A Worrisome Playlist of Nasty Propaganda

A Worrisome Playlist of Nasty Propaganda

The playlist was posted on YouTube: Around 2024
(It can be auto-translated)

This is the playlist of an Iranian propaganda series, translated: Window on Palestine. Make no mistake about it, this is very slanted propaganda, but it is what is being peddled throughout Latin America by Iran and Venezuela.

We dealt with this (Click Here) earlier. But now, we wanted you to see the whole playlist.

The show is peddled through the HispanTV network, an Iranian-Venezualan propaganda project. HispanTV has been removed from American and European Satellites because it is deemed distorted propaganda. It is considered antisemitic and anti-Zionist. Google blocked HispanTV‘s YT channel, but it is still leaks through Latin American channels, such as Daniel Jadue’s.

I posted this only for information. Iran is a detestable dictatorship.

This particular anti-Israel series is hosted by a Chilestino (Palestinian-Chilean) leftist politician called Daniel Jadue. He is a major player in Chilean politics, and we have already dealt with him (Click Here) in the past.

Mr. Jadue is Palestinian-Christian in background – though he is now an atheist – who shares nothing in common with the Shia Islamists in Iran (partners in HispanTV), except their disdain for Israel.

What has to be remembered is that most of the Arabs in Chile are Palestinian in origin. And almost all of those Palestinians are Christian. Very few were/are Muslim.

Given that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a religious war, the Chilestinos (Palestinian-Chileans) in Chile are divorced from the underlying reality to the conflict. They forget that many of their ancestors fled Muslim tyranny.

It cam be auto-translated on YouTube.

Argentina Differs From Chile Concerning Israel

Argentina Differs From Chile Concerning Israel

Chile is turning against Israel, thanks to a left-wing government, with a left wing president, Gabriel Boric, with a powerful Palestinian-Chilean community.

However, Argentina has just elected a center-right politician, Javier Milei, who is thoroughly fascinated with both Israel and Judaism.

Presidente Milei supports Israel.

So let’s go over some basics.

– There are 46 million Argentines.

– There are roughly 4 million Argentines with a degree of Arab ancestry. However, many of them are attenuated in their Arabness, being only one-half, one-quarter, one-eighth Arab, and so on.

– Most of the Arab-Argentines are Christian. They were descended from Syrians and Lebanese whose ancestors fled Muslim tyranny. These Lebanese and Syrian Arab Christians did not often have an anti-Israel prejudice, per se, as they often view the Mideast through a Christian vs. Muslim lens. Whereas Chile’s Arab tend to be Palestinians, who, even though mostly Christian, are hostile to Israel.

– Contrary to official statistics. the few Muslims who made it to Argentina, tended to convert, marry out, or lapse in their Islamic observance. Hence the official numbers for the Muslims in Argentina are grossly exaggerated.

The Jewish community in Argentina is about 180,000, the seventh largest Jewish community in the world. It tends to be centered in Buenos Aires. There was also an agricultural community in Moisés Ville.

They have had a massive effect on Argentina’s history, culture, and music. A lot of tangos were written by Jews.

So while Chile, and much of Latin America, is turning against Israel, the Argentine government is not. The dynamic is interesting to follow.

The problem is that Chile is a very successful country, a first world country, and a leader in South America, while Argentina, though bigger – and with a much greater potential – has a history of instability and poor government.

But here is an interesting aside of a video, which describes the Villa Crespo neighborhood in Buenos Aires as an Argentine Shtetls (Jewish towns).

Posted on YouTube: September 1, 2022
The video can be auto-translated, using the settings options.

As important as the Jews are in Argentina, they were once more powerful. During the dictatorship, from 1976-83, in Argentina, many Jews fled to Israel. The population dropped from approximately 300,000 to 180,000.

However, that number may not include the children of intermarriage, who might have a Jewish father, but a Christian mother. And if one includes the Christian relatives of these Jews, the numbers would still be around 300,000, or a little under 1% of the country.

