A Worrisome Playlist of Nasty Propaganda

A Worrisome Playlist of Nasty Propaganda

The playlist was posted on YouTube: Around 2024
(It can be auto-translated)

This is the playlist of an Iranian propaganda series, translated: Window on Palestine. Make no mistake about it, this is very slanted propaganda, but it is what is being peddled throughout Latin America by Iran and Venezuela.

We dealt with this (Click Here) earlier. But now, we wanted you to see the whole playlist.

The show is peddled through the HispanTV network, an Iranian-Venezualan propaganda project. HispanTV has been removed from American and European Satellites because it is deemed distorted propaganda. It is considered antisemitic and anti-Zionist. Google blocked HispanTV‘s YT channel, but it is still leaks through Latin American channels, such as Daniel Jadue’s.

I posted this only for information. Iran is a detestable dictatorship.

This particular anti-Israel series is hosted by a Chilestino (Palestinian-Chilean) leftist politician called Daniel Jadue. He is a major player in Chilean politics, and we have already dealt with him (Click Here) in the past.

Mr. Jadue is Palestinian-Christian in background – though he is now an atheist – who shares nothing in common with the Shia Islamists in Iran (partners in HispanTV), except their disdain for Israel.

What has to be remembered is that most of the Arabs in Chile are Palestinian in origin. And almost all of those Palestinians are Christian. Very few were/are Muslim.

Given that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a religious war, the Chilestinos (Palestinian-Chileans) in Chile are divorced from the underlying reality to the conflict. They forget that many of their ancestors fled Muslim tyranny.

It cam be auto-translated on YouTube.

Diplomatic Row Over Lula’s Comments

Diplomatic Row Over Lula’s Comments

Posted on YouTube: February 20, 2024

The President of Brazil, President Lula, has made some comments comparing the plight of Palestinians in Gaza to the Holocaust.

Well, the Israeli spin machine was furious.

Israel’s Netanyahu slams Brazilian president’s comparison of Gaza war to the Holocaust
February 18, 2024

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL (AP) — Israel on Sunday condemned Brazil’s president for comparing the war in Gaza to the Holocaust, accusing him of being antisemitic and trivializing the Nazi genocide of European Jews during World War II.

The outcry further strained relations between the countries, which have deteriorated since President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva returned to office last year. Lula has portrayed himself as a leader of the “ Global South,” a loosely defined group of developing countries.

Of course, Israel goes into attack mode with any comparison of its operations in Gaza to what the Nazis did to the Jews in Europe in World War II.

But Colombia and Brazil are standing by Brazil.

Colombia, Bolivia back Brazil’s Lula in Israel row over Gaza war comments
21 Feb 2024

Colombia and Bolivia are backing Brazil as its diplomatic row with Israel escalated after President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, comparing its actions with the Holocaust.

Well, Brazil was wrong, to be sure. But was it wise for Israel to make this a bigger issue than it should be?

Argentina’s President Milei Is Going to Israel

Argentina’s President Milei Is Going to Israel

Argentina’s President Milei is controversial with his right wing economic policies, but even more controversial with his unequivocal support for Israel during this Gaza War.

He plans to fly to Israel as a show of support.

Source: Argentina’s Milei to visit Israel, denounces Hamas
January 26, 2024

Argentina’s new President Javier Milei, who has recently embraced Orthodox Judaism, said Friday he would visit Israel as he condemned Hamas’ actions in an address to the Jewish community in Buenos Aires.

“In the coming weeks, I will be traveling to the Holy Land,” Milei said in a speech at the Holocaust Museum in Argentina’s capital, evoking a “new chapter in the brotherhood of our two nations.”

He condemned as “atrocious and unforgivable,” the October 7 attack by Islamist group Hamas on Israel which resulted in the deaths of some 1,140 people, most of them civilians according to an AFP tally based on official figures.

(Read more)

Posted on YouTube: January 26, 2024

Argentina Differs From Chile Concerning Israel

Argentina Differs From Chile Concerning Israel

Chile is turning against Israel, thanks to a left-wing government, with a left wing president, Gabriel Boric, with a powerful Palestinian-Chilean community.

However, Argentina has just elected a center-right politician, Javier Milei, who is thoroughly fascinated with both Israel and Judaism.

Presidente Milei supports Israel.

So let’s go over some basics.

– There are 46 million Argentines.

– There are roughly 4 million Argentines with a degree of Arab ancestry. However, many of them are attenuated in their Arabness, being only one-half, one-quarter, one-eighth Arab, and so on.

– Most of the Arab-Argentines are Christian. They were descended from Syrians and Lebanese whose ancestors fled Muslim tyranny. These Lebanese and Syrian Arab Christians did not often have an anti-Israel prejudice, per se, as they often view the Mideast through a Christian vs. Muslim lens. Whereas Chile’s Arab tend to be Palestinians, who, even though mostly Christian, are hostile to Israel.

– Contrary to official statistics. the few Muslims who made it to Argentina, tended to convert, marry out, or lapse in their Islamic observance. Hence the official numbers for the Muslims in Argentina are grossly exaggerated.

The Jewish community in Argentina is about 180,000, the seventh largest Jewish community in the world. It tends to be centered in Buenos Aires. There was also an agricultural community in Moisés Ville.

They have had a massive effect on Argentina’s history, culture, and music. A lot of tangos were written by Jews.

So while Chile, and much of Latin America, is turning against Israel, the Argentine government is not. The dynamic is interesting to follow.

The problem is that Chile is a very successful country, a first world country, and a leader in South America, while Argentina, though bigger – and with a much greater potential – has a history of instability and poor government.

But here is an interesting aside of a video, which describes the Villa Crespo neighborhood in Buenos Aires as an Argentine Shtetls (Jewish towns).

Posted on YouTube: September 1, 2022
The video can be auto-translated, using the settings options.

As important as the Jews are in Argentina, they were once more powerful. During the dictatorship, from 1976-83, in Argentina, many Jews fled to Israel. The population dropped from approximately 300,000 to 180,000.

However, that number may not include the children of intermarriage, who might have a Jewish father, but a Christian mother. And if one includes the Christian relatives of these Jews, the numbers would still be around 300,000, or a little under 1% of the country.

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