Want to Join Club Palestino?!
Posted on YouTube: February 23, 2017
Club Palestino is in the heart of the Santiago, Chile, Metro area, only 13 km from the Moneda Palace.
Take a look at that video. Smack in the middle of Chile’s capital Metro Area. [Actually, an adjacent suburb, Las Condes]
Las Condes is home to Chile’s wealthy and elite. The locals call the shopping district in Las Condes: “Sanhattan,” to compare it to Manhattan. Yet, the Palestinians have their own Central Park in the middle of Las Condes.
NOTE: This post was originally made on June 7, 2013. I have updated the information, and reset the date, because this is critical information that needs to be re-examined.
I have reported before on the radicalization of Chile’s Palestinian Population.
Their statistics:
1) The Palestinians in Chile number roughly 500,000.
2) They constitute the largest number of Palestinians outside the Mideast.
3) More Palestinian Christians are in Chile than in the Mideast.
4) The Palestinians in Chile are roughly 99% CHRISTIAN.
5) Many have ancestors who arrived in South America before 1930, before Israel; so they can’t blame all of their predicament on Israel.
6) They are often very rich, elite in Chile; so they can’t complain that their lives are worse off.
You would think such a group of Christians would not espouse the Islamicized cause of Palestinian nationalism; but you would be wrong. In 1947, though the government of Chile was initially predisposed to vote for the partition of Palestine in the UN vote, creating a Jewish state; but the Palestinians in Chile were so powerful, even at that early date, that they forced the government of Chile to abstain. One Chilean government official resigned in protest.
Today, the Palestinians in Chile are very radicalized against Israel.
2013 UGEP webpage – No longer online
Take a look at the 2013 home page for the website for the Union General de Estudiantes Palestinos (UGEP) [General Union of Palestinian Students]. It is no longer online, but the UGEP has not disappeared in Chile. The UGEP still runs a prominent Facebook Page; and they work with other anti-Israel groups in Chile.
But, notice the prominent placement given the Dome of the Rock, a Muslim Shrine, on their homepage banner for the 2013 Website.
Yet, almost all these Chilean students are Christians. Their ancestors came from Bethlehem, Beit Sahour, and Beit Jala … all of which were heavily Christian when their ancestors left.
Why didn’t a picture of a church figure prominently in their banner image? I know the Dome of the Rock is an impressive site which defines the image of Jerusalem; but these Palestinian-Chileans are primarily Christian.
When you study the activities of Christian-Palestinian-Chileans, they will often be using Islamic imagery. It is scary.
Yo Soy Palestino (I am Palestinian) – April 10, 2016 – by Federación Palestina de Chile.
The music in the background is the Palestinian national anthem: Biladi
The most prominent of the Palestinian-Chilean groups is the Federación Palestina de Chile (Palestine Federation of Chile). They run charities, education programs – see video to the side, where the educate the children – and they have massive political clout.
The radicalization of Chile’s Palestinians is a growing phenomenom in the West. Yet, the United States and Israel, while complaining, are doing very little to counter this. A big mistake.
Chile’s Palestinians are the vanguard of anti-Israel propaganda in South America. Because Chile’s Palestinians are so rich, they have clout in a country which is South America’s rising economic star. They have the power to change a lot of public opinion in the Latin world.
Latin America is now becoming an economic powerhouse. It can no longer be ignored. Something has to be done to counter the strident anti-Israeli bias of Palestinian-Chileans. Now is the time to deal with this.
This phenomenom seems to be growing. Websites groups may come and go, but the the Federación Palestina de Chile seems to be the central organizing agency, now. It has massive political clout, and merits watching.
June 7, 2013 – Date of original post, before update. November 23, 2017 – Edited, updated, and corrected an error. November 23, 2017 – Removed Beit Jala video (Click Here), and installed a video by Federación Palestina de Chile. (2016) September 1, 2020 – Edited, updated, and modified for new layout. June 12, 2024 – Edited. Had to remove a video.
This elder gentlemen is Elia Morise, an Egyptian, now a Christian, who evangelizes Muslims. He is lecturing in Brazil. The younger man is named Mehdi, a Moroccan, who converted to Christ, and had to flee to Brazil.
South American Christians do what many modern Christians have forgotten how to do: Evangelize!
If Palestinians are sent to Brazil, or Chile, or Argentina, they will hear the gospel. This is something which is hidden from them inside the Ummah (the Arab world).
In the Arab world, street preaching, any attempt to convert a Muslim, will lead to riots, destruction, and death. It is not even a case of cowering the Christians. An individual Christian might be willing to chance death in order to win souls for Christ; but if the penalty for doing so is the destruction of his home, neighbors, and church, then he would be less inclined to do – not for his own safety, but for the safety of others.
However, once the Muslim is in South America, the tables have turned. In South America, street preaching is common, especially by Evangelicals. There the Muslim has no option to riot, to destroy an offending village, particularly when 90%+ of the population is Christian (whether Catholic or Evangelical).
So now the Muslim will be presented with something that he never saw in his home country: Street preachers inviting him to accept Christ.
The Muslim has no social defense against this. In Egypt or Saudi Arabia, the Muslims could riot. Not in South America.
So when I tell you that Palestinians brought to South America would eventually assimilate, trust me.
This ministry (above) sends out missionaries to the Muslim world.
Elia Morise also baptizes people in the Jordan River in Israel.
Posted on YouTube: January 19, 2014
If this amazes you, then check out the above video directly on YouTube: (Click Here). The writing is in Arabic, and it is affiliated with the Christian Arabic Church.
The Christian Arabic Church YouTube channel: (Click Here). Their headquarters are in Richmond, Virginia; but obviously they do work in Brazil as well. This is their website: (Click Here).
If you think this is merely an American outreach, remember that there are 15 million Arabs in Brazil. True, half are Maronite Christian, and the rest are usually Syrian Christian; but there are Muslims in Brazil. Nowhere near as many as the imams claim, but enough. They are a mission field. Brazilian Christians not only seek to evangelize the Muslims in Brazil, but the Muslims in the Arab world.
So do not worry. Any Palestinians sent to South America would probably convert in a generation or two.