Warning: Red/Green Alliance Full Blast on Chile

Warning: Red/Green Alliance Full Blast on Chile

Posted on YouTube: December 31, 2023
The show is called: Window on Palestine
Warning: HispanTV is an Iranian-Venezuelan propaganda outlet

Of course, in politics, Red usually stands for leftist extemism. Green usually stands for Islamic extremism. One would think they would be at opposite ends of the political spectrum.

In Chile, they are mixing.


Because Chile has the largest community of Palestinians outside the Arab world. They are called Chilestinos, and almost all of them are Christian. They number 500,000 and are roughly three times the number of Christians left in the Holy Land.

And they have a hero: Daniel Jadue, a leftist politician in Recoleta, a neighborhood in the capital province of Santiago, Chile.

Jadue was born into a Palestinian Christian Chilean (Chilestino) family. And, most notably, he is strongly anti-Zionist.

Big deal, one might say, but he is one of Chile’s most powerful politicians and media personalities. He has made a name for himself.

In the year 2020, the Simon Wiesenthal Center listed his behavior as one of the ten worst antisemitic incidents of the year.

For your knowledge (and horror), HispanTV, which is an Iranian-Venezuelan propaganda outlet is broadcasting and netcasting the political exploits of this Daniel Jadue.

Source: Simon Wiesenthal Center: SWC’s Top Ten Worst Global Anti-Semitic Incidents for 2020

Architect Daniel Jadue is the mayor of Recoleta, part of Santiago, the capital. Jadue, a member of the Communist Party, is a national figure and mentioned as a potential future President. Using municipal funds to finance pro-BDS and antiIsrael activities, Mayor Jadue targets the Jewish community with pernicious smears echoing The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

He charges Jews control of the media and dual loyalty: “It is an insult that the State of Israel through its agents here in Chile wants to import the strife” … “they have to learn and define if they are Chilean citizens.” Last year, Recoleta’s Municipal Council passed a resolution stating, “Palestinian people have been the victim of a deliberate plan of violence and terror by armed Zionist groups …” Jadue insists, “… The leaders of the Jewish community in Chile act on behalf of the State of Israel in Chile…,” adding, “I get along very well with the Jews, with the Zioniist I have certain problems.” Jadue is always referring to Chile’s Jews as the “Zionist” community of Chile.

Read More

Iran’s HispanTV (which operates out of Venezuela) is lionizing Jadue in some recent reports and trailers.

Think about it. A Chilean politician landed on the Simon Weisenthal’s Top Ten List of Antisemitic Incidents.

In the USA, this guy’s career would be over in a heartbeat. In Chile, Jadue actually ran for president and was a serious contender in 2021, in spite of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s condemnation of his behavior.

Recently, he got into more trouble with the Jewish Community in Chile.

Source: La Tercera (The Third): He is wrong and offends many”: Jewish Community of Chile repudiates Jadue’s statements against ‘left-wing Jews’
Hope Navarrete
Jan 2, 2024

Translated by Google

The group also criticized the position of Minister Camila Vallejo, who during the morning assured that it was “not up to the government” to enter into this controversy. “The spokesperson is wrong, this is not an ‘international’ issue, because we are talking about Chileans of Jewish origin, not the Middle East conflict,” she noted.

(Read More)

This is no minor politician in Chile – which is now a first world country.

This guy is a major player in Chilean politics, much bigger than the squad in American politics. This guy has a brain, and a power base. And the Chilean Jewish community is not happy with him.

He recently gave a talk where he presented the book: Zionism: the Ideology that Exterminates.

We have no one like this in American politics – at least not this strong.

Posted on YouTube: June 24, 2021
(Even after he was listed as antisemitic)

Now, it is true that there is a conservative element that is presently resisting this, but for how long?


So why isn’t the Jewish community fighting back?

They are trying to, but the Palestinians in Chile outnumber the Jews about 25 to 1. Though Chile has a large community of Jews for South America, they only number around 20,000 to the Chilestino’s numbers of approximately 500,000.

Moreover, the Palestinian community in Chile is rich and well off.

The advantage is totally on the Chilestino side.

