Gaza, Argentina has just elected a president who converted to Judaism, and is a fan of Israel.

Talk about contrasts.

So, the Jews of Latin America are holding their Maccabi games in Argentina.

What are the Maccabi games?

They are a sort of Olympic games for Jews.

Posted on YouTube: May 30, 2012

Source: A scaled-back Israeli delegation is headed to the Pan American Maccabi Games in Argentina
The Forward
by Jacob Gurvis
December 18, 2023

(JTA) — With the Pan American Maccabi Games set to begin in Argentina next week, an Israeli delegation of more than 200 athletes was planning to join 5,000 Jewish participants from across the world who will compete in 30 sports.

But, as with practically every facet of Israeli society, Oct. 7 changed their plans.

Now a pared down group of 74 Israeli athletes will head to Argentina for the 15th edition of the international tournament. Forty-five of them live in communities close to the Gaza Strip, the area attacked on Oct. 7, according to a press release from the Maccabi World Union, the global governing body that puts on the quadrennial Maccabiah Games in Israel and other international tournaments.

What this means is that Latin America is split in its sympathies. Indeed, even countries are split in their sympathies.

Argentina’s Quite Influential Jewish Community

Argentina’s Quite Influential Jewish Community

Another break from dealing with Latin Armerica’s Arab communities:

Most Latin American countries have small Jewish populations. Hence the effect of the Jewish community on local politics is usually minimal. Not so for Argentina.


In Argentina, the Jewish community was quite noteable.

Posted on YouTube: 2020

Even Juan Perón had a Jewish advisor for economics, José Ber Gelbard.

Juan Perón and José Ber Gelbard

To set the record straight, Perón was not a Nazi. He admired Mussolini’s fascist economics, but not necessarily Mussolini’s politics. And while Perón allowed some Nazis in to Argentina after World War 2, he did so chiefly to get their technical skills. Perón was not an anti-Semite himself, and he certainly could not have imposed Nazi racial policies on a Latin country … and he knew it.

The Jewish community in Argentina used to be around two percent (2%) of the population in the past. That compares roughly to the historical percentage of the Jewish community in the United States in the 1960s.

There was a massive flight of Jews during the time of the military junta (1976-83), but even then, a massive amount of Jews remained in Argentina.

With around 180,000 Jews today, most of whom live in the Buenos Aires area, the Jews still have a massive effect on Argentina’s culture as well.

Because of this, Argentina’s reaction to the 2023 Gaza War is muted — at least when compared to the histrionics seen in Chile, where the influential politicized community of Palestinian-Chileans (Chilestinos) can force government policies.

So, taking an aside from the present (2023) Gaza War, let’s take another look at Jewish Buenos Aires.

Posted on YouTube: 2021

Jews even had a remarkable influence on Argentina’s tango.

Posted on YouTube: 2009

There was the tragic bombing of the Jewish Center in 1994, but that was done by Iranians.

Overall, Argentina has been quite friendly to Jews. Yes, there were some bigots at times, but Argentina was friendly enough to attract a massive amount of Jewish immigrants to the country from Europe.

Posted on YouTube: August 14, 2023
(Click Here) – This restaurant is world famous!

Posted on YouTube: Oct 16, 2022

This Jewish factor counts in world affairs. Chile recalled its ambassador (Click Here) from Israel over issues concerning the 2023 Gaza War. Argentina did not.

Yes, there are pro-Palestinian supporters in Argentina, but they can be easily matched by pro-Israel supporters.

So, who will decide in the contest between Arabs and Jews for the sympathies of Latin Americans?

The answer may surprise you.

In South America, it is the Evangelical Christians (who are usually Christian Zionist) who are starting to make their mark.

Posted on YouTube: May 15, 2023

The Evangelicals are growing fast in Latin America.

In Brazil, the population is 31% Evangelical.
In Guatemala, the population is 40% Evangelical.
In Honduras, the population is almost 40% Evangelical.
In Chile, the population is 18% Evangelical.
In Argentina, the population is 15% Evangelical.

In Chile, this is noticeable, as Palestinian-Chileans – who tend to be Eastern Christians or Roman Catholics – have complained about the Evangelicals. In Brazil, the former president, Bolsonaro, who was Evangelical, was very pro-Israel. True! He lost the last election, but under questionable circumstances. Pro-Israel feeling runs large in Brazil, even though it has roughly 15 million Arab-Brazilians.

In Honduras, when the Evangelicals hit 50%, it may not matter any longer what the powerful Palestinian-Hondurans think.

A lot of countries, who are pro-Palestine today, may shift their foreign policies very soon, as the Evangelical communities keeps growing, and very rapidly so.

Source: The Economist
April 5th, 2023
Marabá And Salvador

Evangelical Christianity is the fastest-growing religion in the region. Polls on religious beliefs vary widely, but around a fifth of Latin Americans identify as evangelicals, up from a tenth in 2002. In Guatemala and Honduras, they are set to overtake Roman Catholics as the dominant religion by 2030.

It is the Evangelicals who will decide this battle.

In the meantime, the Jews of Argentina are fascinating.

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