Arab Dancing in Colombia

Arab Dancing in Colombia

Isis Dance Troupe at 10th Annual Arab Fesitval – Medellín
Published on YouTube, August 31, 2017


The school is called La Danza de Isis: The Dance of Isis – Academy of Oriental Dance.
Their website is:

Again, we see that this is quite popular.

Yes, there are dance schools in the USA, but how many sell themselves specifically as Arab/Oriental Dance schools.

This is very mainstream in Latin America.

Screenshots of Wikipedia.

Wikipedia estimates about 800,000 – 3.2 Million Lebanese Colombians, out of approx. 50 Million people in Colombia. But the numbers are all over the place.

Elsewhere, in Wikipedia, the Arab diaspora in Columbia is listed at 1.5 Million.

Notice the contradiction. Lebanese Colombians could be as high as 3.2 Million, but another chart lists 1.5 Million Arab-Colombians.

How can one possibly have more Lebanese than Arabs, when the Lebanese are a subset of Arabs?

This is what makes checking the demographics of Arabs in the Western Hemisphere to so hard. As is so often stated, the problem is that many Lebanese refuse to call themselves Arabs.

The number of Arabs in South America is much higher than official figures cite.

April 14, 2020 – Edited: Had to get a new video, made corrections.

Really Great Colombian-Arab Dance

Really Great Colombian-Arab Dance

Posted on YouTube: May 12, 2017
But claimed to be a video from 2014

The Awalim Dance Troupe facebook page (Click Here)

Though the poster of this video, Angélica Sanchez, may possibly be no longer associated with the troupe. Can’t say for sure. Maybe she is branching out, on her own.

You can hear the Arab Yodel during the dance.

Posted on YouTube: May 12, 2017
But claimed to be a video from 2016

Another video posted by Angélica Sanchez.

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