Brazil Is Looking to Expand Halal Exports

Brazil Is Looking to Expand Halal Exports

The Jews have kosher, the Muslims have Halal. And Brazil is looking to increase its share of exports aimed at the world’s Muslim community.

Source: Brazil: Halal Do Brasil Project Expands Product Promotion
January 16, 2024

Sao Paulo – In 2023, the Halal do Brasil Project presented halal products (produced under the laws of Islam) to consumers and business people worldwide in actions in Arab countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Germany, in addition to Brazil itself. The goal for 2024 is to expand the promotion and visibility of these products. The project is a partnership between the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). It started in January 2023 and will run until April 2025, when it could be renewed. Pictured above, Brazilian halal products promotion in a show.

As nations go, Brazil has a low percentage of Muslims in its population, far less than 1%. Moreover, Brazil is almost one-third Evangelical Christian, with a large pro-Zionist community.

Not exactly the kind of place one would expect to find a drive to export halal (Muslim religiously accepted) food products.

But roughly 15 million people in Brazil are Arab in whole or part, albeit almost all Christian. And they would want to make money exporting Brazil’s foodstuffs to the world, even the Arab world.

Posted on YouTube: December 30, 2022
I know the video’s data is dated, but the video
itself is only 13 months up on YouTube.

Religion aside, there is money to be made. Brazil is trying to increase its share of the market.

Brazil’s Arab ethnic groups give Brazil an edge.

Iranian Propaganda Should Be Stopped

Iranian Propaganda Should Be Stopped

Iran’s HispanTV is being called out as a propaganda menace.

Source: HispanTV Is Iran’s Propaganda Arm in Latin America; Why Is It Still Being Broadcast?
Emanuele Ottolenghi
Marina Rosenberg
Defense of Democracies

HispanTV was established in 2012, as a Spanish-language subsidiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting corporation (IRIB), which the US government sanctioned in 2013 and 2022 for its role in trampling dissent, spreading disinformation, and being an accessory to human rights violations, including broadcasting forced confessions of dissidents and foreign hostages.

Modeled after its English-language twin, PressTV, HispanTV targets Spanish speaking audiences across the globe, and is available on satellite, cable, livestreaming,

In short, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas’ main sponsor, is using HispanTV to promote its proxy, defend its actions, glorify violence, and incite hatred through antisemitic innuendos about Israeli/Zionist/Jewish control of the international media.

HispanTV should therefore face the same treatment as Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV, whose broadcasts were stopped by Europe’s leading satellite operator Eutelsat following an intervention by France’s broadcasting watchdog CSA. It was no coincidence that HispanTV’s sister channel PressTV was quick to denounce the decision.

(Click Here) to read more.

HispanTV has faced sanctions in America and Europe, where it is no longer broadcast. But it still operates in Latin America.

Here at Latin Arabia. we have been noting this troubling situation for years.

More Iranian Pro-Palestinian Propaganda from Chile

More Iranian Pro-Palestinian Propaganda from Chile

As noted throughout this website, Iran and Venezuela try to propagandize Latin America through HispanTV.

They are presently doing a series with Daniel Jadue, a well known leftist mayor in Chile of Palestinian descent. Jadue did not win the election, but he remains powerful in Chile, … and he is very anti-Israel, and has been criticized for bordering on being anti-semitic.

Gaza – Are We Before a New Nakba?
Posted on YouTube: Januarly 15, 2024
(It has the option to be translated)

HispanTV has been blocked from some countries, because of its propaganada, but it still floods South America.

A Jewish Leftist Is Uncomfortable in Chile

A Jewish Leftist Is Uncomfortable in Chile

Apparently, with the power of Palestinians in Chile, particularly Daniel Jadue, who is a leftist mayor of Palestinian descent, in the capital district, Jews are somewhat uncomfortable.

Source: Yes, I’m a Jew! So what? The Dilemmas of Being Jewish and Left-wing in Chile
Jan 7, 2024
Maxine Lowy

In the context of the horrific scenes broadcast from Gaza and Israel, it would not have been surprising to hear Jadue speak of “Zionists,” also a misconstrued word. But what he said was that being a Jew is “incompatible” with being progressive. This affirmation attempts to unite ideology and religion, distorting the biblical concept of a chosen people as an ideology. This tendentious statement, expressed by an important public figure and transmitted infinitely by social networks, is a dangerous precedent that attacks, not only Jews, but “the other.” Jadue’s words are not precisely addressed to “my left-wing Jewish friends,” they dig at the core of a dangerous discourse within Chilean society. As Theodore Adorno warned in 1950, one type of discrimination is associated with others, and anti-Semitism leads to xenophobia.

(Click Here) to read more.

Politicians in the USA tend to favor pro-Israel groups. The opposite is true in Chile, where the Palestinian community rules the day.

As noted elsewhere on this site, the Palestinian-Chileans – Chilestinos – are the power bloc of note in Chile.

Particularly of note is that the leftist president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, has said the Gaza is worse than Berlin in 1945.

So the Jews of leftist persuasion feel sort of betrayed by their fellow progressives in Chile.

Chile has a stable democratic government, but its views on the Mideast have been hijacked by the powerful Chilestino bloc, some members of whom are at the forefront of a Red-Green Alliance.

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