A Nice Little Video From Brazil

O ICAB agradece a todos os visitantes, expositores e equipe de apoio por toda animação e alegria dessa segunda edição da Feira da Diversidade Culinária Árabe em Brasília/DF.Vocês poderão conferir nosso álbum de fotos do facebook durante a semana!

Posted by ICAB Instituto de Cultura Árabe Brasileira on Sunday, August 11, 2019

This was from August 11, 2019

Brazil has the world’s largest community of ethnic Lebanese, ~ 10 million, along with Syrians, etc.

This comes from ICAB Instituto de Cultura Árabe Brasileira (Institute of Arab-Brazilian Culture).

A Commercial for Habib’s Fast Food from Brazil

A Commercial for Habib’s Fast Food from Brazil

Posted on YouTube: October 8, 2018

This is a commercial for Habib’s, a major fast food chain in Brazil. They have 475 outlets in Brazil.

They are planning to expand outside of Brazil.

Lebanese food has been adopted in Brazil the very same way that Americans have embraced Italian or Mexican food.

Source: Wikipedia

Habib’s was founded by a Portuguese-born baker, Alberto Saraiva, who had no particular ties to the Middle East himself, got the idea early in 1988 after an ailing old man of Arab descent applied for a job in his bakery. With no job at hand for the man to apply to, but upon learning that he had been a cook back in his home land, Mr. Saraiva decided to open a small fast-food restaurant focused on Middle-Eastern fast-food, unheard at the time in Brazil, believing the success could rely on the novelty of it, and hired the man. … The first Habib’s restaurant was opened later that same year.

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