If Chile were to take in 100,000 Palestinians (who would be mostly Muslim), the total Muslims in Chile would still be roughly one-half of one percent of the population.
They would be clearly assimilable.
If each Muslim came in with $100,000 US, they would have enough to set themselves up in business, and have a nice life.
A family of five would have half-a-million dollars. Enough for a car, a house, and a business.
A recent discussion on YouTube about the politics of Chile’s CD (Sports Club) Palestino. The Sports Club Palestino is almost totally unknown in America, but is a major force in South America.
This blog has been reporting on CD Palestino (Sports Club Palestino) in Chile for eight years. It is a major force in South American sports, and is a major political issue in both Chile and the Mideast.
If you would like to read the article being discussed, it can be found (here).
(Note: The picture is of the Chliean Congress, which is in Valparaiso, not the capital, Santiago.)
If you think that American politics can be weird, then look at Chile, where Palestinian-Christians have outsized influence.
Source: The Times Chile
September 25, 2020
Translated by app.
After an exhaustive investigation, the Embassy of Israel in Chile announces that the statements of Senator Alejando Navarro about the alleged destruction by Israel of 100,000 tests for Covid-19 destined for the Palestinian Authority, are absolutely false and lack any basis in reality
It is very regrettable that while the Middle East breathes airs of peace and cooperation, parliamentary authorities defend the most extreme positions, spreading fake news , inciting hatred and trying to delegitimize Israel.After an exhaustive investigation, the Embassy of Israel in Chile announces that the statements of Senator Alejando Navarro about the alleged destruction by Israel of 100,000 tests for Covid-19 destined for the Palestinian Authority, are absolutely false and lack any basis in reality
This would be almost unheard of in the United States, but it is quite acceptable for Chilean politicians to attack Israel. Chile has no equivalent of AIPAC to insert the Israeli viewpoint into the political mainstream, rather it has a very well-educated, elite, and prosperous anti-Israel Palestinian-Chilean population who can exert influence above their numbers.
Chile does have a small Jewish community, but it does NOT have the population, nor the power, of Chile’s Palestinian community.
Some of the anti-Israel/Jewish comments coming from Chilean politicians can border on the bizarre. One of the most famous/nutty claims was that Israel wanted to take over Patagonia.
As noted, in other posts, Chile’s foreign policy in the Mideast is seriously influenced by its anti-Zionist Palestinian-Chileans, who, ironically, are almost totally Christian.
This is in Spanish, but it there is an option to have it translated to English.
1) Click Settings Wheel and choose Subtitles/CC.
2) Click to turn on: Spanish (auto-generated) .
3) Click – for a second time – to turn on: Subtitles/CC(1) Spanish (auto-generated) .
4) Click auto-translate.
5) Choose English – THIS CAN BE TRICKY – I suggest using up and down arrows to chose English, and then press Enter.
This can be very touchy, and you may have to play with it, but it works. Once you get the hang of it, you can turn the option on in a few seconds.
This is very interesting. Pedro Brieger, a media force in Latin America – and who, himself, is Jewish – shows up on the YouTube Channel for the Palestine Federation of Chile, for a conversation.
Pedro Brieger is controversial. Many Jews consider him less than friendly to the Likud (right wing) strain of Zionism. That is for you to decide.
Brieger is an academic – He held (and may still hold) a chair in Sociology of the Middle East at the University of Buenos Aires – and also a journalist in Argentina, where he is a noted commentator, as well as an author who has written many books on the Mideast. While, he may not be that well known in America, he is famous among Latin, Jewish, and Arab circles – a major hitter in the formation of public opinion in the Latin World.
I translated (poorly) one of his commentaries which was broadcast on Argentina’s government affiliated Channel 7. If you want, you can click the auto-translate option to see how poorly I did.
Posted on YouTube around 8 years ago
I cannot over-emphasize Brieger’s influence. I have seen a right-wing Zionist websites tear Brieger down, and have communicated with left-wing Jews who love him.
The so-called “extremist” Masada2000 [a very right wing pro-Israeli site, which is now taken down] had listed Pedro Brieger as a self-hating Jew.
Again, that is for you to decide. You might start by reading some of his books, which are available on Amazon (Click Here), albeit in Spanish.
In 2006, Brieger claimed that the Israeli government tried to pressure the Argentine government (against) him and his broadcasting.
Pedro Brieger’s Facebook page: (Click Here).
His official webpage has been discontinued after 2016.