Chilestinos Still Support Palestine

Chilestinos Still Support Palestine

Chilestino is a Spanish term meaning Chilean of Palestinian ancestry.


Chilestinos are descendants of Palestinians who started moving to Chile in the late 19th century. At that time, they were often fleeing to avoid having their sons being drafted into a Muslim controlled Ottoman Army. Later waves came, some due to Jewish-Arab fighting.

The overwhelming majority are Christian, and most are now intermarried with other ethnic groups, but are presently re-discovering their Arab roots.

However, what they remember is a Palestinian “paradise” that no longer exists, and they seem to forget that Islamic persecution is what drove some of their ancestors to Chile.

They tend to see the Israel-Palestine conflict in purely national terms, devoid of religious animosities.

They ignore the Islamic aspect of the struggle, an Islamic aspect that once persecuted their own Christian ancestors. The ignore that, were the Palestine side to win, the Christians left in the Holy Land would not fare well.

They are very anti-Israel, but are a rich and powerful community, which can hijack Chile’s foreign policy.

In many ways, the Chilestinos resemble the Jewish community in the USA which punches well above its weight in political influence — except that the Chilestinian community is anti-Israel.

Source: Police in Chile guard Jews after anti-Semitic attacks
By Gil Stern, Stern Shefler
August 18, 2010
Jerusalem Post

Public opinion in Chile is often influenced by the country’s politically powerful 200,000 Palestinian immigrants and their descendents.

“The Palestinian community is to Chile what the Jewish community is to the US,” [The president of Chile’s Jewish community, Gabriel] Zaliasnik explained.

[My Note: The Palestinians are closer to 500,000 in number]

This tweet (below) is from Dec 21, 2023.

The Palestinian Community thanked the President of Chile for his participation in a Chilestino Christmas ceremony and his constant support for the people of Palestine.

American politicians go to AIPAC. Chilean politicians bow to the Palestinian community.

These Chilestinos don’t seem to consider the probable consequences that an Islamic victory might present to any of their relatives left in the Holy Land. As noted above, the Chilestinos are sympathetic and nostalgic for a Palestinian cause that no longer exits, if it ever existed at all.

Source: ‘Sometimes you feel you’re in Palestine’: culture and cause burn brightly in Chile
The Guardian
John Bartlett in Santiago
November 28, 2023

Here in Santiago, 8,000 miles from Gaza, Palestine’s cause and culture burn brightly: Chile is home to the largest Palestinian diaspora outside the Middle East, numbering as many as 500,000 people.

“I would love to say that the support is born from an innate sympathy for human suffering,” said Dalal Marzuca, 28, a third-generation Chilean Palestinian. “But I think it’s more likely that everyone here just has a friend, colleague or classmate with Palestinian heritage.”

Marzuca works at a Palestinian coffee shop in the city centre where – between brewing thick dark coffee and serving up sticky, sweet knafeh – she follows the latest news from Gaza via WhatsApp and Instagram.

“Being Chilean Palestinian is unique,” said Marzuca. “I’m not entirely one nor the other, but I know how much what happens in Gaza is affecting me.”

Earlier this month, Marzuca was one of thousands of people who marched beneath a sea of Palestinian flags towards La Moneda, the presidential palace in Santiago, as the diaspora lent its considerable voice to the global clamour for a ceasefire.

(Read more)

Posted on YouTube: December 17, 2023
From a December 11 protest

The Chilestinos are not Muslims, they are myopic Christians.

Source: ‘Sometimes you feel you’re in Palestine’: culture and cause burn brightly in Chile
The Guardian
John Bartlett in Santiago
November 28, 2023

Most were Orthodox Christians from Beit Jala, Bethlehem and Beit Sahour, and by the second generation, many were already integrated into Catholic churches.

(Read more)

The Chilestinos imagine the Palestine of their ancestors to have been a halcyon land, forgetting the very real persecutions that their own Christian ancestors had suffered under Muslim rule.

This is an incredible thing to watch. How can they be so deluded?

Yet, when it comes to Mideast policy, the Chilestinos seem to steer Chile’s ship of state.

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