Islamic Group Teaching Arabic To Brazilians

Islamic Group Teaching Arabic To Brazilians

Posted on YouTube: May 18, 2017

Interesting. A lot of Muslim groups are trying to teach Arabic to Latin Americans as a way to convert them to Islam. This is not the only one.

However, I do not think they will succeed for the most part. There is a massive Evangelical Christian Revival going on in Latin America, which brings in millions per year. The Evangelical Christians are winning.

For the most part, I believe the Arab intrusion into Latin America will result not so much in conversion to Islam, but in generating an anti-Israel political position. The Latin Americans will remain Christian, but become virulently anti-Israel … EXCEPT …

Where the Evangelicals are strong.

Brazil is about one-quarter Evangelical right now, and those figures are growing. The Brazilian-Evangelicals are strongly pro-Israel. And it is effecting Brazil’s politics.

Posted on YouTube: May 20, 2014

Or this astounding event:

Posted on YouTube: July 21, 2015

Source: Is Christian Zionism Flowering in Brazil?
The American Interest – July 26, 2014

Could a wave of Christian Zionism soon hit Latin America’s most important country? The NYT reports that a Brazilian Pentecostal Christian denomination called the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God has built a huge replica of Solomon’s Temple in Sao Paulo, closely modeled after Biblical descriptions of the structure. The money for the church came from the Church’s founder, media mogul Edir Macedo. An Israeli flag flies nearby, Macedo walks around wearing a skull cap, and menorahs are found throughout the building. The Church’s spokeswoman told the Times, “There is just one biblical faith; it is impossible to disassociate Christianity from its Jewish roots.”

Brazil has about 44 Million Evangelicals. Islam does not stand a chance in Brazil, nor much of South America; but as noted, where Evangelicalism is weaker, an anti-Israel political view can influenced by Islamic political propaganda, even if not religion.

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