Apparently, with the power of Palestinians in Chile, particularly Daniel Jadue, who is a leftist mayor of Palestinian descent, in the capital district, Jews are somewhat uncomfortable.
In the context of the horrific scenes broadcast from Gaza and Israel, it would not have been surprising to hear Jadue speak of “Zionists,” also a misconstrued word. But what he said was that being a Jew is “incompatible” with being progressive. This affirmation attempts to unite ideology and religion, distorting the biblical concept of a chosen people as an ideology. This tendentious statement, expressed by an important public figure and transmitted infinitely by social networks, is a dangerous precedent that attacks, not only Jews, but “the other.” Jadue’s words are not precisely addressed to “my left-wing Jewish friends,” they dig at the core of a dangerous discourse within Chilean society. As Theodore Adorno warned in 1950, one type of discrimination is associated with others, and anti-Semitism leads to xenophobia.
Politicians in the USA tend to favor pro-Israel groups. The opposite is true in Chile, where the Palestinian community rules the day.
As noted elsewhere on this site, the Palestinian-Chileans – Chilestinos – are the power bloc of note in Chile.
Particularly of note is that the leftist president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, has said the Gaza is worse than Berlin in 1945.
So the Jews of leftist persuasion feel sort of betrayed by their fellow progressives in Chile.
Chile has a stable democratic government, but its views on the Mideast have been hijacked by the powerful Chilestino bloc, some members of whom are at the forefront of a Red-Green Alliance.
Posted on YouTube: December 31, 2023
The show is called: Window on Palestine Warning: HispanTV is an Iranian-Venezuelan propaganda outlet
Of course, in politics, Red usually stands for leftist extemism. Green usually stands for Islamic extremism. One would think they would be at opposite ends of the political spectrum.
In Chile, they are mixing.
Because Chile has the largest community of Palestinians outside the Arab world. They are called Chilestinos, and almost all of them are Christian. They number 500,000 and are roughly three times the number of Christians left in the Holy Land.
And they have a hero: Daniel Jadue, a leftist politician in Recoleta, a neighborhood in the capital province of Santiago, Chile.
Jadue was born into a Palestinian Christian Chilean (Chilestino) family. And, most notably, he is strongly anti-Zionist.
Big deal, one might say, but he is one of Chile’s most powerful politicians and media personalities. He has made a name for himself.
In the year 2020, the Simon Wiesenthal Center listed his behavior as one of the ten worst antisemitic incidents of the year.
For your knowledge (and horror), HispanTV, which is an Iranian-Venezuelan propaganda outlet is broadcasting and netcasting the political exploits of this Daniel Jadue.
Architect Daniel Jadue is the mayor of Recoleta, part of Santiago, the capital. Jadue, a member of the Communist Party, is a national figure and mentioned as a potential future President. Using municipal funds to finance pro-BDS and antiIsrael activities, Mayor Jadue targets the Jewish community with pernicious smears echoing The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
He charges Jews control of the media and dual loyalty: “It is an insult that the State of Israel through its agents here in Chile wants to import the strife” … “they have to learn and define if they are Chilean citizens.” Last year, Recoleta’s Municipal Council passed a resolution stating, “Palestinian people have been the victim of a deliberate plan of violence and terror by armed Zionist groups …” Jadue insists, “… The leaders of the Jewish community in Chile act on behalf of the State of Israel in Chile…,” adding, “I get along very well with the Jews, with the Zioniist I have certain problems.” Jadue is always referring to Chile’s Jews as the “Zionist” community of Chile.
… Read More
Iran’s HispanTV (which operates out of Venezuela) is lionizing Jadue in some recent reports and trailers.
Think about it. A Chilean politician landed on the Simon Weisenthal’s Top Ten List of Antisemitic Incidents.
In the USA, this guy’s career would be over in a heartbeat. In Chile, Jadue actually ran for president and was a serious contender in 2021, in spite of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s condemnation of his behavior.
Recently, he got into more trouble with the Jewish Community in Chile.
The group also criticized the position of Minister Camila Vallejo, who during the morning assured that it was “not up to the government” to enter into this controversy. “The spokesperson is wrong, this is not an ‘international’ issue, because we are talking about Chileans of Jewish origin, not the Middle East conflict,” she noted.
Un abrazo a todos y todas y que el próximo 2024 sea un año de mayor conciencia, fraternidad y trabajo con la comunidad. Tengo plena certeza de que seguiremos avanzando para terminar con los abusos y las injusticias. Y no olvidemos a Palestina 🇵🇸! #AñoNuevo
This is no minor politician in Chile – which is now a first world country.
This guy is a major player in Chilean politics, much bigger than the squad in American politics. This guy has a brain, and a power base. And the Chilean Jewish community is not happy with him.
We have no one like this in American politics – at least not this strong.
Posted on YouTube: June 24, 2021
(Even after he was listed as antisemitic)
Now, it is true that there is a conservative element that is presently resisting this, but for how long?
So why isn’t the Jewish community fighting back?
They are trying to, but the Palestinians in Chile outnumber the Jews about 25 to 1. Though Chile has a large community of Jews for South America, they only number around 20,000 to the Chilestino’s numbers of approximately 500,000.
Moreover, the Palestinian community in Chile is rich and well off.
Árabe Unido, which means United Arab, has been one of the most successful teams in Panama. It was founded by Arab immigrants in Panama in 1990.
Posted on YouTube: December 7, 2021
(You can autotranslate the video – but only at the beginning)
Panama has roughly four and a half million people. Approximately 24,000 are Muslim. which means that Islam is less than 1%. I cannot get figures for the Christian Arabs.
However, even tiny Panama has been changed by Arab influence, at least in the realm of sport. Árabe Unido has won 15 championship and 5 second places.
In practice, Venezuelan support for Palestine may not amount to much, but the government of Venezuela has been supporting the Palestinian cause for a long time, since the administration of Hugo Chavez.
This continues with President Maduro. However, inasmuch as Venezuela is a leftist dictatorship, the official show of support may not be anything but a facade. It may not reflect the will of the people.
What the policy does do is ingratiate Venezuela with Iran, which is problematic. It introduces Iranian influence into Latin America.
In an outpouring of international solidarity, thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets of Caracas, joining the global call for an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflict raging in the Gaza Strip. These demonstrations are part of a significant global response to the escalating situation in the Middle East.
About 1.6 million Venezualans have Arab ancestry – around 6% of the total population – which does not mean that these Arabs necessarily support the Palestinian cause. Many are of Lebanese and Syrian descent (mostly Christian) which means they may be neutral when it comes to Hamas/Islamic sympathies.
Posted on YouTube: February 6, 2022
(A taste of Arab food in Venezuela)