Iran’s HispanTV Is Ratcheting Up Antisemitism in Latin America

Source: HispanTV: The Iranian Regime’s Long Arm of Hate in Latin America
July 2024

The top two channels IRIB [the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting] uses for promoting anti-Jewish hate globally are the English-language PressTV, established in 2007, and its Spanish-language twin HispanTV, established in 2011. A joint ADL and Center for Countering Digital Hate report issued in April 2023, titled “State Hate: How Iran’s Press TV Uses Social Media to Promote Anti-Jewish Hatred,” exposed PressTV as a “foreign state hate operation” that targets “Jewish people with antisemitic tropes,” and attacks “charities, schools, journalists, academics, and individuals by promoting the conspiracy that they are part of a coordinated ‘Zionist movement.’”

To download the whole ADL report: (click here).

We here at Latin Arabia have noted the pernicious influence of HispanTV on South American culture for over a decade, now. Do a search for HispanTV on our site – we didn’t always tag it.

No doubt, HispanTV strikes a chord with some Arab-Latins.

A primer post, here on Latin Arabia, from 2013, deals with this insidious network, and can be found here.

This is an even better post.

HispanTV (and its English equivalent, PressTV) have faced bans in Europe.

But HispanTV is powerful and well known in Latin America. A Major Chilean Politician: Daniel Jadue (of Christian Palestinian ancestry) – a former presidential candidate – has had a series on HispanTV.

Posted on YouTube: June 24, 2021
From Turkish TV

Daniel Jadue’s television series (below):

The playlist was posted on YouTube: Around 2024
On HispanTV
(It can be auto-translated)

HispanTV has been thrown off of many platforms, but seems to always re-emerge.

The thing here is not to panic.

In countries where the major Arab demographic is Maronite Lebanese (such as Brazil), the political effects of the Arab communities can be neutral. Maronite Lebanese were historically hostile to Islam. Some were even friendly to Zionism.

Maronites tend to be Western in outlook, and they have assimilated easier and more successfully than other Arabs. Where the Maronite demographic is large among Arab communities, they will dampen anti-Zionism.

But in countries with large and influential Palestinian communities (such as Chile), all havoc can break loose.

The Palestinians are highly successful in Chile, and have out-sized influenced. They have distorted Chile’s foreign policy. Even Chile’s otherwise conservative politicians pander to them.

This is the audience that HispanTV would attract. While such an audience is indeed worrisome, it also has to be remembered that Evangelical Christianity is growing by leaps and bounds in Latin America.

HispanTV is annoying, but it will be drowned out by Christianity.

It’s effects on politics have to be watched though.

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